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Posts posted by Raheal

  1. 2 hours ago, jdifran said:

    I'm wondering if I should grind to get a vehicle repair kit and repair one of the cargo vans or SUVs around town.   Would that (and steroids) give me enough capacity to move several workstations at once?


    Yes, after 33 days, I'm surprised you are still using only a bike. I would take a look at what you have for looted items saved up (which type of tires, or engines, etc.), which schematics you've unlocked, and go from there. You also may be able to buy a motorcycle or some other vehicle from trader.

  2. On 7/25/2022 at 6:59 AM, Biscoitoso said:

    5: The nights in early game are very very very boring scary! I cant even open a box inside my base, without the zombies coming looking for me. All I can do is stay still and wait the sun rise... Even with me not moving the zombies all come to my location and start wandering around my base... In the early game I cant build a underground base, because I dont have proper tools and skills to do that.


    Slight fix for you :)

  3. On 7/5/2022 at 4:02 AM, Deadness said:

    Where can i find coal deposit when burned forest is removed ? i was looking in snow, desert and normal biome and never find any, day 22 random gen, any help ?

    Journal entry for mining says snow biome, as you found out. Go to snow, and look on map for the black dots (there won't be many). Those should be coal.

  4. 23 hours ago, kamelophagous said:

    Silly question...  Where do I fill jars/can's with water?   Last time I played you'd left click on streams/lake/etc to fill.  Doesn't seem to work any more.

    Lakes and "natural" water more than 2 blocks deep that aren't part of a POI or ditch. You can also fill from wells found randomly around the world.

  5. 7 hours ago, nickuk01 said:

    Why have 2 different perks do same thing? Makes other redundant surely?

    One is Str-based, the other is Int-based. Do both if you want, or just one. I like that there are options to have the same in-game effect by different means with a different stat.

  6. On 10/4/2021 at 10:13 AM, Ecktos said:

    After installing and running this mod I noticed it is using a whopping 23gb of ram, is this normal?

    If you have a large map, yes.

  7. On 9/17/2021 at 10:20 PM, SpaceDuck said:

    Amazing mod, can't play it at all though.  The lack of storage just kills it dead.  If you could use world storage I wouldn't care that its much harder to build storage.  If you could build storage easily I wouldn't care I could use world storage.  All in all the mods great with one gigantic fatal flaw the just kills it.

    I feel your pain. Not sure if you knew, but you can use your axe on many of the backpacks, purse bags, coolers, and garbage bags around the world and use those for storage until you are able to make better storage. Agreed that it doesn't make a lot of logical sense, but it is a "feature" that impacts progression... it is what it is.

  8. 6 hours ago, Apaseall said:


    When I use the R key whilst holding a primitive bow, I only see 4 circles. Each circle is for the arrow type. I see two for sorcery, - spell types fire and ice, the other two are scrap iron and stone.



    I am fairly certain that with DF, the primitive bow can only use stone and scrap iron arrows.

  9. 3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    It's an option in sphereii-core.



    Dunno why people are obsessed with it though when you have an XP bar above your toolbelt. 😛

    I always liked it because it helped me know when something was dead vs just being stunned.

  10. 5 hours ago, Proof_89 said:

    How do you fix the low res textures for this mod? Really annoying 

    Every time I log into the game, I issue the console command "gfx st budget 0" and that helps in my situation.

  11. Is RH designed for the need to go deep into living off the land in order to be able to complete the journal quest lines, or was it something not intended, but happened with shuffling of where the rain catcher is unlocked?


    Same with table saw quest line. It appears that the table saw schematic is loot/buy only? Just looking for confirmation.


    I am loving playing through RH. The only issue (and not a large one) is that it feels awesome to complete a step in a quest line, but then to find out that I am going to need to specialize in certain skill chains in order to get the schematic unlocks in order to progress down the next step in the quest line. It seems to be a difficult balance between advancing the skills you want to advance in based on the weapons and skills and playstyle you want to play vs. finishing what seems to be the beginner/tutorial/journal quest lines. Again, this isn't a huge complaint. I'm just looking for a bit of a confirmation that this was indeed intended and also maybe what is the expected level to finish the journal quests:  20, or 40, or 50, or 75, etc. ?

  12. On 4/17/2021 at 9:58 AM, Nadania said:

    How come when I have this mod active, many of the textures in the game are muddy? It's annoying to play, especially when you see zombies with blurry textures, as well as cars and other things.

    I've noticed that happens with this mod and a few others. The research I've done shows it is caused by texture streaming. One way I've found to fix it is by hitting F1 to open up the console, then entering the command "gfx st budget 0". You will have to do this each time you start the game as that setting isn't saved. Hopefully that resolves the issue for you.

  13. I've noticed that certain of the rare/unique weapons will actually increase in quality when repaired if you have enough skill for the weapon. 2 questions related to this:

    1) What is the calculating factor for what determines if the quality increases. For example, I just repaired my level 42 black sky gun, I have gun crafting 5/5, and also classes/mastery so I can craft pistol weapons at level 71. Repairing the black sky gun took the level to 47, then 52, then 57, but wouldn't improve beyond that.

    2) When the black sky gun went from 47 to 52, it didn't gain a 5th mod slot. Is this intended?


  14. 2 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Steroids side effect is -10% melee damage. That localization is fixed in DF 3.4.



    I noticed that this was indeed fixed to show the side effects in DF 3.4 as it happened to me last night. I also noticed that my inventory unencumbered slots went down a lot, too. Was this also intended to be a hidden side effect?

  15. 6 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    That... is a good shout. It might be.

    I can change that so it has to pick a specific tag.

    Go into item_modifiers.xml (in mods/0-darknessfallscore/config) and find modArmorSpikes. Replace it with this.

    		<item_modifier name="modArmorSpikes" installable_tags="armorChest" modifier_tags="ammo" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment">
    			<property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceNail" />
    			<property name="DescriptionKey" value="modArmorSpikesDesc"/>
    			<property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkCraftScience"/>
    			<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/> <property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
    			<property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
    			<effect_group tiered="false">
    				<triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffInjuryBleedingArmorSpikes">
    					<requirement name="!EntityTagCompare" tags="player"/>
    			<property name="PickupJournalEntry" value="augmentGunsTip"/>

    See if that helps.

    Two questions:

    1) We play on a dedicated server. Do I make this change on server, client, or both locations?

    2) The PickupJournalEntry with augmentGunsTip doesn't seem appropriate. Is that possibly a copy/paste error?


    I will try to view the buff message and remove the mod to try to validate that it is what is causing the issue, and also validate the xml change resolves it.

  16. 9 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    The radiation is normal. The bleeding is not. I'll have to have a look at that and see what's going on.


    I checked with others on the server, and they weren't getting the radiation and bleeding damage effect, just radiation. One thing I just thought of tonight while going through gear is that I do have the armor mod in my chest armor that causes bleeding to anyone that attacks me. Could that be triggering the bleed effect on me when the rad damage happens from the wasteland zone?

  17. I noticed that when in the wasteland zone, when my anti-rad pill wears off, I get radiated and also get a bleed condition. I use another anti-rad pill, but the bleed condition doesn't go away. I had to use a bandage to stop bleeding. Is this intended or a bug? I don't recall this happening in V3.2.

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