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  1. Only reporting this because traders generate in larger worlds fine. So this issue exists in multiplayer and in single player a20.6 b9. Only tested it on 3k worlds so far. The gist of it is that traders are not generated when using the Advanced Random Generation to make a world smaller that the standard 4k or 6k map. First noticed yesterday around 1 PM EST when playing with friends. My computer is...mediocre at best, so the larger world sizes used to lag for me when connected via wifi with my old 8 GB RAM stick. I recently got Ethernet capabilities as well as a 16 GB stick, so me and my friends came back to 7 days to see how it runs now. To ensure I get as good an experience as possible, we decided to start small, with a 3k world. All three of us got NO TRADER for our "locate trader" quest. OK, no biggy, maybe it's a world corruption. We'll make a new one. This time, server host got a trader, but the other two of us got NO TRADER again. Going to the trader and speaking with them did not resolve the quest. I just generated a new world for singleplayer, played up to that point of the tutorial...and got NO TRADER again. I decided to test a theory and looked for traders in the POI teleporter...and they don't exist. I don't know if the one instance of the trader existing was the only trader on the map or not, as we didn't continue playing much further. Oddly enough, this issue isn't present in mods such as Darkness Falls (only relevant due to lack of bug). As I stated at the top: in 6k+ worlds (as far as I can tell) traders generate 100% of the time and I've not had this error, mind you I've only made 30ish games with 6k random gen worlds, but still. Screenshot, showing both the quest and the POI teleporter with no traders listed. https://ibb.co/GP1Y1cC Output log: https://pastebin.com/8gxUpzns
  2. TY. And that stuff about party gamestage seems to be all gibberish. Bleh. That at least partially explains why my gamestage is much lower than theirs, at least. I die a lot.
  3. I've tried singleplayer and can't figure it out. Let me preface this: Me and two friends play cooperatively, and split the perks/work in the game. My gamestage is always significantly lower than theirs, so what exactly determines it. One friend will be the crafter/cooker and it's usually not me, I'm more of the looter/miner, whereas our other friend is the sniper/backup miner. Yet despite regularly making stuff with/using crafting stations, my gamestage is significantly lower than theirs, even if we're all in roughly the same gear.
  4. I have to agree with the above. The dig markers are a thing because of how the narrowing works (each X number of blocks shortens the zone you are told to dig in) and the fact that any maps/locations from traders are supposed to be "approximate" so you (as a character) know "I dig around here, I'll find it" Also, the only quests in a POI are fetch quests. If you're "caught up in a POI" you only need to look at the upper right corner, unless you have a permanent quest there or something, it's not like you'd be used to having text there. Plus, you have to activate the quest to begin with. If you do that and forget, then like Liesel Weppen said, the avatar isn't wearing VR goggles that make this a game-in-a-game in a sense, so either don't do fetch quests or don't do them if you see it's a POI you care about? If the game has to be made easier because you can't remember you're on a quest, it's not for you.
  5. I got this idea from one of Rekt's dialogue lines of "I hope you are bringing some of that fake money in here" or something (I don't remember exact words). So here's my idea: Using the forge, you can create fake dukes (maybe using iron and brass? Or lead and brass). There is a base chance, let's just use 50% for sake of numbers, that you get caught when you use these at a trader. If you get caught, you get kicked out of the trader (a la the trader closing) for the rest of the day. When the trader opens normally the next morning, the prices will be increased for selling to you, and buy prices will either be significantly reduced or the trader will refuse to buy from you. This will last for an amount of time (i.e. a week) before you "regain their trust" in a sense. However, get caught too many times and word will get around to all traders, and all prices will be increased at all of the traders. With counterfeiting dukes comes a new perk! Fraudster! This would probably be under Intelligence, and each level increases the chance you won't get caught, or possibly the "quality" of the fake dukes you make, which would do the same.
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