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Posts posted by Lasher

  1. 4 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    The observations are:


    * Hatches are a cop spit magnet.

    * Cops spit significantly more often when using weaker materials such as wood or cobblestone.

    * Any block that does not occupy the full space seems to be transparent to the cops.



    No doubt to once again make the game more, ahem, "Challenging"

    Rather than just adding proper content just add another dopey way to get around player bases.

    Working as intended - nothing to see here...

  2. I'm still at a complete loss as to why TFP never implemented a simple set of options to control things like hunger, thirst and the availabilty of things like food and water.

    Doesn't that just keep everybody happy?

    Want to play as TFP intended? - leave the sliders alone.

    Don't care about survival as much and are more in it for zombie slaying? - Drop the sliders so it's not a problem.

    Want to go hardcore survival-death? - Crank it up so you're like a man in the Sahara.


    Options would let everybody play however they felt - and yes, I know there's mods but surely a variable and a slider isn't that tough to implement?


  3. 19 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Which players?  All players or just the ones that want similar things that you want?

    Yes, this has been asked and discussed many times.  Both that crafting needed a major overhaul and that water was a joke in the game.  Just because you didn’t want these things doesn’t mean everyone else was the same.  You don’t think crafting was broken, but others did.


    Please don’t act like you speak for all players.  It’s fine for you to post your thoughts and opinions, but don’t imply you speak for others.  Maybe I am making too much of a big deal about these types of posts, but when posters claim the nobody wanted this or everyone wanted that, you are basically saying anyone that disagrees differently doesn’t matter.


    I don't think that's quite fair BFT2020.

    Skaarphy was pretty reasonable about how he phrased his post - even to go as far as to say

    "Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. But that's my take on it, anyhow." at the end of it.


    I don't know myself but I certainly think he has a point asd perhaps a lot of other players might as well.

    You may well disagree - but then you shouldn't act like you speak for all players either.


    He also makes a very good point about how we don't really get any explanation for the reasons behind things.

    Do TFP have to explain their thougt process to anyone?

    No - of course not - but some communication would really help people understand why these sometimes seemingly random changes are made.

  4. 4 hours ago, FinkPloyd said:


    I am a 'serious software dev' (a Software Solutions Architect) and I disagree with your statement.


    I would appreciate if you stopped saying you represent my opinion in your posts.



    Feel free to replace ANY with MOST.

    Feel better now?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    You're confusing "typical" with "proper". Just because that's how things typically work in AAA gaming studios (or even many indie studios) does not mean that what TFP have chosen to do isn't proper. It's a perfectly viable way of doing things and thousands of gamers seem to be perfectly fine with it.


    I think we'll just agree to disagree on that one as I really don't want to keep arguing the point.

    If you think that for a game of this scope it's ok to still be in EA 10 years on then fair enough.

    I've made my point often enough and if you're ok with it then that's fine.


  6. 1 hour ago, Roland said:


     Do you hope for their failure?



    Thank you for your response Roland - much appreciated.

    I may have my doubts but I certainly do not wish for anyone's failure.

    I've put thousands of hours into this game - I'd like it to be as good as it can be.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Your problem is that you aren't posting from a position of questioning whether there is a mess or not. You are posting from the foregone conclusion that there is a mess that needs fixing. Because you do that, others who don't think there is a mess or at least still question whether there is a mess or not respond and debate your points. You then take that as people denying the mess and somehow think that TFP is enslaved to those people.


    This process of debating is actually what helps determine whether the changes are a mess or not. Just because people disagree with your assertion that it actually is a mess doesn't mean that there is not value in raising your valid points on the forum. You can respond to challenges to your position just as easily as people responded to your original point. It's hypocritical of you to say that you can't post your valid concerns when you are essentially calling for people responding with their valid concerns to be silenced. Patience and being willing to phrase your concerns in compelling ways and then rephrase them if necessary in response to a counterpoint is how good arguments emerge on both sides of any issue.


    Ultimately, everyone who has a particular set of preferences that are not represented by the vanilla version of the game is going to have to use mods in order to gain that set of preferences. But that isn't because anyone argued against your point on the forum. It's because the developers made a final decision after testing and feedback and oftentimes lots of debate.


