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Posts posted by elwooood

  1. I often get surprised in a skyscraper (I play with random blood without alert) and have no problem with that.

    I notice that if these is sleeper in the range at 22pm, they take the place of the bloodmoon zombie.

    If you want to skip a bloodmoon, go near a full zombie poi (the crackbook t5 is perfect for that), enter the first room just to make spawn the sleeper (no need to wake up them), as they are about 20-30, they take place of the maxalive bloodmoon. even if they depop, as you do not kill them or not, there will not switch at blood pop as the first one never pop.

    (hope you understand what I mean, not english here ;) )


  2. I often hear from players that stealth don't work. I don't know why but I don't have any problem with it. since T3 to T5, all my POI are made in stealth and no zombie move (except the one set to jumpscare or some room that zombie are hidden on roof without hole to see them, but if I sneak back enough, I can kill it/them without wake up the next ones). Just finish hospital this evening, only one z wake up by mistake of me. I notice a thing, when I enter a large room, no red dot are showed but by looking around they are here. (by the way; I think you all do it but, I remove all things on floor, using no armor, insane difficulty, only 3 in stealth and slow progression, so, dunno why it won't works on several players)

  3. since a18, serverside or local show 2 bloodmoon line in the console. only the second line count. be aware if you use the settime command (or timeline via dm), the bloodmoon day is recalculated. don't know if its a bu or not.

    for the freq-range, if you set freq 1 and range 10, bloodmoon can be on day 1 to 11 (1+10).

    if you want a blood to 7 days max, you need to set freq to 1 and range to 6

  4. thk for reply,

    I know it's still alpha (and that why I appreciate cause we got regulary news and addon), I post just because when I saw in the bugpool, the answer is "we know" but nothing about and day after day I see that perk gone more wrong.

    I just think about new player who will see this bugs...


    I retrieve the perk name of animaltracker (the one with 3 level, not 5)

    with the electrical, fire, bleed buff, it really occur with the weapon (difficult to see if fence are really affected with this but I presume (and i know that you need level 3 in ingeeneiring to get 20%xp ^^)


    so, as I mention, this post is not a rage but a question to funpimp ;)

  5. hi,

    first, let me know that I really appreciate the game and I don't rage here, but I have interogation,

    since 19.1 the hunter perk level 2 still not work (sorry, can't remember the uk name, this is the perk with you can localize animal, work fine at level 1 but 2 and 3 nothing appear even if le command show us animal in zone)

    since 19.5 we notice that zombie who die with bleed, fire or elec-stun do not gice any exp (even the electrical fence)

    I search in the bugpool and I find that these bug as known... (so not necessary  to repost specific post about this)

    So ok, but I think perks must not bug, imagine new player discover this, I think impact is more negative that a language file for integration.

    I'm sure the a20 made lots of work, but I'm annoying about this...


    note : I made a full reinstall of the game and delete all the 7days directory, even the directory in the user one, and thing still append on our 3 games (in 3 different servers and 3 different setup)

    please, correct this important base bug, please

    (sorry if my english is bad, hope you mean what I would say)

  6. another post here to let you know that we play on it since several month for now, and we asking ourself how we made the return to vanilla when a20 come....

    and be glad that we stream your mod every week (if you want to take a look, every friday and saturday night (19-0h france time) and sometimes on daytime, solo and server, look for my nickname on twitch).

    we play at 50% loot and it's really good.

    keep the job and hope this mod will continue on a20 ^^

  7. we will start a multiplayer streaming session, but my server does not have mod launcher and require manual config. do you confirm that the only thing I need to do is to copy the config folder of a local release (the one with all the xml and txt files) to the config server folder ?

    A simple question about stay inside remove restriction. Does the quest still in case of death or not ? (I don't try)

  8. good job, but... as at 50% eggs become already hard to loot, a 20% less is not for me, I stay on 1.01... 😕


    just a question (or two).

    1.As my friend are not open for a true survival but your spawning range will be interesting to put in my server. can I just copy the spawning.xml to got your spawn range or does I mean the entitygroups.xml too ?

    2.if I use a mod like Snifkin Serverside Zombie, does your spawning.xml will be affected or not ?

  9. made some try at 50% and 100%. your mod doesnot affect loot variety, just the quantity, and at 50%, it's really hard to find stuff but not impossible, I like it and for now can't play with regular parameter ;)

    just a thing, I usually use airdrop 1 or 2 times, but <100% the box is always empty. It's not really important as I use one time, I just pass to 100% to get 1 cooking to eat, just to let you know.

    I really enjoy the difficulty. Good job.

    perhaps made the Vending machines restock every 4-5 days ?

  10. ok i think i found. I test each item and the bug occur with the big magazine mod of my junk turret (the round one called "camembert" in french). If I delete this item (put on the ground and wait to disappear), the game load fine. I can retake a magazine via the creative menu to reequip my turret, it seems to work...

  11. Thank for your response.

    I retry, so when I load the game with my stuff on me, I spawn at level 1

    If I put my stuff in a storage box (I made it a different position), I keep my level but a square of 15x15 around the storage box is reinitialised (and the storage box disappear.

    here it is my stuff


  12. I will try.

    I just testing with putting all my stuff in a storage in my base and go far away before put the mod thinking I will give me back my xp with console command, but this time I keep my xp but a part of my base was reinitialised as you can see (with an error in the console)

    notice that there is 2 new creatures in the screenshot (a mantis and a cowhead i think ^^ (and before quit after sccreenshot, I was hear a new creature sound to my left ^^)), that mean that the mod work...


    EDIT: just testing after deleting quest and loot file, same thing. A square of 15x15 was reinitialised in my base


  13. hi, very good job. we love it on our server.

    but in my solo game, I got a problem. When I launch the game, I spawn level 1 without items in blet or backpack (all the rest is ok, base, storage, etc...)

    I use a nitrogen map (with all biome) did you think this can cause the problem

    (i made a save of my game to retrieve my true level without the mod)

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