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  1. I've seem to fix it by deleting all current files, then only installing the latest experimental version because for some reason if the old server has previously been installed in will just launch that instead of latest version.
  2. Yes i restarted the server, i did log in anonymous, otherwise there would be an error you need to be logged in. (happens to me almost everytime i go into steamcmd). Also I have a pastebin of the log file, included somewhere where i tried to join. Hopefully this can help. https://pastebin.com/raw/THa1pJW6
  3. what I did was the command below and this results in the error of mismatch of server.
  4. Okay, I have this problem that steamcmd doesn't install the latest experimantal build (19). I'm trying to create a dedicated server on a linux based server, after struggling to get it working I came to realization that it won't work because it just downloads the 18.4 version even though I used the app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental. Any clue how to get the latest version without using steamcmd? Or a fix for this because I really want the server rolling for my friends.
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