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Posts posted by Ashlockheart

  1. 21 minutes ago, Maharin said:

    Roland vs. playerthatthinkstheyknoweverything


    My money is on Roland.


    1 hour ago, Roland said:

    And THIS foundation has three platforms.


    I'm 1000% positive they picked three. (being privy to their development meetings and all)


    Good to know you don't care since there are three and whichever one of those three YOU pick for your own focus makes you correct for you. In other words if "What is the core foundation of 7 Days to Die" was a multiple choice question and the answers were A) Survival   B) RPG    C)Tower Defense   you could pick whichever the of the three you wanted and you would be correct unless there was a D) All of the above and then that would be the only correct answer.


    If in your experience no other game has been able to do this then your experience has now been broadened.

    Well if the devs tell me its three sounds good to me, but I will put money down it was one when they started, and built off of that to the next one.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    That's really not your responsibility so don't stress over it. Your responsibility is to play what is released and find the fun you like to have with it. You could ask five different people what kind of game this is and they will give you five different answers and all feel like they are having fun. If you are having fun with this game as a survival game but then someone tells you it is actually a shooter so you try and play it that way and then don't feel like you are having as much fun then just stop playing it that way and go back to the way you like to play.

    Its true that as the devs have developed 7 Days to Die certain updates have emphasized one aspect of its hybrid nature. But no update has pulled it so far to one single way to play it that it has taken years to settle back into hybrid territory. In my experience, the game has maintained its emphasis on survival, RPG, and tower defense ever since they started adding RPG elements in about Alpha 11.

    Sounds like a misconception to me. Or maybe it is every game but one: this one. I think this game has three main cores: Survival, RPG, Tower Defense and I believe the devs have kept those three anchors in place pretty well throughout development-- or at least since Alpha 11. What is interesting is that beginning with Alpha 11 there began to be a huge dissatisfaction from the PvP segment of the community who noticed that things like character progression and tiers of weaponry that were not equally available to everyone from the start really created unfair situations and they wanted TFP to maintain a balanced PvP experience. But, TFP never invisioned this game first and foremost as a PVP shooter and as time went on the game diverged more and more from a game that worked well for PVP. Alpha 10 really was the pinnacle of PvP gameplay before the RPG elements became a stronger and stronger influence on the game.

    No. The devs from the very beginning stated they were making a game that was "Minecraft meets Fallout meets The Walking Dead". They dreamed of making that game and so it is a hybrid and not one single genre. The fact that you are confused about what the game is because you think it must be one and we all understand perfectly because we accept that it is plural should be proof enough for you. You have always believed that it is impossible for there to be a decent game that splits its focus between more than one genre but I say that something is only impossible until someone proves that it actually is possible.


    Witness history in the making.


    I am not stressing over the game, or devs for sure, My responsibility is for me to decide, or feel how ever I want. Telling me my responsibility is to do what ever your telling me is some very very bad wording for sure, but I will let those things slide. I do enjoy the game very much, but I know for sure it has a core foundation category to it, and I was only wonder which one is was. Never cared which one they did choose, but I know for sure when it comes to developing a video game all games have a foundation to start on.

  3. 58 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    As Kyonshi said the devs might think differently. You can speculate that they secretly don't and picked one, but are you really sure every dev picked the same? 😉


    I also don't think that one update could make the game so lopsided that it can't be pulled back, not anymore. The simple fact is that the game is nearly finished and new features will only be added to the game, not transfoming it anymore. Transformation happened until A17. Whatever a new feature changes it can be balanced to not matter anymore if it proves disruptive.


    The game was made popular because it was a mix. Proof of that is that lots of forum users post their opinion that the game should be more of one of the genres. So there are lots of people who think this should be more of a survival game. There are others who think they need more guns because they play it as a shooter. And there are the builders who sometimes even ask why the zombies are so impertinent to disturb them in their building activities 😉

    And we have actual roleplayers here AND people so fixed on XP that they forget to play the game 😄





    Oh I am 100% positive the devs did pick a main core category for the game. Like I said in the main post I am leaning towards it being survival, and that's fine. I have no issues with the game being half this or half that, but for the game not to have a main core foundation makes no sense, and that will lead to other issues.

  4. 19 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Since the game is supposed to be a mix of several genres (survival, shooter, tower defense and minecraft-type builder game) you probably will continue to be confused until you drop the attempt to put this game into one single category 😉


    Well the main important reason why I will keep trying to put the game in a category is because of balance, and it is too easy to throw the game off of what made the game fun, and pulling people into it. One update could put the game into full Minecraft mode, and it would take a few years of updates to pull it back down to survival. Another update could put the game into full RPG Skyrim, and it would take a few years to pull the game back into Shooter/Survival, and vice versa. Every game has at least a main core to it even if the game does more than one category so its easyer to keep the game developed on the correct direction, and its less likely to rear off road, and throw the game in a very bad state that would take a long time to pull out of. Mixing things up is great but one of the category's is the correct one that made the game popular, and held peoples interest. So I will always keep asking what the main category is because I am sure the devs did pick one. It would be weird for devs to make a game that they don't know what type they dreamed of making.

  5. I am confused about 7 days to die. When I play the game it feels like a survival game at times, but once you get items, and other things it feels like first person shooter, or Skyrim RPG.

    What is 7 days to die at its core? I want to say its a survival game because they got the creepy mood down, but so many things shift when you play it for long amount of hours. So what kind of game is 7 days to die? I just want to stop being so confused when the game gets updated, and I play it for long amounts of times. 

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