    Thanks Roland - for yourr measured response - I do actually appreciate it.


    On the subject of "mess" I think you may well be right to a certain exctent - I do most certainly perceive a mess.

    Again, much as I know how a lot of folk hate this being brought up, but this game is still unfinished and in EA after 10 years - and after having conversations with several folk who work in the industry the opinon I have from them is that for a game of this scope that's certaily a sign that there's a problem.

    What the problem is, I don't know, but I do know that this game has such a huge amount of potential that to see it almost wasted is quite upsetting.


    You've mentioned testing, feedback and debate but I honeslty just don't really see evidence of very much of that going on at all - there seems to be an awful lot of "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" - now whether that's true or not I don't know but it chaotic.


    So yes, I do certainly see a mess, and I think it looks that way to others as well in different areas depending on your experience and playstyle.


    It would be nice if we could somehow have options to fix it - but I'm just gradually thinking that TFP don't care that much.


    8 minutes ago, YourMirror said:

    Too easy.


    "You'll come up against pretty much the same stock responses over and over and seeing as this often comes from folk in a position of power there's very little you can do about it."


    " I personally am also sick to death of members of this forum - usually freinds of the developers simply defending every single action they take with excuses."


    "I'm saying that everybody should be aloowed to have their opinion - whether they agree with TFP or not."


    So everyone? Fail. BIG fail.


    And there you go again. Highlighting one word you obviously didnt say but neglecting the whole point wrapped around it. So you didnt call the devs incompentent, lazy and moneygrabbers who dont care about opinions of anyone who paid already for the game? Yes you did. And best of all, you really think that is gonna get you anywhere with any kind of critisism. Like i said. A 4 year old. Putting fingers in ears and go neh neh nehneh neh.


    So advise back learn to read yourself. Especially your own posts. They will get thrown in your face someday. Today is that day.




    Standing by everything I said.

    There are some serious problems at TFP - and if you don't like it just keep taking your copium.

    Let's have a look at some of your posts shalll we... Oh no - looks like it was so toxic it got moderated.

    Tell you what YourMirror - I'm going to stick you on ignore and I'd VERY much appreciate it if you'd return the favour.

    Besides- I don't like punching down.

  8. 13 minutes ago, YourMirror said:

    GENUINE discussion? Like callling the devs of this game lazy, incompentent, money grabbing aholes or a combination of all on their own forum? And smashing ANYONE who disagrees with you as "friends of the devs" so they shouldnt have a voice? Yeah sure mate, we all see what you are like. And the way you act, is indeed nothing anyone would listen too. Why should anyone? You act like a 4 year old, not getting his way.  Not to mention the weakness of selfproclaimed spokesman of "the community". As said before, that sort of things is used by insecure debaters without arguments. So go mod and stay in the mods thread. Better for anyone.


    Calling it exaclty as I see it.

    And where exaclty did I say that I was speaking for "the community"?

    Once again YourMirror - learn to read before responding - I'm saying that everybody should be aloowed to have their opinion - whether they agree with TFP or not.


    And you talking about the way I post?

    The only person who mentioned the word "aholes" is you - which is pretty typical of your posting response to anyone who disagrees with you.

    Rich. Pot - Kettle much?

  9. 16 hours ago, meganoth said:


    So who is this serious games or software dev? Tell us his name, or let him speak here.



    There is a very practical difference there. I try out changes and actually test them to find out whether there is something to critizise. You know, the scientific method. 









    Firstly - go and ask ANY serious game or software dev if a game of this scope should still be in EA after 10 years.

    I persoanlly know 2 devs that have worked on AAA titles and another business app dev. They all say exaclty the same thing - but go take your pick.


    As for your "scientific" method - the first part is right - try out changes and see if there's something to change or critizise.

    Won't you DON'T then do is just stick to that method just to be bloody minded, defend all critizism of it and then try and repair it with gaffer tape and glue.

    Which is what happens with TFP.

    About as un-scientific as you can get.

    And as for testing? Don't make me laugh...


    6 hours ago, Rince said:

    And how about the opinion of the many who disagree with your disagreement? Their opinion doesn't count?

