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Posts posted by MB83

  1. On 4/20/2021 at 1:09 AM, doughphunghus said:

    For modding, I’d you want to go there, there are several “overhaul mods” that make the game so different it’s a challenge. I won’t list them all here but they are in the forums and the mod launcher


    My initial idea was to wait with mods till the game is released (I guess it will be easier for modders to maintain and streamline the mods then), but I did start an Undead Legacy game a few days ago. Really impressed with the sophistication and ideas. I‘m want to restart tomorrow with a Nitrogen map though and without blood moons.


    On 4/20/2021 at 1:42 AM, Telric said:

    But imagine not being able to eat meat products alone... That puts much more focus on farming, which i personally never do. So if I got that trait via random or chosen, it would make me play a whole new way that I havent done since.... Probably a12. lol. Never was a farmer.


    A no meat run sounds pretty cool. I‘ve never gone into farming and just mindlessly toss seeds away. I suppose that would work without a mod as well, but a mod with several variations like that would be spectacular. Do you already have a plan for release date?

  2. 22 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    I do this sometimes in testing: I pick a gun/melee weapon and give myself a level 6 with 1 stack of ammo (if it's a gun) and play nomad with never visiting a trader (also delete the starter quest). 


    I find it fun to also make blood moon completely random, as in turn off the warning and mess with the ranges. Mix in different settings to taste :)


    sometimes I give myself a vehicle with like 10% fuel in it.


    For a while I did something similar just to try out every weapon there is. Focusing on a different weapon can be like it‘s own game mode, always requires a different approach. But I‘m definitely too scared for random horde nights without warning, hehe

  3. 18 hours ago, Hyperbolt said:

    For something short-term ive done a challenge a handfull of times where you have around 20 minute days, bloodmoon every day, and then see how long you can survive!  I never bother building any base(not enough time) so i mostly just board up wherever location im currently in when bloodmoon strikes!  I usually increase exp and loot-gain for this mode, but thats optional, just as the difficulty of zombies :)  

    And yes, if you die, the game is over!



    So basically a time management simulator 😆 I assume in larger POIs you probably have to spend a night to reach the loot room. And generally just live out the bag. Quite challenging, but cool variation!

  4. 10 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    Adding one I did a long time ago by accident just to play around:

    turn up the player the zed block destruction really high. You can no longer easily hide in a base or POi, and early game this really kicks up being careful and moving around and choosing where to hang out much. It also makes random hordes very dangerous.  I remember when I did this long ago I was thinking “blocks are just a little too OP” and then like on day 2 when I chose to hide on the first floor in a big apartment complex I had not cleared yet, the zeds just started shredding the basement walls and were jumping into the building so fast I realized the horrible mistake I had made as I clutched my level 1 club and crouched behind a door.

    but it was fun


    i think I saw someone make a “run!” Series that might have been similar, where they had to always keep moving, but I think they changed more settings than just block damage


    This sounds awesome. I have the habit of blocking off everything while clearing a POI, making sure nothing creeps up on me and leaving me lots of time to react. Relying on the stopping power of blocks. Wonder what it‘s like if the blocks are just a minor inconvenience for the zeds. Sounds both stressful and fun 😄


    16 hours ago, starscream said:

    wilderness survival.

    you spawn in. head into the wilderness. never visit a town or POI.

    it means every schematic you get has to be from perks.

    this is a long-play game. you may have to turn max zombies alive down to 32 or 16. but we all know you'll go with 64 right from the start :)


    Damn, that‘s hardcore. Intriguing though. No trader as well then? What about wrenching cars? Makes me wonder if it‘s possible to create wilderness maps with Nitrogen by just deleting or commenting out all prefabs in the prefab list

  5. 3 hours ago, Axonius said:

    I think there is potential for having a City rebuilding element to the game. Meaning that once a clear a certain region, civilians start moving in and you have to protect to them. Maybe you can 'train' some of those civilians to help you fight zombies. Basicaly a version of what Fallout 4 did with the settlements.


    That‘s a really awesome idea. I mean since they are working on bandits already, adding civilians and some mechanic for them moving in doesn‘t seem that far-fetched. Maybe even within reach of modders if devs decide against it.

  6. On 4/16/2021 at 4:53 PM, Urban Blackbear said:

    Zombie clowns, the only thing that truly terrifies me.


    I never go into the churches in this game (especially church basements) since the atmosphere freaks me out. Devs did a good job. If they added a circus with zombie clowns I‘d definitely avoid that too. Still cool idea though!

  7. On Youtube I‘ve seen people do a "No Traders" playthrough, where they force themselves not to use traders. Or an "Out of the Bag" playthrough, where you are not allowed to store any items anywhere except in your bag. I like these variations on a theme and would love to try out game modes similar to these, but my mind is kind of blank. Do you know of any other modes like these? Or have an idea? No end in sight with Covid limitations here in Germany and I‘m bored out of my mind to be honest, so any gameplay ideas are greatly welcome 😅

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