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Posts posted by wonthisscar

  1. I installed as instructed (3.2), initially just enabled ping kicker and autosave.

    Then today I enabled custom chat commands for the rules etc, and they became enabled, and the customchat XML was created. However, no changes I make to the commandlist are reflected in game. I even deleted the list of commands and it was not rewritten. I have disabled the custom commands in Config.xml, but they are still available on the server, but with the stock messages. I tried giving full 777 permissions to the chatcommand file in case, but no dice.

    Does the server need a restart for the changes to take effect?

    Is it a bug?

    (I have also posted this to github, sorry if this is considered spamming you)




    If you need access to server or filesystem, just let me know.


    Having similar issues getting chat commands to work. Pre-Reboot it listed the default ones when /commands was entered. After entering own wording etc and rebooting I only get it saying /day7 and /pm. Also day7 is in the list as enabled=false.

  2. does this work with TCAdmin. I was given the option to download this from lowlatency, but there is nothing in the folder except for modinfo.xml. how do i actually use it. sorry for the noob question.



    Download and extract the files.

    Copy the Mods folder to the root directory of your sever.

    Start the server. The mod will auto create the config file in the game save directory. Enable each part of the mod you want via ..\your game save directory\ServerTools\ServerToolsConfig.xml

    Once a module is enabled if it has a config it will auto create them in the ServerTools folder in the game save directory.


    High Ping Kicker Console Commands


    maxping <maxping> (sets the max ping allowed)


    pingimmunity add <steamid> <name> (adds player to ping immunity, name is optional)


    pi add <steamid> <name>


    pingimmunity remove <steamid> (removes a player from ping immunity)


    pi remove <steamid>


    pingimmunity list (list all steamids on the ping immunity list)


    pi list



    The files you mess about with will end up in a folder called server tools within the saves folder.

  3. @Sinz - Intentional.


    Still can't get si command to show anything it says the player name and toolbelt / backpack but both show as blank. Have deleted the Allocs persistent bin, removed the mod folder completely and installed latest update (rev.230 xxx28926). Do others have si (list inventory) working?

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