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Everything posted by McDougal

  1. Sorry for hijacking the thread (I'll stop now), but I wanted to share what I just found: https://github.com/Perfare/AssetStudio/releases Perfare's AssetStudio has a good GUI, was able to load those 2800 assetbundles quite fast, let me preview all 2d assets and export them as png reliably. Kind of like the answer to my many questions.
  2. This project feels so cursed... so I was able to batch extract everything and then tested opening several .asset's at once (which wasn't possible before because of the compression) and select several 2d textures from different files, but then couldn't convert them because all of a sudden "Unable to open the streamed data file" prevents me from using the Png Plugin (which works when I uncompress the assetbundles one by one).
  3. EDITED: I was trying to use the export without deleting the "< >" around my bat-file. My bad.
  4. Thanks, n2n1. I am quite surprised that Unity Modders are such a rare kind if we take into consideration that so many games nowadays run on that engine.
  5. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I've read through several pages of the thread by now. So far I've seen several people asking about extracting several 2d assets from a single asset bundle, but nothing on batch uncompressing a lot of independent asset bundles and afterwards batch exporting png's from said bundles assets (there are usually just 1-2 art assets per bundle in Mtg Arena).
  6. Hi everyone, Recently I started playing MTG Arena. I like the game a lot, but many cards use art that I'm not very fond of. With UABE I wanted to change some specific cards image. I found out where the art for the cards is stored (MTGA\MTGA_Data\Downloads\AssetBundle), but there are 2827 Assetbundles. One for each card. Is there currently a way to batch extract those bundles and then batch export to .png, so that I can locate the cards in question?
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