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Posts posted by Keino2020

  1. Hi sir Khaine!

    I'm currently lvl 92 at day 42 on 2.4.


    May I ask the following:


    1. When or how can I access the late game technology crafting perks?


    2. I noticed the junk turret's mag capacity drops down after lvl 51+. Is this intentional?


    3. The advanced forge show static values for smelting and forging. It refreshes values when reentering its crafting window though.


    4. What are the keycards for?


    5. Will Sphereii-mental Performance mod help with fps drop in DF mod? I saw the modlet in mod launcher, but under the Sphereii mods.


    6. Will upgrading to alpha 18.3 and DF 2.5 experimental require a new game? Is it compatible with our 2.4 safe?

  2. Hi sir Khaine!

    I'm currently lvl 92 at day 42 on 2.4.


    May I ask the following:


    1. When or how can I access the late game technology crafting perks?


    2. I noticed the junk turret's mag capacity drops down after lvl 51+. Is this intentional?


    3. The advanced forge show static values for smelting


    4. What are the keycards for?


    5. Will Sphereii-mental Performance mod help with fps drop in DF mod? I saw the modlet in mod launcher, but under the Sphereii mods.


    6. Will upgrading to alpha 18.3 and DF 2.5 experimental require a new game? Is it compatible with our 2.4 safe?

  3. Hi again Sir Khaine!


    Now Day 41. Is this late game already? The day horde is relentless T-T

    Just wondering for the following...


    1. Technology Crafting: how can the player access these late game perks?


    2. Junk Turret: So we noticed lvl 51+ turrets have lesser mag capacity than lower levels. Is this intended for this mod?


    3. Advanced Forge: The display values for the smelting and crafting slots are not updating (remains static) when the crafting window is opened. Getting out and reentering the crafting screen will show updated value, though numbers will once again be static. Is this still in development?


    4. Will Succubus be part of the late game horde? /(;_;)\


    Love the mod so far. Brought out so much potential that the vanilla could have.

  4. Hi Sir Khaine.


    I'm a new user of the mod and loving the challenges so far. Thanks so much for the effort!

    I'm not in game right now so I'm probably not accurate for asking the following:


    1. What perks govern DPS and effectiveness of the stun baton? In vanilla, increasing intelligence would also increase headshot dmg , etc. for stun baton and turret.

    I saw a vid in vanilla saying that the stun duration and dismember chance are broken and is less effective as what they were shown in the

    perk stats. Is there any improvement in this mod?.


    2. Does perk automatic weapons affect turret dps?



    3. Is there any existing wiki page where the mod has quide on its mechanics, skill tree, etc updated to Alpha 18?



    4. I played some quests with my friends and we shared quests. We tried going to one of the quests. When we arrived on marker (i was the one leading), I cant accept the quest. It just says to waiting to start quest, which I guess, can only be activated by one of my friends who accepted it. The weird thing is my friends see the quest symbol on their compass, but they cannot see the quest marker on the ground. I can see it perfectly fine, but there is no 'Start Quest' prompt. Any ideas on this?




    Also, my friend spawned some forgetting elixirs. When i drank it, my pts reset, but my class progression for Mechanic is bugged? I finished the class quests before already. Now i cant invest points into tier 3-5 of some skills in the mechanic class. It says I have to finish quest chain (which i already did prior to reset). Any workaround for this?

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