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Posts posted by Dwight1225

  1. 38 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Ok, a few things going on here.


    1. The game only supports 8 players.


    2. Even in testing with extreme hardware, having more than 30 players will corrupt data and cause sync issues. For your hardware, you shouldn't be above 20. 


    3. 99% of game clients and dedicated server processes only utilize a single core. 7 Days will often use up to 4, but 95% of the processing is done on the main thread which is on one core.


    4. Setting the max zombie count higher than 90 will break server performance. Especially when it comes to the AI managing entities.


    5. This is a voxel game, your storage is your weak point. In my extreme test I had a full array of Optane drives pushing 45Gbps R/W. The max speed of your single SSD is almost a tenth of that. The more players you have moving around, the more data is being written to, and read from your drive. Most rented servers are using a pair of high-end NVMe drives in RAID. 


    For our groups servers, we're using a set of four drives in RAID. Max player count is set to 20, and we've been running up to ten servers on this configuration for years without an issue.


    7 Days is not an MMO. It's made for small group co-op. You need to lower your player count, and lower your max zeds.

    A huge thank to your reply!

  2. I am hosting a server with a A19.6 version, though there comes A20 soon. But when I am hosing a server, I find it that the server only uses one core at the same whatever how full is the server or how much load the server takes. For example, there are usually 20-25 players in my server with about 100 zombies at the same time. When it gets to 25+ players, zombies get weird as if they cannot find players and seem dumb. I try to understand this situation because single core cannot bear such a load with so many players and zombies (though that core runs with a 5.3Ghz, active core showed in the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility is always 1), so is there any way to set the server using more cores?

    My PC Configurations:

    Operaion System: Win 11

    CPU: 12900kf

    Memory: 32G DDR4 3000mhz

    SSD: SN850

    Upload Speed: 100M

    So is this a problem that the 7-days-to-die server does not support multi-core hosting or is it just that I set the wrong configurations when hosting a server (by serverconfigs in 7 days to die dedicated server root path)?😓

    If the issue in the first one, will it be improved in A20 using Unity?

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