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Posts posted by Lumpus

  1. Is there a fix or workaround yet for the crafting inventory menu disappearing yet? I'll be playing a game normally (and not adding new mods) and suddenly the crafting menu will be gone. This has happened to me a LOT, about every 3-5 hours of play - bug happens in vanilla, DF and Wasteland.

    Having Steam verify files doesn't seem to work. Deleting Mod folder and slowly readding mods a few at a time 'might' work for a little while, then bug returns. Eventually, game become unplayable. Re-Restarted new games five times in the last week after completely wiping 7d2d directories and reinstalling each time - same bug problem


    Deleted ALL mods (except those required for Wasteland)... worked briefly, then all craft menu options gone again.


    /unplayable until fixed

  2. Sorry if this rambles a bit, but has anyone had these weird problems in DF with game file corruptions?


    After about 20-40 hours or so of gameplay (about the time I've just gotten a laser workstation), game file corruptions suddenly kick in.  None of the workstation recipes will now appear in any workstations/forges and suddenly a number of loot items are no longer scrapable, like all of the scrap armor items... the 'S' option has disappeared.


    Game startup will suddenly start having world generation issues (lots of red errors in consoles) and soon thereafter, the game save is no longer playable.


    I use the Backup mod... and this helps, sometimes, to restore game to an older state before the corruption, but the only fix that's 75% effective is to wipe the 7D2D directory and reload all game files from steam, then a clean install of DF... and then copying an older game save backup.  Even this doesn't always reliably work  😕


    I think I have had this sequence of problems for my last 5-6 games, since A21 started.  Sucks that I've never been able to make it to the DF bunker in any of my last four game playthroughs  :(


    /not blaming DF... I think it has happened to me in vanilla as well 

    //nope... new reinstalls didn't fix it this time - time for another new game then <sniff>

  3. 4 hours ago, ihatetfp said:

    So... retried with internet connection, tried new saves, different maps, all lead to same total crash. removed darkness falls and BANG - same problem with all vanilla game. my guess now is at the shutdown of the first session on 21.2 b30 with DFALLS 5.0 Stable some game file may got corrupted... Reinstalling the game to test that theory as steam's repair option did not find anything wrong.


    I've had this problem before... the only reliable fix is to wipe the entire game directory and let Steam re-acquire all files.  Then do a clean DF install.  In A19 this was happening to me often enough that after a new/clean install of everything, I'd make a complete backup to keep on-hand to save time (the next time).  A21 has been nice to me so far.

  4. RWG is better (slightly) now with the last update... agreed.  To make 99% sure all of the DF poi's are spawned, you have to have enough space for all the different biomes (as Kaine said).  Anything below 20% each for forest/snow/desert seems to cause creation issues, especially for smaller maps, IMHO.  I used to do 60%+ wasteland biome maps and invariably I'd discover that some essential DF POI wouldn't get generated, or that essential ores rarely were spawned where needed.


    What I did see with my most recent RWG map is an overflow of 'Old West Town' regions.  I'm thinking about trying to manually delete them all from the prefab folder before regenerating another map, but I'm scared that RWG will just leave huge empty areas in the towns instead.  


    Oh... and is the new/updated QuickStack now DF compatible?


  5. 2 hours ago, Similar said:

    Edit: I'm not sure if this is much to go by, since he started with a very early V5 version and then upgraded along the way, even when it was recommended to start a new game, (I don't know which version he ended with), but in GNS' recent playthrough he seemed to get very good loot from horde nights and I think he had both Quality Joe and Wasteland Treasures maxed, at least the last few horde nights.


    I watched all of that series... very enjoyable (really good camera editing)

  6. Has anyone else had this problem with loot drops...

    After doing a horde night in the wasteland (lv 300) only yellow loot bags were dropping - no blue or orange ones.

    So I console changed game time and redid the horde night again.... same,

    Lots of demonics, incubi/succ's etc... only yellow drops.

    Loot stage was @ 750 or so


    Odd.  Put on Dev Cheat +200 loot goggles (loot stage 900+) and re-re-did horde night - only yellow drops.... and all crap (early game) stuff


    VERY Odd... so I took off any mod that gave loot +'s (lucky goggles/rabbit's foot) etc and re-re-re-did horde night in the forest biome this time at about loot stage 664 - Then had some blue/orange loot bags... but rare.


    Anyone seen anything like this before??

    A game overflow error where too much loot stage causes the loot table to wrap back to the beginning again???


    /A21.1 (B16 Stable) - DF B25)

    //Just upgraded to B28 - will try the megacity map next  :)

  7. 12 minutes ago, misaki2p said:

    If a player or zombie is set on fire, the flame graphic will not disappear even if you use a drink to extinguish the fire, die, or the flame duration ends.

    Is this by spec or is it due to vanilla specs?

    By the way, reloading the game fixes it.


    I'm actually seeing the opposite... when a zed is put on fire (burst gas pipe) the flame envelopment graphic disappears after about one second.  They're still taking the small amounts of flame damage for the duration, but there is no visual cue.  Other flame proc's like burning shaft mod all seem to act and appear as normal.  Not a problem - no fix needed, just an fyi


    /still looking for a way to undo FPF's gas pipe flame nerf 😕

  8. Is it a bug or a feature that scavenging skills/perks etc make no difference to the block damage of salvaging a killed robot.  Even testing the Dev: Wrench does the same amount of salvage as T6 ratchet or driver.  Or is there a new late-game tool that works better at this?


    Yeah, I made the above mistake in my first ten minutes of a new game, lol

  9. I know this is pretty much impossible until Teragon patches for A21, but so far in four tries with random map gen, I've gotten nothing but small-ish towns and lots of nothing in-between them - even with settings on max towns/POIs.  Even the towns seem to be half-empty (wiped game/save files and reinstalled clean for build 317).


    Anyone lucked into anything?


    /atm I'm playing the New York City A21 mega-city map... but it's 99% burnt biome, which is my least favorite zone to play in 😕

  10. As far as I can remember, character models on PC haven't been updated since at least A17 (when I started, I think).  NPC models have gotten lots of overhauls - and more coming, so I assume better character models are in the works, eventually.  Maybe when console gets updated too, A22/23?

  11. I've been playing around a bit in Creative, but can't figure out what the new A21 burning pipes are called.  I've tried ALL of the broken pipes (they look right but don't flame), and I saw nothing searching for 'burn' or 'flame' that fits.  It's probably something simple... so, has anyone found it?


    /happy with A21 so far ~ @20 hours in it now

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