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Posts posted by Tocolosco

  1. Hello!


    I have changed my PC and I have installed everything again and although I have the old hard drive with all the information, I have not been able to recover and be able to continue my old game of Ravenhearst.


    I had the mods folder in C:\7DTD, which I copied in its entirety, I reinstalled the Mod Launcher (I realized that a new version had come out with a renewed interface), which sees the content of the mod and gives me allows the game to be launched, but the saved game does not appear in-game. The thing is that it is inside:
    C:\7D2D\Saves\Ravenhearst\Ravenhearst 7_6
    (I'm playing version 7 of the mod)


    When I launch the game, I see that the game asks me to create a new character profile, reconfigure all the game options, etc, and from what I've seen, it generates a new folder "Ravenhearst 7_6" without the folder "- Navigate Ravenhearst." What I don't understand is how it is possible to generate a new folder C:\7D2D\Saves\Ravenhearst\Ravenhearst 7_6\Ravenhearst 7_6 if there is already a folder with the same name. That is, I have two folders "Ravenhearst 7_6". But that is another subject.

    I see that within Appdata\Roaming there is another folder of 7 Days To Die. I have tried to copy and paste what I have been seeing but it still does not work.

    Does anyone know if it's possible to get it working or am I forgetting about it?



  2. I'm still playing with this mod, version 19.6b8-, and now that I'm quite advanced, I try to use crossbows that allow me to load several arrows at the same time (I don't remember the name of the crossbow right now) and I've taken the surprise that the ammunition it allows me usually needs carbon fiber.
    The problem is that making this type of material asks me for bottles of acid and it's not that there are many of them or at least I don't know where to get them. I get some, from time to time, in sinks, cars, etc, but of course, a minimum amount to be able to make arrows with enough capacity, so in the end I practically can't use them and in the end I'm always using an iron crossbow with iron bolts.
    Any way to get these kind of bottles of acid in sufficient quantity? Because I see that I cannot create it in the Chemistry Table either

  3. 16 hours ago, Yakov said:

    Thats correct, if you chose a ranged class from the start, you have to find a research desk to create the melee quests to get the melee chapter.


    Perfect, thank you very much.
    As for the "knowledge points" I remembered that scrapping the recipes already achieved, you get points. Indeed, it gives me two "knowledge points" for each scrapped recipe.

  4. Hello,
    I'm stuck on the mod, version 19.6b8-, and I'm not quite sure how to continue.
    I have finished the quest branch of the archer class, as well as the quests and I see that it asks me, to perform "Completed Journal" one thing that I do not have: "Completed Melee Training"
    Does anyone know what he means by creating "Completed Melee Training"?
    Do you mean I have to choose the "Blunt" class? or is it another class?
    Do I have to pick a new class and do the whole quest branch with the corresponding weapons?
    I see that in order to create the ingredients of the "Class Selection" and to be able to choose a new class, I need 150 "Knowledge Points", which is a lot for how little this item appears in the game.

  5. On 3/5/2022 at 10:57 PM, Tocolosco said:

    I'm stuck on the mission to make the "table shaw", because I'm missing the "saw blade" and it doesn't seem like I can make it in any way so I guess the only way is, or that I find it somewhere box or breaking up any other "table shaw" that I find on the map, to see if the parts I get fit in, there is the "saw blade".
    The issue is that I'm on day 77 and I haven't found this "table shaw" in any building I've visited nor has it come out in any box.
    The version I'm playing is the latest for alpha 19 of the game, version, on the map Ravenhearst Navezgame
    Where can I locate it? maybe there is a problem in this map and the table is nowhere? I find it very strange not to have already stumbled upon some "table shaw"


    If I put the message before, before I find a "table shaw". I've located it inside a building called "Book Stop", if I remember correctly.
    I've scrapped it and it gave me the "saw blade", so I can now progress through the missions.
    I hope this is useful to other people.


  6. I'm stuck on the mission to make the "table shaw", because I'm missing the "saw blade" and it doesn't seem like I can make it in any way so I guess the only way is, or that I find it somewhere box or breaking up any other "table shaw" that I find on the map, to see if the parts I get fit in, there is the "saw blade".
    The issue is that I'm on day 77 and I haven't found this "table shaw" in any building I've visited nor has it come out in any box.
    The version I'm playing is the latest for alpha 19 of the game, version, on the map Ravenhearst Navezgame
    Where can I locate it? maybe there is a problem in this map and the table is nowhere? I find it very strange not to have already stumbled upon some "table shaw"

  7. Hello!

    I have tried to fill empty glass jars with water from a reservoir and there was no way. I have tried with the right and left button, getting into the water, from the outside ... maybe it can't be done with this mod, is it done differently or is it a bug?