    Your opinion is right because... because is yours?


    I don't know, always bother me when people try to make their opinion more valuable saying that they speak for "them" and when people affirm that they have the only and absolute truth.


    I may not like all the changes and features, I will forever tell to anyone that ask that A19 farming was my favorite because at least wasn't annoying, but that's my opinion, and only that. I can and will say it, but not try to pass as the absolute truth of the universe.


    Try reading what I wrote again Rince - because I don't think you did.


    I did't say that my opinion was the absolute truth far from it - it's my opinon.

    What I was saying is that there seems to be little point posting on these forums if you disagree with TFP.

    Anyone that does tends to be shot down by the old guard with exaclty the same old tired, flabby excuses or just told to shut up and deal with it.

    THAT'S what i really object to.

    These forums should be a place for GENUINE discussion about this game - and with a better balanced dev they might even take a bit of the crit on board once in a while.

    But oh no, we can't disagree with anything our lord and masters do...

    Still... there's always mods...

  10. 1 hour ago, Renathras said:

    By this token, why even post? Your points are only valid to you and "maybe a few others that agree with the changes, but that means nothing to anyone else."

    If people are refuting your points, that means something. If you don't like having your points refuted, don't make stupid points that have already been refuted.

    As to your last paragraph:

    I want to respectfully say go F yourself, but I try not to be so crass. I will say the two posts you've made in reply here have been you being a pretty big jerk, though. I've been playing this game for years. I have every right to complain about it changing into something it was never original, nor seemingly intended to be when I paid money for it. If you don't like that, stay off the forums. Nothing wrong with not reading forums, as it sounds like the forums aren't for you anymore.

    Also, making caricatures of people's playstyle is more "crying about it".

    It seems to me you don't like people having different opinions than you and can't stop "crying about it". Seems like from your post above you're just yet another one of those people that is mad you can't post on the forums without pushback from people making good points and refuting your arguments. Maybe these forums just aren't for you anymore. Nothing wrong with moving on.

    Maybe don't belittle and marginalize people and actually listen to what they have to say. Who knows, you might learn something.


    I'm afraid, Renathras, that many of us that disagree with the changes that TFP make and the way they've been developing the game are sadly starting to realise that there's not much value in raising valid points in these forums.

    You'll come up against pretty much the same stock responses over and over and seeing as this often comes from folk in a position of power there's very little you can do about it.

    For those of us that don't like it we're left with mods - it's the only real option to undo some of the mess - unfortunately that's just the way it is - believe me - I've tried.

  11. 49 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Since your current position seems so extreme I have no idea how to even be in the same hemisphere. I frankly don't know why you still play the game or do EA at all.


    Do you really think feedback like


    is talking about facts or seriously discussing the game and the changes? Don't you see that you are just having a tantrum there? Why should anyone take you serious?


    They are not infallible, sure. They missed the quality overlap between stone tools and tier 1 tools and didn't notice it. Many, including me by the way, told them about this being wrong in a matter of fact way and they changed it. Not by standing on a sandbox and shouting "Are they lazy, incompetent or what?"


    (They currently are also wrong with stealth (probably) and there need to be balance fixes eventually. But because I don't have played a full stealth game yet and compared it to a STR or FOR play I can't exactly say anything for sure. Does that make me careful with what I am saying or a believer?)


    The dew collector solution is ok and accomplishes what it sets out to do, but I wouldn't say it is their best idea. But the heat change is fine and easily understandable if you accept what heat means in the game. I am not just making up theories, there are precedents in other games, even board games where it is apparent to everyone that such a mechanism is just an abstraction.








    Well ofc you'd label my position "extreme" - that's again the label for any dissent.

    As for why I do "EA" - I do it plenty - in games that respect the term - so let's not roll out that old chestnut of an excuse eh?

    Once again - there was nothing "Tantrum" about it - my position is that there's some serious problems with the way TFP develop - I'm unaware of the cause but if you speak to any serious games or software dev and show them this project they'll tell you that after 10 years it's a car crash.


    The last parts of your post were interesting - it was bordering on criticism - which is exaclty what TFP are in dire need of.


