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Posts posted by Pwn3dg4m3r

  1. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:


    This is called a conjecture. Please read the wikipedia article on what a "fact" is. 


    If you think this is beside the point, sorry it is not. If you just want to emphasize that you are so sure of it that you don't accept any dissenting opinion on that, just say so, but please don't use the word "fact". It has been misused a lot lately.



    This is a discussion forum, anyone is allowed to post opinions as well as opinions on opinions of other posters. If your post wasn't allowed, a moderator would have deleted it. It still is here, you just got involved in a discussion where (almost?) everyone else seems to have a different opinion.

    Nobody will stop you from critizising, but nobody will stop others from talking to you and possibly telling you you are wrong.


     As to not just repost what i replied to Roland with just refer to my post to him minus the "you've been polite" part cause of your "go educute yourself on wikipedia" snooty remark.

  2.     I think a wardrobe feature would be amazing too, personaly I don't know why we don't already have a feature like other games where you can favorite pieces of armor and then equip them with one click.


    You miss understand what I mean by "allowed".


     I don't mean it in a strict sense as in the post will be removed if it is negative criticism, I mean that the general attitude of the memebers here from what I've encountered and seen from reading other post is that if its in any way negative towards the game forum members will try to discredit or marginalize the poster by saying "you don't know what your talking about because you havn't played it yet" or "you should just wait and see instead of saying what you said", or " well IMHO it's not that way" all those lines do nothing to add to what some one is posting a concern about and pushes their post to the wayside by making the poster seem whinny or projecting frustration. (Though I will say you have been polite and even give detailed responses so I do appreciate that)


       Go back and read the replies to my posts and other posters and tell me I'm wrong, heck just go up one post to BrunoFuturista replying to Arma Rex about Arma trying to shut their criticsism down by saying exactly one of the lines I just said.

       "I like how people are already trying to critique A20 even though we've had a very low amount of information on the update"


      That response adds nothing to BrunoFuturista's concern but yet that reply is almost the only kind of reply any one with a negative or valid concern is going to get from any of the members here. (Not all but more often than not)


      I like to play those kind of character too, just not all the time,(In 7DTD I prefer to min/max to be a zombie slaying fiend.) I know we all have different play styles, of course we do.  But removing the old system to be replaced with the new armor one strips that choice of choosing a play style and I now have to play a style of managing my strenghts and weaknesses.     

       Again I'm not against the armor sets themselves, why not just have both systems just add the armor sets in and you now have a choice of min/max your character or use gear that makes you manage your strenght and weaknesses.

  3. 2 hours ago, Roland said:

    It will be no different than now. Currently, to get the bonus you have to acquire a cigar. After the change, in order to get the bonus you have to acquire a ______. We don't know yet how it will work but what we do know is the following:


    Every piece of an outfit adds a bonus for the player (more than we have now)

    If all pieces match there is a significant bonus (more than we have now)

    There will be fewer overall mod slots available for wearables than there is now. (less than we have now)


    We really don't have enough specifics yet to be able to judge whether all of the new bonuses will end up being a good offset for losing the overall number of clothing/armor pieces in order to become fully kitted out as well as the loss of overal mod slots. I will say that in my opinion the armor mod slot situation has been grossly OP with no need for any decision making or variety of mod combos. With five armor pieces as well as clothing pieces all with mod slots it has never been any kind of game to managing and choosing what mods to use. There's plenty of slots for everything. So I think that going down to a total of four pieces will bring the number of mod slots into better alignment with weapons and tools. I absolutely hope they do NOT increase mod slots for the outfits so that it matches what we have had for the last few alphas. We need to be making choices about how to mod our gear-- not simply sticking every mod we get into an available slot because there are 20+ of them all functioning for armor....


    Finally, you should never judge a new alpha by what you were or were not able to do before especially when balancing is part of what they are doing now. There are going to be many times during the coming year where something you just got for free will be changed to having to work for it or something that was never something to consider before suddenly becomes something to consider. Not that this change is even remotely one of those cases...

      This will more than likely be my last post on the matter since no one seems to understand what I'm warning about in this update.


