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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Worked like a charm, and was even able to add in the psycho instead of the scarecrow during blood moon nights, thanks.
  2. Lovely mod, but I have a few questions ever since I installed this mod into my game: I: I added it halfway through my local server save (around day 23 I'd say), and it's been about two in game weeks, and I've yet to see a special zombie apart from when they show up during blood moons. Is this the intended behavior, or me adding it halfway though the save is causing this? II: How would I go about stopping certain zombies from spawning at all? Based on my limited coding knowledge, I guess I must edit a file/files inside the mod's config folder. III: This question pretty much goes in hand with II, how would I go about editing the HP of certain zombies? Thanks for your time.
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