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  1. I'm about 20 days into a play-through and I have a box full of parts, I could sell them but it would be more immersive if I had to use them to build other things. I'm sure they could be added into lots of recipes. Blade traps would also need machete, steel tool & robotic parts. Dart traps: machine-gun, rifle & pistol Electric posts: baton parts, Tripwire : bow parts, Wire relay: Spear parts. I'm not a modder but if any out there want to try - it would be appreciated
  2. An Expansion of basic crafting materials and Dukes not melting into brass. The introduction of three new rare ores Tin, Bronze & Manganese Tin + Bronze = Brass Coal shale + Manganese = Toluene Toluene + Nitrate = TNT (high explosive) TNT + Clay = dynamite TNT + Nails + Bucket + trip wire = Claymore Mine (would be like several shotguns firing in a wide 120' arc)
  3. I used to use https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/ all the time - but now how it works and the interface has changed. A Little instruction on how & where you are supposed to "drag & drop game files" Where are they dragged to ?? Why does the browse button open a window for loading files then do nothing ?? How do I import a map to view it ?? Is there a video tutorial to explain how this once simple to use tool now works ?? The MOST important thing I need to know... is the old version that worked still out there
  4. I think TRJ is asking how to update the prefabs list used by the April version of Nitrogen to include Utility_celltower_02 + remnant_house_13 added by A19 Stable. Also I think a couple of prefabs were renamed in the stable build - Nitrogen has it's own list and does not pull data from the installed game Combopack can be off-putting for people with a dedicated server as files need to be installed on their users computer. I wish the server would allow poi downloads as many users are a little concerned about having to install files on their pc or just can't find where to put them.
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