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Posts posted by trolyambus

  1. What I liked about nitrogen is that any "hightmap" image taken from the Internet and cropped to a 1: 1 ratio can be used to create a map.
    For example, take this abstraction:

    Let's process it a little, feed it to nitrogen and get a map:



    20 hours ago, VALT13L said:

    Hello to all, and thank the devs for this fantastic work, but as expected it flatly refuses to work on my PC. As always with aps like this, my pc just hates them. As consequence i have a request for anyone who can help.

    Please be so kind as to generate an exclusively Snow biome centric map, like one youd expect in an ice age/nuclear winter scenario and post it here so i can use it, or if this has already been done, point me to the post i can turn to instead.


    Thanks in advance :)


    Check, please.



    On 12/1/2020 at 10:53 PM, Chrnosdark said:

    I want to generate a map for 7dtd but using the map of my country as a reference


    On 12/2/2020 at 1:23 AM, 4sheetzngeegles said:

    1 The first step is to convert it to a grayscale.

    2 resize it to 8192 by 8192 for 8 k map

    3 resize it to 4096 by 4096 for a 4k map. save it as a png file

    4 create a copy and paint your biome separations or it will be all forest.

    Rename the map png to import_HM.png and drop it into the resources folder.

    in GUI point to resources folder and to the import_HM.png. and it should work.

    From what I see it should generate cities town in 2 - 6 areas.


    On 12/2/2020 at 3:51 AM, stample said:

    Some warning on what you are trying to do. The map you have there will do bad things, because of the light shading applied to the rougher areas.


    Hello everyone, https://tangrams.github.io/heightmapper/#9.08333/13.7410/-88.7699 is suitable for creating game maps from terrain maps.Rename these files to import_HM and create.
    Chrnosdark, try to create through the file "import_HM.png"





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