       Everything in my post has bee  nothing but facts:

       player will have to carry multiple sets of armor now IF they want to accomplish what they use to be able to do.

      Gameplay will become more tedious having to manage armor sets and a bloated imventory.

      More of the players time will be consumed just to do tasks that otherwise were accomplished fairly quickly.


       All the replys I've gotten are nothing but  "Well we don't know yet or wait for it to be released or it could end up being this way or that ." 

     1: We do know the devs posted it

     2: We don't have to wait for something to be released before we are allowed to give criticism, (good or bad although it does seem like only good is allowed here) thats kinda the point of releasing content updates.

      3: Yes it could end up going one way or another, it could end up being an amazing move, but the fact remains, with the information TFP gave us as it stands in the current state this is looking to be a bad move.


      I do agree that adding more mod slots wouldnt be good, by "adding" I meant adding things like cigars and goggles and shades as mods to keep the stat boosting items.

       Although what you mentioned about having to make decisions about what mods to use instead of just equiping all of them would just make a game about resource management even more resource management heavy and therefore become tedious and dull.  Especially when the focus of the game is survival, shifting the focus to gear would just seem off and distracting.  Sometimes cutting the players some slack and easing up on one area of the mechanics (making it easier for players to use gear and less decision making in that area) and increasing the difficulty in others such as the toughness of zombies is a more balanced and structured way to do it.


  4. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    @Pwn3dg4m3r There are currently almost no articles of clothing that grant bonuses. The letterman jacket, running shoes, and the face accessories are the only ones that come to mind. 

    I can’t think of a single pair of pants or shirt or armor piece that grants 5% bonus to mining or chopping wood or farming.


    So why the certitude that we are going to lose bonuses that will have to be regained by wearing outfits? By getting rid of clothes and armor as separate entities which bonuses are you thinking we are losing?


    The answer is: none. There are no wood chopping and mining bonuses currently assigned to any outfits to lose. Those will be all gain. If you chop wood while wearing the miner gear you will mine better than now and chop wood the same as now. 

       While the current clothing doesn't give any direct bonus some like cigar and goggles do give stats.


       For example I have lvl 6 strenght then use a cigar to get 7 so 

    I can get 5/5 Miner 69'er and 5/5 mother lode and save 2 points and use them else where, same for perception, the new system does away with these since now we only have 4 amor slots.  So now I'll lose those attribute points and go down to 4/5 in those perks and others.  Which means I will have to spend time (again the theme of my posts is concern over making players waste more time just to do what we were already capable of doing) leveling up just to get back where i was already at or have to live with what I got and be less effecent than I once was again resulting in having to spend more time harvesting. 


       Currently on my main server I'm level 132 which means leveling up 4 times to get back those 2 attribute points is going to take a long while.


       It just seems odd that in a game where time is a luxery that we have to manage agianst the coming 7 +/- days horde that we have to spend more time just to do what the players are able to do now before this coming update.


      One more concern is the rebalancing of mod slots,  TFP don't say if the means adding more or reducing the number of slots armor has.  If its adding and things like cigar and goggles get turned into mods then that would be a good step to balance problems that players like me would have with the new system.  If TFP stick to the theme of taking away things and reduce the number of mod slots then that will compound the problem.

  5. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    What you didn't explain is why you are FORCED to carry those sets and switch between them.


    Can someone only chop wood in the woodchopper outfit? Surely not. The outfits were described by TFP as having a few bonusses, nothing more. Are those bonusses essential or important ? We will have to find out.

      I understand what your saying, maybe i was explaing it from the wrong angle.

       Yes you dont have to use the armor to do those things but inorder to get the same amount of resources that we can get now you have to use the armor sets.  So not using them means your getting less so it takes more trips to make up the difference therefor taking up more time to do the same thing.

       Also simce you said yourself these bonuses are not essential then why remove the entire old armor system for this new one?? Why not just add the armor sets in and keep the old system as well.

        I'm not saying the sets themselves are bad just that scrapping the whole old system for the new one makes no sense.