  12. 1 hour ago, Laz Man said:


    Hey I undeterstand getting upset when you read something you don't like or disagree with but no need with the name calling / toxicity.


    People asked questions and Faatal and I explained why respectfully and this is the response you give?



    I'm sorry - "name calling and toxicity"?

    There was neither of either.

    I, like a lot of folk feel that we should express our concerns about the changes that TFP keep making that seem to be neithr thought through or tested.

    I personally am also sick to death of members of this forum - usually freinds of the developers simply defending every single action they take with excuses.

    My response was my truthful opionon, and being on the QA team I'm harldy surprised that you didn't like it.

    1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    No. That is your interpretation of what happened. For me it looks more logical that they simply forgot to include the heat generation in a few workstations and noticed it suddenly. It isn't even certain that it was noticed with the collectors but likely because currently dew collectors are tested a lot more than the cement mixer. But it is certainly telling that it was added to 3 workstations at the same time.


    I even think that filled farm plots should also generate a small amount of heat. Did you know that in A15 farms plants were actually targeted by zombies and had to be protected by walls? There is a good chance that TFP eventually does add some "heat cost" to plots, and please remember I said it here. It will not be a reaction and nerf bat to some players having big farms, it will simply be because they want to measure the players "influence and activity" on an area with as much accuracy and as low as possible CPU cycles. And they want NO 100% safe zones. Because of that zombies dig, and workstations are zombie magnets.


    There has been no problems with dew collectors. But there seems to be a problem with no screamers showing up. In my SP game I am on day 35 and I haven't seen a single screamer. In our group game we are somewhere after second horde night and again, not a single screamer.


    TFP likes zombies to attack the player, that is one of the central game elements of 7D2D and really any zombie game. If you don't like to be visited by a screamer once in a while I have to wonder why you play a zombie game? TFP probably doesn't know either, they think screamers are fun.



    I don't know the details, sorrry. But I can imagine that flame traps were simply OP. Were they? They don't seem to need any sort of fuel or upkeep and they don't wear out. Would they kill ferals or even glowies when they walked through? If yes, then they were OP. So they were nerfed, this time actually as a reaction to players using them. Does that make TFP the villain in this piece? I would say it makes them the balance-maker. Balance trumps realism I would say.



    Because it is not a stupid decision. It follows the same design principle they always had: "No place is secure". If you don't like that doesn't mean it is stupid.


    meganoth - I'm very sorry mate but you point blank defend and agree with every single action that the TFP make no matter what it is.

    Just finding an excuse and a rationalisation for every move they make doesn't really help and in the end will just encourage the delusion that they're always right.

    They're not infalliable and I don't think that encouraging the idea that they are helps.


  13. 13 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    There are so many ways to deal with screamers:

    1) Surround your base with 1-2 rows of spike traps, look over them and repair from time to time.


    2) Make a bigger base and distribute the heat generating items over the range that heat is generated


    3) Create multiple farms or separate your farms from the main base


    The mechanic of "heat generation" is similar to activity measurement in other games, it simply is an abstration of how you are active in that area. And zombies visiting you in a zombie game should not be a surprise to you. Zombies are not Zombies-for-hire, you can't say "Hey, the next hour doesn't suit me, please come back another time, or wait, I'll visit you in that POI in a few hours". They game never worked that way and will never in vanilla.



    Sorry meganoth but I really don't think that's the point.

    I don't think the issue here is with screamers or with heat generation.

    I think the issue that people have with this is that it's yet another sledgehammer nerf bat dumb fix.


    TFP make introduce dew collectors for water.

    Players make multiple dew collectors to solve the water problem.

    TFP increase heat on collector to "solve" the problem.

    Which it doesn't.


    It's like the flame traps they introduced.


    TFP make flame hazards.

    Players use flame hazards to kill zombies.

    TFP nerf flame damage to zombies (what are they - made of asbestos now?)


    As I've posted time and time again there just seems to be no thought put into this whatsoever.

    It's idiotic - so I'm not surprised that people find fault with it.


    Maybe, just maybe they might do something about it if people stop defending their stupid decesions.

    But I doubt it.





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