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Posts posted by MrGrim

  1. Thanks for these great mods! I just have one question. Is it possible to make a version of the Extra Tool and Output Slots mod that only needs server side installation? Unfortunately a vanilla client crashes right after player creation with an array index out of bounds error. The code for these doesn't seem to be available so I'm unable to analyze this myself.




    Oh my, as a warning for anyone else that may see this. Removing the "Extra Tool and Output Slots" from an ongoing save will cause all chunks with workstations to be reset when the game tries to load them! Thank goodness for hourly backups.

  2. Some friends and I have been using this mod on a private server for a few days now, and overall we're having a great time with it. The world feels much more alive and dangerous now. It's especially great when out and about in the world. Cities are dangerous, the wilderness feels properly infested, and it's a great time. The one issue everyone on the server is having, however, is the hordes are _relentless_ when working at your base. Each person ends up spending 90% of their time at base fighting them off. It's become a losing war of attrition as nobody is able to mine resources and repair fast enough to keep up.


    I'd appreciate some suggestions on how to tune settings to maintain that sense of danger when exploring and looting while allowing players at their bases some relief. If it matters, a lot of player bases are in converted POI locations.


    One thing that might come into play is that we have feral sense on during the day. We do this because vanilla zombies are so passive that to get any action at all you need it on. We've become so accustomed to it that it almost feels like cheating to turn it off, but perhaps with this mod we should?

  3. Thanks! There's one other thing we've noticed on the server we're playing on. Something was done in A19, maybe regarding the vehicle hitboxes, to make them less destructive to blocks being driven over. Sadly, after only one night of playing with the new 4x4's, we've already destroyed 2 bridges that have survived over a week with the vanilla 4x4.


    I tried to find a cause in the XML, but I don't think it's there. It must be in the assets. Unfortunately, my experience with modding ends there, and I'm unable to dig any deeper.

  4. A19 upped the max speed of trucks to 14m/s and seems to have removed all of the parent properties from the components. This is not reflected in the A19 version of this mod.


    Beautiful work on these, tho! If I could make any request, it'd be to darken the blue a little. :)



  5. I had the same issue with the output slots on the forge. I was able to fix it by adding a depth="10" attribute to to the grid element of the windowThreeForgeOutput window and changing the height attribute of the window to 198. I do not know if both are necessary. I compared the mod to the original game XML, and these were the two differences, so I tried it, and it worked.


    Thanks for the excellent mods!

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