  8. I am testing one of the maps that appears to me and I had a first problem. I have done the first missions of creating the campfire, the stone ax, etc and when I get to the trader´s mission, I get "Locate the Trader: no Trader"
    The map is not marked or anything and therefore I have nowhere to go, does anyone know how to solve it?
    Thank you

  9. Hi
    I was going to start a new game but I don't know if it does not matter if I choose one of the maps that already come to me to choose or it is better that I generate a random one
    Thank you!

  10. I would like to be able to make a backup of the current game, but I don't know what folders I have to save.

    As I use the Mod Laucher, I see a folder inside 7D2D called "Saves" and there it is "Ravenhearst" and in two folders related to the game I have active:

    - Ravenhearst 5 5 Final A17 4 Edition

    - Ravenhearst 5 5 Final A17 4 EditionLocal


    Would these two folders be the ones to save?


    The problem has arisen because playing the console has given an error when loading a "chunk". I got an error in red. I have been able to continue playing but my base has literally erased a good part of it (it was a house that I have been modifying), leaving, in that part that has erased me, the house as it was originally.

    That has meant that I lost a lot of boxes with loot, forges with a lot of material, orchards and the part of the farm that I was beginning to develop. A disaster.

    Restarting obviously has not been fixed.

    What I want to do is a backup every time I leave the game to prevent it from happening again. At least I will only lose what I have done at that time, nothing more.

  11. Problem solved, or so I think. If I keep pressing the "F" with the mining helmet on, a menu appears in which I can choose the light: mining helmet or the "laser light", which I think is a mod that I have put little to the crossbow and that until now I didn't know what I was doing because I didn't see anything.

    The fact is that I choose the light of the mining hull and the light appears again.

  12. A bug has appeared to me when creating a military helmet and adding the mod with the flashlight.

    I tried it and it didn't turn on, I guessed it would be a bug, I put on my mining helmet and the light didn't work for me either. I tried the night vision goggles and they don't work either.

    Instead the motorcycle light does work.

    I have the light on the letter "F", and I say, no helmet or glasses is working for me, except for the motorcycle light.

    I tried to change the letter "F" for another, I have seen by Google people who have also had problems with the light and the solutions they put have not worked for me either:


    Does the hull light work or not appear in a key file? by looking to see if it is disabled or something.

    Does anyone know what to do?

  13. The State of Ravenhearst 6.0


    With the release of Stable and the simultaneous drop of 18.1 to Exp a lot of you are asking when Ravenhearst will be ready. This is our official statement on our plans for 6.


    Right now we do not have any estimates or release windows to offer up for you other than to say it will not be available on 18.0. The reason for this is I am currently in the middle of converting and planning out balance for RH and it would not be fair or realistic to expect it anytime this soon. 18.1? Perhaps but even then that is a very generous estimate.


    The team is all in agreement that we want a stable honest and fully enjoyable release when it occurs. wOOkie nOOkie has converted all of his work so the majority of this work is in my lap now, and I am certain you guys want more than a port, but a new integrated experience worthy of our name.


    Sinder is currently in her busy season with events and has worked on a few POI conversions but there are so many more to be done. This year we are going the extra mile and hand selecting POIs to give the RH touch.


    Cpt_Krunch is busy at work on his maps of which there will be a few to choose from for those who like the static map, but he is mostly handcuffed by me and our team so no yelling at him. He can not produce something he is waiting on from us :slight_smile: Shades2529 is ready to go but is also juggling both RL and waiting on me to produce.


    As for me. I will promise to offer updates as to our progress and say I am working hours every single day to get it finished and into your hands. But i am certain you guys would rather have a solid well rounded long term play on release instead of multiple patches and wipes and that is what I am doing my best to deliver. So patience will be key here.


    Stay tuned to this channel for information on updates, testing, previews and more as they become available. Thank you all for your appreciation and support. We promise that Ravenhearst will be the wild and in depth ride that you guys come to expect from us.



    Great news. We will wait for news of a new version of this great mod.

