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Posts posted by Kiernan531

  1. 18 hours ago, SnowBee said:


    It sounds like you just copied over the mods folder, and overwrote the previous mods folder? I know you said you moved the files/folders out, but I am curious if it may have not just copied them? Whatever the case, delete the old mods folder, and whether it is AOO or DF, then copy the new mods folder into your game folder.


    If in doubt, make a new copy of your complete 7 Days to Die folder, then put the new mods folder into that, or make a mods folder and copy the mod contents into it. It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, but content getting mixed up between two mods I think is only from mixing up the files/folders.

    I figured it out.  When I first started playing DF I was unaware of the issue with DF specific POIs not loading in random generated worlds.  When they weren't showing up I tried to fix it by copying all the DF specific POIs to the appdata/roaming/7DaysToDie/Mods folder.  That is where it was pulling the info from after I moved the mods out of the main Steam gaming folder.  Once I moved those out everything loaded up normally.

  2. I'm running into an issue where I decided to try playing a different mod for a while (Age of Oblivion) so I moved all of the DF mod files to a different location outside of the 7d2d folder.  But every time I try to start one of the AOO pregen maps I get errors when it tries to load traders saying that the DF white river scout in the prefab is unknown and skips it, so then none of the traders spawn in the world outside of AOO specific traders.  The problem being that the regular traders like Jen and Joel are supposed to have areas underneath them that have story necessity parts, so if they don't load at all it is impossible to finish the mod story.  On top of moving the mod folders out I have also verified the game files but it still won't load the traders, even with a brand new game start.  Any suggestions short of completely deleting the game and reinstalling?

  3. On 1/12/2022 at 12:22 PM, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

    Is the deep fryer a separate random schematic or is that supposed to spawn with the quest? i started the quest but can not make a deep fryer at the moment and do not see how to make one. 

    If you are still looking for the deep fryer, build an "all ovens" and hold R to change the shape.  The Deep Fryer should be the last option.

  4. Didn't see mention of it anywhere else so will put it here.  I am having a glitch with the quests.  It is stuck on one quest and I am unable to look at or switch to any others.  If I click on another quest or try to toggle it as active nothing happens.  I even finished the quest but it will not go away.  Any suggestions?


  5. 5 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    It was something planned but we had SERIOUS issues with the math, so for the moment, it is disabled. Planning to revisit it when I have more spare time.

    Cool, I was just wondering, because I know that some of the Darkness Falls is your original work and some is other modders work that has been added in and there is a mod that is all about stress and its management so wasn't sure if this was something added in.

  6. 2 hours ago, SnowBee said:

    Yeah, something Khaine added I think early in 2022, maybe earlier, but was never actually implemented. Various activities would cause your character to get stressed, and you would need to destress. I think he initially also added a line into the character's stats page. It has some great implications, so I hope he does get it going one day.

    Thanks for the clarification, although it makes me wonder, because without the stress reduction, there isn't a whole lot of reason to have cannabis in the game, as the only remaining effects I can tell are an increase to hunger and thirst, stun resistance and curing concussions, which would be better handled with other meds that don't have the hunger/thirst debuff.

  7. I have a very minor issue to report.  The Bag of Dried Fruit food says that it recovers 7 health but when eating it I only recover 5.  I looked in the Item.xml file to verify and this is the way it is set up, to say that it recovers 7 but actually recover 5. 


    <item name="foodBagOfDriedFruit">
                <property name="Extends" value="foodCanBeef"/>
                <property name="Material" value="Morganic"/>
                <property name="DisplayType" value="foodCanned"/>
                <property name="CustomIcon" value="driedFruitBag" />
                <property name="DescriptionKey" value="foodBagOfDriedFruitDesc"/>
                <effect_group tiered="false">
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyStats" stat="Food" operation="add" value="5"/>
                    <display_value name="dFoodAmount" value="7"/>


    I edited it and it now works properly in my game, but wanted to give you a heads up.  

  8. I hate this new learn by looting system.  It already takes forever to try and find all 133 of the perk books, now we have to find 1,920 magazines to max out all the crafting abilities?  This is the worst idea I've heard since the changes to farming in A20.  Don't spend any time upgrading your home or building a base, because you can't build better guns or tools unless you spend every waking second hunting down magazines.  Want some ammo or food as a quest reward to help you out, well forget it, have to grab the magazines.  Not to mention several of the perks lose almost all appeal to taking them.  Why put any points into Robotics Inventor, Grease Monkey, Advanced Engineering, or Master Chef?  I already only put points in them to be able to craft better stuff, now there is little to no point.  Hey Fun Pimps, if you want to find ways to make the game more fun, try looking at the Darkness Falls Mod.  That mod has made the game more fun than the last 3 updates you have put out.  More varied types of zombies, weapons, tools, mods, materials, workstations and vehicles while balancing a harder overall experience, revamping the skill tree in a way that makes sense without making it a complete grind, and encouraging more exploration.  At level 100 I'm still glad to find materials that I had long since before stopped even thinking about in the vanilla game.  It overall feels like a completely different, and ultimately better, game.

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