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Posts posted by Khissi

  1. When I'm low on ammo, doing several quick, Tier 3 or 4 Infested is an amazing way to pump it up.  Fast, easy, fun!  Please, never nerf those things!  Also, I believe the Tier 5 Infested are just about the most fun you can manage to have in 7 Days, if you like playing solo and if you like doing stealth.  LOVE those things!

  2. City zombies are a bit harder, as well.  If you've been working inside a larger city, that would be why you're seeing those higher level zombies.  Day one city life is hard even at lower difficulty.  Keep slogging it out, OR find your way into a residential area and work there rather than in the city areas.


    2 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    In game, they're not all out better.  The bow has a better rate of fire.  The problem is, that the rate of fire is still so low (and fairly realistically so) that it's not really useful against large masses of zombies.  Neither is really a usable end-game weapon outside of stealth and exploding arrows/bolts.  You're certainly not going to have a good time trying to clear Infested Navezgane County Jail with a bow or crossbow and steel arrows/bolts.

    Traders often offer stacks of exploding arrows/bolts as rewards.  I keep those handy for 'Oh S--T' moments in infestations (we're talking large masses of zombies) which I am normally able to sneak quite successfully (not counting the jails... just.. not).  So much fun!!  Anyway, I don't play over Nomad difficulty because I'm totally not masochistic (thankfully not male, either), but, if you build your horde base to make the most use of throwables and such, they are a blast to use and VERY effective.  Just saying...


    However, if you're already in the Agility line doing bow/stealth, buy the first SMG you find.  Once you actually find/buy one, then put some points into pistols to make best use of it but keep from mucking up your bow magazine drop rate too soon. The SMG is totally a great use for all the 9mm ammo you're finding and putting away and, properly modded, will do some awesome damage.  That means you still have the fun of doing sneak/bows, and you also have something that will save your bacon when things inevitably go sideways.

  4. I almost always find one to buy long before I can make them at a higher level than I can buy them.  I know they're still working to get it all leveled out so not complaining... well, unless they actually listen to the try-hard macho-masochists that want you naked and weaponless for your entire game.  Seems most weapon magazines are weighted slower, for whatever reason, but as long as I'm able to find something to bash, poke, slice, or shoot them with to buy or as a reward, I'm okay with that.  Still having fun, anyway.

  5. So, my granddaughter, bless her competitive soul, came into one of our games a bit later than everyone else so was pretty far behind on the book front.  She got on her minibike and started exploring the map, checking EVERY SINGLE MAILBOX SHE FOUND!  She is now the leader in books and schematics, makes mods for everyone else, is almost my level and at about half my zombie kills but, jeeze... 


    We had already been playing for about two weeks, her mom and I.  So, no, I do not feel your pain.  I go hunting mailboxes now.

  6. Since cop explosions now set them off, it's a bit harder.  I don't make enclosed corridors but make a raised pathway using a thin walkway, like, centered bars or something.  They are easier to knock off the path when shot or even with melee and, if they do explode, the damage is a bit more limited and less inclusive of my traps.  I don't use lots of traps even though electric turrets will not set them off since, in a21, I'm not drowning in ammo any more (be wary! Junk Turrets and Sledges that hit that button will set them off), but absolutely use electric fences and jumping poles to slow them and make them fall.  Using electric fences to hold them in place while you take out their legs or attempt headshots (I suck at that so legs it is) works and other zombies will knock them off the path, as well, making them have to run back around.  Using multiple supports and double the thickness (steel) of the walkway will keep the path open for them unless you have many explosions in exactly the same place which, if that happens, run-n-gun... if your path fails, be prepared to get out there with them.  College jacket, running shoes, MegaCrush, lots of ammo... it's hairy but fun!

  7. 2 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Yeah it's not working for me either. I put in a bug report using the red banner at the top.

    Same for me... new game, no air drops though it's set for daily.  Thanks for putting in the report.

  8. 2 hours ago, Archael said:

    Dont get me wrong. I love that water is more scarce now. I agree with decision of removing jars. but relying on traders in order to build dew collectors is just bad decision.
    Maybe we would be able to build dew collectors without water filters, but in this case those would gather water slower, and gathered water is murky water instead of clean.

    I like this!  This would give those who enjoy the world without traders the ability to continue to play their way in the least intrusive way possible.  Excellent idea.

  9. 5 hours ago, Fox said:

    - Oh great, another one who makes assumptions about ppl making assumptions.

    - You also assume they're all having fun enjoying the game, but sure, I'll give you that one, they can't all be miserable.

    - "No other game out there can easily be changed" well, that's laughably wrong in so many ways. I guess you never played one of the thousands of Minecraft modpacks, a lot of which drastically changes the entire game? Hell, even Skyrim and Fallout 4 has more game changing mods than this game.


    One of the major problems with your argument is that while this game can be modded quite a bit, each new update breaks all those mods which is why there's so few mods all the time. These devs refuse to just finish making the game because they can't ever make up their minds about anything they do.

    *Searches carefully for any assumption made other than that people are out there actually enjoying the game...*  Having played many, many hours of Skyrim and Fallout 4, I know very well how easily they are MODDED as finished games.... GOLD games.  I've played quite a few hours of Minecraft, as well... with my grandkids.  The mods are, well... whatever.  Even my grandkids no longer want anything to do with the newest versions.  I have NOT, however, noted a vast number of ways to change gameplay 'settings' in any of these or to personalize the game in the way that 7 Days allows.