  14. If you have an older computer with limited graphics memory (I have a GTX 970 w/ 4Gb mem) and "only" 16Gb of memory, then you may struggle with getting the game to load consistently at start up. I run half textures and have reduced my view radius slightly and once the game has loaded it is running >14Gb of memory and that soon ramps up 15.2Gb where I start getting lag spikes from constant memory garbage collection. Right now I've got about a 50% startup success rate on the mod. If you have two monitors then I highly recommend you have the task manager open and showing the graph of memory usage - if it flat-lines during game load then you've crashed/stalled. Also, just before you hit the Connect button to join a server, hit the F1 button to open the debug window - if you start seeing red text there then you've likely crashed. if that happens you'll have to hit Alt-F4 to close the app and start over. I've also had crash logs show I was out of memory even though the task manager showed I was only at 14Gb usage and should have had 2Gb free - not sure what's going on there. I think I'm just going to have to buy more memory as I really like this mod.


    Yes, I also have 16GB and I have already realized that sometimes it consumes all the RAM. I don't know if that's why the game sometimes hits several seconds.

    The same with 32GB pauses no longer occur, but it is impressive that it consumes so much RAM. I did not notice Vanila, but I do not think it consumed much less memory.

  15. I created the weapons table under 5.4. It's hard to remember now, but it was something like your situation. I got a new diploma and used it. I think this unlocks access to the specialty firearms skill at the bottom of the Pistol category. Later I finished some other quest line I think and THAT unlocked the ability to build the weapon table. Actually, I think it was from completing the ALL weapons chapter which includes blunt, blade, bows, etc.


    Thanks for the explanation. I will try to finish all the quest lines of all weapons. I would swear that I still have to make a branch, that of cutting weapons (I don't remember what it is called now) and I will see if I can create the weapons table.

  16. Hello


    Has anyone ever created the weapons table? I asked a few days ago that I have come to create the three firearms diplomas, it has provided me with a new diploma, which I have used, but it tells me that I cannot make the weapons table, as if I lacked recipe or skill is it So? Do I have to upload any skills to create it or is it a recipe that I have to find?


    Thank you!

  17. Does anyone know how you advance this skill tree?




    Simply using the tools or weapons corresponding to each skill tree. And also when you find some papers that increase your level in a specific skill.

    There's no more.

  18. A query about firearms diplomas.


    I have been doing the chain of missions of each weapon and they have been giving me the diplomas, when I have had all three they have given me the final diploma that supposedly allows me to create the table of weapons, but when I have gone to do it it tells me that I do not have the recipe.


    Does the recipe not give you the final diploma? Do you find it out there? Is it any skill i have to upload?

  19. You're right, thanks for the help you have to use the numeric keypad to select the floor and then press the "E" so that the elevator goes up or down. I feel a little silly for not having tried that, but anyway, it says nothing about how to use it.


    Although it is also true that the elevator of the type "3x3 ground" or similar does not seem to work the module "ground" when the elevator is not (for being on another floor). It doesn't allow me to call the elevator, or choose a floor or anything. If I go to look for the elevator, I place myself on top of it and I lower / upload the module "3x3 ground", once there, it allows me to choose a floor and use it.


    I have to try it with the "cabin lift", to see if the same thing happens or not.


    I have already tried it and the "cabin type elevator" works perfectly. It goes up or down from inside the cabin, it can be called from any floor without problems and the keys are the same as in the other elevators, inside the cabin, I use the numeric keypad to choose the floor and press the "E". To call it from any floor use the "E" (although it already tells you when you approach)


    I liked the other elevator, the 3x3 platform type, but since I cannot call the elevator from the main module, it is as if I did not detect it (the message does not appear on the screen of pressing the "E" to call the elevator) Well, I couldn't use it.


    Thanks for the help

  20. i never used the elevators in a17 except for the "simple" one, in a16 i recall the one that you built and added floors to, you used the numbers on the "keypad", not the typical number row that corresponds to the action bar.


    hope that helps a little.


    You're right, thanks for the help you have to use the numeric keypad to select the floor and then press the "E" so that the elevator goes up or down. I feel a little silly for not having tried that, but anyway, it says nothing about how to use it.


    Although it is also true that the elevator of the type "3x3 ground" or similar does not seem to work the module "ground" when the elevator is not (for being on another floor). It doesn't allow me to call the elevator, or choose a floor or anything. If I go to look for the elevator, I place myself on top of it and I lower / upload the module "3x3 ground", once there, it allows me to choose a floor and use it.


    I have to try it with the "cabin lift", to see if the same thing happens or not.

  21. The elevators are not optimal working, It are mods from others. Get to our discord channel for help and more info.



    Thanks for the invitation, but my English is bad (I am using Google to translate) and it will cost me to make a conversation.


    After telling me that it is a mod, I have looked a little more out there, and I have noticed that in this same forum there are threads that talk about it and it seems that in the A17 these elevators no longer work because you need SDX that already It is not supported. I don't know if I understood it well or not and I really don't know what SDX is.