  6. 18 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    I agree with you, your post was not agressive nor unconstructive.


    What Xtra may have meant is the overstatement in it: When you start your arguement with "I am forced to ..." you already lost the argument when all you might get or loose in the game are a few inessential bonusses. Now whether they are inessential or absolutely neccessary for survival has to be seen, that is a matter of balance and will have to be found out by actually playing A20.


    Are you forced to find any of the books in the game? Like the one that lets you walk over mines? It's a great book and I love finding it. But is it essential?


    On the other hand: Would a farmer suit that gives you a bonus to farming for example be essential? Well, at a certain early time in a game it would be enough for me to switch to it. So absolutely yes, the danger is there and it makes sense to warn them of potential missteps or problems in their plan. But they probably will not listen if someone calls it a failure without even having seen and played it.



        I never said anything about gaining or losing bonuses, also saying I'm being forced to do something does not automaticly invalidate my arguement especially when its true, let me explain.

        I'm the gather/builder in our little group my daily routine is; harvest the crops, chop wood, then mine ore and skin any wild life I come across and also loot some poi's here and there.

         Now with the new armor system I'm going to have to carry at least 5 sets of armor (4 pieces per set =20pieces in total,thats alot of inventory space),with me just to do what I'm already doing without it.  One set for farming, one for chopping wood, one for mining, then 2 for climate so i dont over heat or freeze.  (Also maybe skinning can't remember if that was a ser aswell.)

         With all that space taken up I now won't be able to haul as much as I use to which means more trips back and forth so it takes much longer now to get anything done.

         You could say that I should use my vehicle storage, to that i say I already do and if you've played 7DTD, which we all have, you know that even using vehicle storage, inventory fills up very fast already, now we have to sacrifice more precious storage space caring around armor that allows us to do what we are already capable of doing now without it.

  7.     I feel like you didn't even read my first post, everything you said i didn't do, I did.


     Not being constructive or leaving a alternate solution?  I left a suggetion of an alternate way to go about uncluttering.


      State my issue?  Felt like that was was evident, even since I did state multiple time that the issue is the new armor system and did inform the reader that it was cause of consent armor swapping that would waste the players time.


        Also I don't think you know what the term "wall of text" is.  Its not a post that just has alot of typing, its a post that doesn't have breaks or indentions or both and is just a long seamless stream of writing.


  8. I didn't curse or yell, I simply voiced my opinion.

      I'm not going to sugar coat it just to spare the devs feelings, their big boys and girls they can handle negative feed back. 

         You may think I was being "mean" but I say i was being passionate, passionate about a game I and many other love and enjoy.  Being overly polite or massaging the devs isn't going to get them to see that the players are very much against the new armor system which is the #1 disliked change this patch by far.

       The whole point of this thread is to leave feed back for the dev team including negative feedback not just positive.  If you think i was being "mean" or down voting me cause I wasn't polite enough about it, I say does a diservice to the devs, especially since I even left a suggestion of how they could do a bit of uncluttering if that was the reason for this change.  If it was to simply just streamline the armor system then they need to rethink how to go about it before they drive off alot of the player base since this system will cause players to spend more time changing clothes than actually playing the game. 

         Why would i want to keep playing if now it takes me multiple days just to complete what once was a single days tasks cause now i spend all my time swapping cloths and making numerous trips to drop off an overly bloated inventory cause of all the amour sets I'm now forced to carry.

  9. Absolute garbage heap of an update.


    If the clothing system revamp is due to an effert to reduce clutter theres better ways to do it.  You could get rid of the "parts" system ie. Gun parts, bow parts ect. since T6 items makes crafting those items useless and those "parts" just become junk.  Instead you could have guns, bows, armour items require harvestable resources like iron, steel, wood and so on.


    If this decision is just to shake things up or  TFP feel they have a better way to handle armour then they have lost their minds and will have succeded in killing the game in one update.  Do they think ppl are going to enjoy filling up their inventory with multiple armour sets just to be able to play the game. Spending more time traveling back and forth, having to drop items off cause players will only ever have 2 slots of space open.

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