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Posts posted by BarryTGash

  1. Oh, so it's you who got all my purple loot? I've found pumpys at tier 2,3 and 4. Not found any of the others at all and had to make mine. At similar stage in game.


    I think you are just lucky this time around. As a test, try starting a new game and see if your looting is similar.

  2. 16 hours ago, caatalyst said:

    What do folks do during the early days when night falls?


    settime n+1 4 0


    Seriously though, depends. A21 aside as that is pure vanilla testing, deep level mining if relatively early game, base work if further along and turrets are up. Sometimes I just watch a movie and wait it out.



  3. 22 hours ago, Ianua said:

    I'm intrigued by the DF mod, but I would like to know 2 things. Can I disable vultures/hornets and can i remove the horde days like normal. I just don't like horde days. Hubby normally goes into some xml file and removes the vultures, just wanted to now if doing something similar will work.


    I read in one of the posts here the DF has an endgame. Is that correct?


    For vultures, I use this mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/reality-check-removing-some-zombies-animals/. It replaces vultures with zombie Moe. Just use the modlet 'No Vultures', ignore the rest. It does mean Moe can spawn in strange places :)


    Hornets can be made not to spawn entirely: Open entitygroups.xml in \7 Days To Die\Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config\, search for the two instances of 'animalHornet' and change both prob= values to zero. Making an overriding modlet would be better but it's such a small edit I never got round to it.

  4. 20 hours ago, plzkthxbye said:

    I'm trying to find out if a certain modlet works with DF. It's called "Loot Cleanup". It "Destroys certain containers after looting, to clean up the environment." It's nice in that it destroys bird nests, garbage bags, and other similar containers, after you've looted them, making them disappear and helping you avoid attempting to loot said container a second time (I turn loot respawn off, so they wouldn't get repopulated anyway).


    Here's a link to the modlet if that'll help determine if it's compatible - I don't believe it's available here on this forum:



    I use one called JaxTeller718-BirdsNestAndTrashDestroyOnLoot that seems to work just fine (it's been in my load order for... ever?)

  5. On 3/26/2022 at 6:24 AM, Dimpy said:

    Perhaps there could be more disadvantages to using traders in later versions, like bandits start viewing you as an easy mark, or certain NPCs won't like you because you deal with the White River.


    A hub, like a trader, where people are likely to congregate would make a very enticing ambush location. All those people coming and going with loot and cash. That's a nice bicycle you have there... it'd be a shame if something happened to it...


    I'm not a huge fan of ridiculous over-inflation in games. I think I'd prefer to see a seriously reduced offering - say 6 items in the main stash, 6 items in the secret stash. More representative of a desolate world. You may get lucky and find that elusive beaker at the trader but the odds are very much against you. Perhaps you could request an item - lay down a fat load of cash as collateral and come back in 14 days. You may get the item when you return, after paying for the actual sell price (on top of the deposit), or you may have to wait an extra 7-14 days. You can't request another item until the first buy order has completed - the trader only has one runner. Maybe you could cancel the previous contract - for a fee - then wait a couple of days to set a new one up.

  6. 1 hour ago, Chivalric said:

    If you are going to use RWG


    These are the POI names: 




    An alternative is to use this website, drag and drop the files from the RWG world, and filter prefabs for "DF".

  7. 54 minutes ago, Boidster said:




    Only reason being, when I'm hitting grass I'm usually trying to leave behind clean flat terrain. If my 10hp punch or 30hp knife stab starts putting little potholes in my future base site, well...ha ha ha...I can assure you there will be nose wrinkling and possibly even a furrowed brow, mister! An eye-roll is not out of the question.


    If they give us a lawnmower/trimmer tool which can only damage grass, then I'd be okay with other weapons passing excess through to the dirt. Right tool for the job and all that.


    Obviously I'd not expanded on the idea fully :)


    A similar issue was presented to me the other day when, whilst trying to deal with a crawling zombie (one that I'd removed a locomotive limb from, not Steve), my melee weapon kept hitting grass, leaving said undead blighter unscathed apart from aforementioned amputation. So something like: weapons bypass grass (and do no damage to dirt?), only certain tools (spade/pickaxe) overflow damage from grass to dirt, grass is only harvestable by fists - something like that.

  8. 8 hours ago, Apaseall said:

    I desire to break the surface boulders when I smash into them whilst driving a vehicle with a mod installed.


    There is a vehicle in Bdub's vehicles, that comes with DF for A20. It's called the Willy Jeep (vehicleWillyJeep) - with a super charger mod  it seems to be very good at running over trees, boulders, fences and cars (boom!). Can make for some dramatic entrances in to weaker POIs. You might be able to reverse engineer it by going through the xmls.


  9. 1 hour ago, walkingwounded said:

    not having enough medical supplies, water, etc


    Little tip someone pointed out in the past. Fit the water purifier mod in the helmet and drink murky water to put the flames out - you can carry those in stacks of 125, a considerable improvement over regular water.

  10. 1 hour ago, Voras said:


    Could anyone tell me why for some resources don't show buying price? It has buying price but do not show total price.




    I don't think stone or wood can be sold or bought in vanilla, therefore the code required to display prices doesn't exist for them. Whether that's a simple xml edit I couldn't say, I've not looked in to it, but if Khaine hasn't done it then I'd say it's more involved than that.


  11. 2 hours ago, ElDudorino said:

    Fergit'n Elixir


    I forget about that - I've never used one. Perhaps should just get rid it instead :)


    Perhaps moving the solar panel trader unlock to advanced engineering: "unlocks chance for solar panels to appear at the trader". Or better yet, provide a chance for a schematic and have a harvestable resource only from solar panels in POIs required to craft them.


    I think if you focus on one thing it can provide unproportionate results, especially when rushing it. What would you propose? Perhaps tying what actually appears in the stash to game or loot stage? That way, if one is invested in it, they'll still get the benefit, just not so early.

  12. On 2/17/2022 at 5:24 PM, BFT2020 said:


    A little off topic, but this looks interesting - but I wish it worked along the lines of the next block receives the excess damage. An entire swing with a tool being nullified by a few blades of grass really grinds my gears  - of course, an alternative tool for 'trimming the verge'  without the setting would be necessary (or just fists).

  13. Dynamic meshes (as meganoth says) plus, I think, this new zombie behaviour to randomly go in to destroy area mode will also have an effect, especially on cpu performance. I've witnessed, over the course of several nights, groups of zombies gradually bring the side of a neighbouring poi down. They weren't targeting me - they just wanted to beat @%$# up and for some reason that wall was high on their list. The point being that little bits of damage being done over time to lots of individual blocks might be causing too much work for the dynamic mesh system if it's not turned off or set to landclaim block only.

  14. It's worse in the latest alpha - zombies can fully teleport through a wall before springing back. But, yes, the collision meshes appear not be animated with the actual entities. Which might explain why so many arrows to the face just fly right through without registering...

  15. What level of better barter? Max is a huge point investment, thereby taking away from other areas of specialisation - it seems like an offset; you get access to things you'd normally have to put points in to and/or find schematics for in exchange for... putting points in to it. There's still no guarantee the stash will contain what you want though.


    I think it caters to the players who trade and provides an alternative path for progression. Could it be tweaked? Yes. Should it work the same in multiplayer as it does in singleplayer? Probably not - and that's probably where the issue lies.

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