    The case is that the elevator type cabin if at least I can call it from both heights, which with the 3x3 elevators and others could only call him to come from the elevator "top floor", but from the "ground floor" no I could call him.


    I can call these cabin-type elevators by pressing the "E" from outside the cabin and up or down, but if I get inside, it does nothing by pressing the "E" on the buttons or pressing any number, are they other keys and by That does not work?


    I also thought that it could be a keyboard theme, because in the video I have seen it gives the feeling that the elevators, to go from one floor to another, you can press the floor number and it takes you, but of course, if I press the key "2" all he does is change the weapon to the corresponding belt. It also seems that pressing "999" takes you to the origin floor, to the "ground floor", but in my case it doesn't work either.

  22. Hello,


    Can anyone explain to me how electric elevators work? I mean the 3x3 elevator, 4x4 elevator, etc.


    Without knowing, I tried to make myself a 3x3 ground elevator and then the part that is supposed to be the floor where you want it to stop. I have put the 3x3 ground on the ground (it seems obvious) and the other parallel at a certain height that the game takes me as floor 2. The fact is that from the 2nd floor I can call the elevator, but from below, from the elevator ground I can't call the elevator. He doesn't do anything, nor does he tell me I'm missing something, it just doesn't come down.


    Pressing the "r" tells me that I have two floors.


    If I get on the elevator while standing on the ground, it doesn't go up, if I go upstairs I can call the elevator. If I get on top of the elevator while I am on the 2nd floor and press on it, it does not lower or do anything. If I go to the ground, I can't call the elevator. I do not understand its operation. Maybe I have to put something to raise or lower, I do not know.


    I am fearing that I will have to do another elevator module as a new floor to be able to lower it, but it seems a bit odd that the 3x3 ground serves only to create the elevator and then have to add another module for the floor to lower


    I have watched on YouTube, but the videos I have seen are from other versions and do not look like elevators, so they have not helped me much

  23. I cannot find the plains biome anywhere. Is it JUST grass? Or is this grassy wasteleand biome with iron scrap everywhere the plains biome?


    Edit: also, is eating the same food less effective over time or am I just tripping?


    If you are using the map that came with 7 Days to die, the Navezgame, there you will not have plains because it is something new from the mod, so you will not have it in the Navezgame.

    You have to choose to create a new map procedurally, so I'm afraid you'll have to start over.

    It is also true that as of version 5.5.2 they have made an exclusive map for Ravenhearst, not procedural, and I imagine they will also have the plains and I don't know what else, since I am with the previous version, 5.5.1, already that the change asked me to start over and I'm already quite advanced

    Apart from the plains, I have seen more changes, like new buildings. Creating a procedural map is worth it and in my case one that is a bit large, the 16k size

  24. Thanks for your explanation.

    I have the colored test tubes, but I have not tried to see if that can be read. I will try it.

    I might have a full inventory and that's why I don't have the recipe, I don't know, really, but it's a possibility

    I will try and if not, I will let her be there to see if the role of the mission comes out again, but I don't know if she will let me read it again if the mission is already underway.

    Thank you


    Ok, I answer myself. Indeed, the colored test tubes had to be read. I thought it would be for something else, not a recipe. Nor had I noticed that you could read, mostly because they don't look like a recipe.

    I have already managed to make the Lab Table and I have continued with the mission

    Thank you very much for the help DullSpoon!!

  25. Sorry 'bout that. When I next loaded the game and searched the skill tree I couldn't find any mention of the Lab Table there. It is also not a schematic. And yet when I search on the Lab Table recipe, I can see it listed. Perhaps that's what it was, the recipe unlocks once you have the Weird Science quest. You have to watch out with quests and make sure you don't start them when your inventory is full - you can lose important items that way.


    It seems like when I started that quest, it gave me something. Some item with an icon that looked like colored test tubes maybe? I originally thought it was a component to something, but if you have such an item then try to read it. Maybe that's what unlocked the Lab Table recipe.


    I think the quest itself starts with build the Lab Table, then outfit the table, etc. So eventually you're going to need a scalpel, microscope, and something else - sorry haven't finished that quest yet.


    Thanks for your explanation.

    I have the colored test tubes, but I have not tried to see if that can be read. I will try it.

    I might have a full inventory and that's why I don't have the recipe, I don't know, really, but it's a possibility

    I will try and if not, I will let her be there to see if the role of the mission comes out again, but I don't know if she will let me read it again if the mission is already underway.

    Thank you

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