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Everything posted by Scyth

  1. I had tried that earlier, and it didn't work, and I saw a suggestion somewhere about using a second effect group, so I figured I'd try it and see if any of the spaghetti stuck to the wall.
  2. I'm working on a mod to debuff building and mining on our server - mostly so the molemen don't need to feel bad about hopping on grinding out while they are on a business meeting. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get PlayerExpGain to work as an Append. If I edit the XML directly, it works just fine. If I try to do it properly, it doesn't work. <!--Test Case Eliminate XP--> <append xpath="items/item[starts-with(@name, 'meleeToolRepair']/effect_group[starts-with(@name, 'meleetoolRepair')]"> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="-1" /> </effect_group> </append>
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