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    Warsaw, Poland

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  1. Can't wait for the update. I love it. Can't imagine I could have played without it. P.S. Are you planning to change the layout of the city? Me & my friends made a base in the bank at the NW edge and I'd hate to build it from scratch again.
  2. The above error is exactly the one I was having when running a locally hosted MP. However the error occured only when another player has connected. From what I've found, it may be somehow related to a PNG encoder used to compress/decompress large png files, but it may be as well a bug in the game code... I have a little clue why is it occuring only in an MP game and only with clients connected: From what I see i the server log file, the whole "thing" starts with an error related to communication protocol with Steam (ERR Task_CommWriterSteam)- I guess this is some netcode issue. Then the desync and client crashing due to "KeyNotFound" thing is just a result of the broken communication with the server. Just an idea... EDIT: https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/1/458604254452569207/
  3. Just a quick feedback: I've been playing with friends on a dedicated server with a map generated with your code (having your code removed afterwards) and there were no desync or other issues of that kind. I'm still yet to test your code on a dedicated server again to double check the desync issue, but I'm working 24/7 atm so I don't have much time for gaming...
  4. I've had similiar issues when running a private hosted MP game (so all the prefabs were supposed to be on my PC). I can't remember the exact error atm, but all the conditions and the result was the same for other players connecting to my game. The error I posted above, is from my dedicated server. I'll re-upload all prefabs to double check it and then try some more testing.
  5. I've tested it briefly without any errors. I'll do more testing tommorow, cause it's past 1am already....
  6. Okay, I wasn't sure what was causing the error I kept getting, but now I'm 100% sure it's your mod. Your code works fine in SP, but in MP it randomly creates the same error over and over. It happens only when generating chunks in Slaanhatten, and only in MP. It stops the server from generating chunks and desynchronizes all clients, making reconnecting impossible. This behavior is slightly different in case of a dedicted server and a privately hosted MP game, but the cause is exactly the same. I've found there was a discussion about a similiar issue HERE So for now the only way to get Slaanhatten to an MP game is generating it with your code and then removing all your code completely form the rwgmixer. I believe it's some minor mistake in the code, but it's quite difficult for me to track it down, as I don't know the city hub creation mechanics well enough...
  7. It's be enough if you'd use a custom containers even with the same meshes and models, but just with different names, so it wouldn't be the same as the ones made by players. That'd allow us to adjust it as we like, because currently I can't do anything with it, as those are the same craftable containers, so making them spawn loot would create a gamebreaking exploit...
  8. You sound sick!! Anyway, your tutorial made it so easy that even an untrained, wild monkey could make it. However I've spent nearly 2h looking for a suitable biome and testing different rwgmiser settings.... I've ended up with "iluvgrumpy" seed which is more or less acceptable (moderate temperature and somewhat flat surface). Here's the rwgmixer.xml merging Magoli's pack and Slaanhatten. P.S. I've noticed that your city doesn't generate on a desert biome - it creates streets only with a few to none prefabs, and it consists mostly of empty lots.
  9. I didn't say it's a bug or an error. I know it's working fine, but I doubt that creating a warehouse full of empty containers just for the look of the crates was the sole purpose.
  10. Btw, some of loot containers you've used in the prefabs are "player-made" and they have lootlist value of 10 - which means they neither contain nor spawn anything (i.e. "storageHealth", "storageAmmo"). A warehouse full of those storage boxes looks promising but it quickly turns out to be just disappointing...
  11. I used to run a small dedicated server with multiple mods since A10 to A12 and merging and updating all those files was a true pain in the ass. I gave your code a glance but it doesn't look like a quick job, and honestly I'm not going to get stuck in that swamp again. For now I've just generated central city chunks with your code and then swapped it with's Mgoli's...
  12. This looks amazing... Is it possible to combine this work of yours with Magoli's Compo-Pack ?
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