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Posts posted by Varzii

  1. I might be wrong but i thought Khaine said the super scary mutant spiders would only spawn in the wasteland at night?  I found one as a sleeper in the t4 school poi in the forest biome although it was at night.  This was around day 37ish.


    I am curious about stealth.  I know its much worse in A20 than A19 but i have all 10 pts in the stealth skills and still wake almost everything up.  Sometimes they wake up before i even enter the poi.  Not wearing heavy armor but military armor with the noise reduction mods in each piece.  Just curious if stealth is a complete waste of time now.  Also is titanium armor considered heavy armor? I am guessing it is because the noise penalties are so high.  Thanks!

  2. Not sure why but the 15 slot toolbar is not working.  It shows the slots but can't use the last 5.  Not running a server just logging into steam single player. I did disable the EAC in the task manager after starting the game.  ...NM sorry :(


    Did find a bug.  If you make something and put it in one of the last 5 slots and place it on the ground it doesn't use up the item so i could make 1 hatch but place 50 of them in the world.

  3. I have a save game question.  I have been playing the wandering horde version of DF which is a ton of fun but i have lost my last few DF games to various corruptions so i thought i would be smart and make sure to copy my save folder over to a different location after each session to make sure i don't lose the whole thing.  So i make a shortcut to the save game folder for 7daystodie in which my new game has a folder in it and i copy that folder religiously and paste the whole folder in a separate location.  Today i am farming notes and xp in the bunker and i get a fieldaccessviolation error that spams my screen in red and i cant get out, restarting doesnt help.  So i log out copy my game folder from the backup folder paste it back into the saved game folder to overwrite the corrupted game and instead of going back a few hours i end up with a completely new game on the same map named the same.  Any idea what i did wrong?

  4. I downloaded the newest version and installed it in the d7 folder overwriting what was there to start a new game session.  Everything seems to be ok i start a game it gets all the way to initializing the game and then this window pops up that says 7d2d Unity with some random numbers and a green progress bar runs really fast then the game just closes out.  I looked for that error but the search function on the forums is pretty bad =/  Any thoughts?




    I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and then the mod files via Khaine's instructions and it worked so I am not sure what was up with the error.

  5. 2 hours ago, WhiteLion said:

    I try to get the lasser stuff and therefor I need the fusion forge and laser workbench.
    I think I need initial 10 energy cells to build them but could not find any. Someone told me they are in the wasteland in some kind of military bunker.
    I searched the wasteland and could not find a single millitary poi. So i searched the configs and found entries in the loot.xml lableed  "Scifi Locker", "Scifi Crate" and "Sci-fi Portal". The portal is the red big one. - I am not sure if I can loot there (massive spawn point on my map). Any hint where the scifi locker and / or locker crate are ?
    Is my research right ?

    The bunker in the wasteland is not located in a military camp really.  If you google you can find pictures of what it looks like but basically it is a poi with 3 or 4 small tents in a row and one large tent in the wasteland.  If you break up the tents and dig down you will find a hatch to the bunker.  You need keycards to unlock the doors in this bunker.  Keycards are drops off scientists and can be farmed in the lab which is found in the burned biome.  The lab is accessed via a hatch and ladder in a well beside a burned out building.  There are generally only 1 or 2 per map.  You can also get laser batteries from in that poi as loot in the tables or off the mobs that spawn there. 


    To make the laser workbench you have to take the supplies needed for it with you to the bunker in the wasteland including the laser tool which can be found in the tier 5 buried supplies quests or sometimes i think the traders may sell them if you have the special loot unlocked.  You can also find the tool as loot in the bunker, i usually find a few by looting crates there.  You then have to clear almost to the bottom of the bunker and you will find a laser workbench where you can craft your own laser workbench to take home with you :).  I hope this helps.

  6. The tool and die set disappeared from half of my advanced forges after the update.  I spawned replacements in and they do not work as well as the ones that remained in the advanced forges.  Cannot craft bullet casing using brass.  Get the error tool and die set required even if in the forge.  Also cannot make bullet tips of any type.  Also not working in the big forge, can craft in regular forge

  7. 3 hours ago, Melldorain said:

    craft time in forge.... 6000 cement=2439mins 

    I think I'm not going to survive next hoard night :(

    since you aren't smelting stone in the forge you really have to consider that in the time frame.  That's something you just stuck it in and forgot about it in the past now it's probably calculated in the process.  I am sure he will tweak it.  Just make a few more forges and don't try to do all of your cement in one forge.  I made 5 more advanced forges after the change and put points in quicker crafting and its pretty painless.  I would have rather saved the points but whatever.

  8. I have run into a really odd graphical glitch i was wondering if anyone else had run into. I placed a couple of auto turret MK2 outside my base and suddenly depending on how i turn or angle my character in the base my crafting stations disappear from view.  You can still interact with them and run into them but they are invisible.  I made sure it was the turrets causing this by picking them up and placing them a couple of times and the glitch stops happening when they are not placed. 

  9. Finding titanium in the wastelands? I am playing on the DF small map and it's extremely hard to even find rocks in all the clutter in the wastelands and then when you do find a rock that has titanium when you hit it there is nothing below it.  I found a few after searching for hours and i dug deep holes all around them with nothing.  I turned on debug mode and flew around underneath and there was titanium on the map but not under the rocks and just in random spots.  Is this just the way it is?  I didn't have this issue on a game on one of the medium maps.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Fren said:

    U still can craft farmplots I think?  Place them and put seeds in them, you might get less bonuses, but I guess its still possible for other skills then farmers?

    No, as far as i can tell its locked behind living off the land which is a farmer perk.

  11. There's no point to the hoe now in A18 right?  So in DF Mod only the farmer specialization can use the plots?  So farming tips is kind of useless? or am i missing something, i tried to hoe up some ground but nothing seemed to really happen other than digging up some clay.


    Like Align mentioned there is a system in the game called Wellness that you have to manage. Every time you die you lose 10 wellness points. Radiation and infection from zombies with covid-19 can also lower wellness I believe. You have probably died 5 times if your health is at 60 and you invested a point.


    There is an entry for Wellness in your log have a read it might help. Certain food items and drink will restore wellness. On their tooltip you will see how much. Vitamins will also restore 3 wellness. After you drink or eat a wellness item you have to wait until the buff expires to get bumped again. So don't chomp down on all your stash at once.


    So eventually i can regain it? I was just wondering if i should start over.

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