    Updates and alpha builds are a bit different for 7 Days which, if I'm given to understand what the word 'alpha' means, it's NOT a completed game.  Having played lots and lots of mods with this game, I will state that my argument has no problem since, while modders do indeed have to update their mods with every new alpha, it's NOT A COMPLETED GAME!  They know what they're signing on to when they create their mods.  Yet, the developers do their best to give them the tools needed to update the mods.  Even our crotchety, lovely, talented Khaine acknowledges that! It's not a perfect thing, but it's better than anything else out there and I challenge anyone to find otherwise and go play it.

  10. You know, you guys have very valid arguments for how YOU like to play.  You're wanting 7 Days to be the way you want it to be and get upset when it's not the way you want it to be.  You don't consider that there are LITERALLY thousands of people out there playing this game who never come to the forums because they're having fun, enjoying the ride, making the game their own, because they can.  No other game out there can be as easily changed, manipulated, modded, and/or tweaked by the person who is actually playing the game as 7 Days. Nothing exists that can match this one detail.  The ability to dig about in the xml files and make adjustments to fit your idea of fun, the settings included in the game, the ease they've tried to build into the base game so modders can do what they do... not one other game can do that, or, at least, none that I've found, and I've searched.


    I don't care what an individual person wants the game to be as long as the developers keep working to make the base game stable and keep it open to the players so it can be molded to fit each person's abilities and likes either through settings, xml tweaks, or mods. They're working hard for that goal and I'd far rather they give me the game they envision and then let me make that game fit what I'm wanting and capable of doing.  These arguments about traders and missions and crafting don't matter when the game is not even in Beta, much less Gold.  Make the game what you wish it to be!  You have that power, why not use it?

  11. I'm pretty much stealth centric and love this particular book.  The fallen ceiling tiles are NOT trash, however, and will make a huge noise when stepped on.  Normal 'trash' works as it should as far as I've seen, which is stealthing all the way up to T5 infested and T5 normal.  It won't change the triggers, but it does work against trash noise.

  12. I think I only ever used the floating block idea in a17 and early a18.  I was learning more and more about zombie AI and trial and error brought me to the bases I tend to use now.  From studying how they move and what they do, I know the AI directs them to try to get to your level first, so, I make sure they mostly come from one direction.  I raise my bases. Tactical decision...


    I make the area I'm going to be standing in solid, dig down to stone and start building from there so I have a firm foundation under me.  I sometimes use stairs, sometimes ladder/stair combination, sometimes they are jumping stairs, others they will come smoothly up.  But, I love melee for early hoards, save that ammo for when you really, really need it, and, with that in mind, I have them run down pole blocks laid lengthwise to get to me.  That way, I can knock them off.  They are perfectly able to get to me, but I can knock them down so they have to come up again.  Tactical advantage or cheese?...


    I have to repair the bars I use to protect my fighting position until I'm high enough or rich enough to buy electric fences to hold them in place and keep them from beating on the bars and me, but some people would say cheese just because I can knock them down.  For me, that's tactics... I get higher level, use steel so the base can withstand those feral/rad zombie fists and demo explosions.  Is that cheese?


    I don't know or I'm not sure if any of that could be used in reality... dig to rock?  Ladders or stairs. Is that a bug in their pathing?  Electric fences and dart traps and...  Or, am I using my slightly less rotten brain.  It's all relative.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Rotor said:


    Nothing usefull to add to the thread, but the filter evasion here was very stealthy.  Which mag gives that perk? :).

    Old age... and genetics.  Being female, It's my genetic right to change my mind, squirrel, and squeal at a moment's notice.  Being bum porked involves all three of those.

  14. You do realize that one person's cheese is another person's tactical advantage?  Who's to say what's 'cheese' and what is using your brain?  I prefer to build bases that work against the zombies and sometimes they do and sometimes they don't but this is not to say that another person might be not be able to make that base that failed me work very well just by manipulating the blocks in a particular way. Your question is very poorly stated.  It should have been...  Are you willing to take advantage of Voxel mechanics to make killing zombies easier and safer, or Do you only build bases that would pass inspection in the real world yet allow you to kill zombies.


    Silly, right?  It is a zombie game after all... not very 'realistic'.  

  15. Logged in, made my way to a Tier 3 POI and set up a small camp in the garage, put down a claim and set out to clear the POI.  ZERO zombies found, all loot was intact so it hadn't been previously looted.  (The Hyde Residence located at the edge of green/burnt at 1290E 320N.)  Lifted claim and sleeping bag and logged out.  My sound was in and out, though I can't say if it was the game or windows being windows.  Thanks for the invite!

  16. The T5 ones are the best fun out there.  I stealth, so don't use tons of ammo (only when that trigger thingy goes sideways).  If you know the T4 POI very well, going backward though it, or even partially so, means you'll do much better, though, the ones that use special triggers will still have to have those set off to get the clear.  It gets easier as you learn the POIs and trigger locations, but I dearly love those T5 clears.  Blech to the T6 ones... not fun, ammo heavy, craziness made for people much younger and dexterous than me!

  17. You're right and I misread.  As for viability, is it fun?  Do YOU like it?  That's the only opinion that's worth its weight.  Everyone plays differently.  I tend to change how I do things with every new play through, so, would I play that way?  Maybe, but to totally rely on my nasty, naughty, awful RNG sprites would be just insane, so, I probably would not try that until I'm pretty certain of the way they have weighted things.

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