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Posts posted by sloggoth

  1. For immersion, please only change to intense music when the player can SEE the mob. 


    Currently with the dynamic music, it changes to the attack/hunt/intense music when a mob is around the player, even when not in view. 

    Real life example: Player is at a lake filling up, the music changes, so the player switches to a weapon and starts scanning for the threat.


    Requested: The player is at the lake filling up.  A mob comes up from behind and when still 5 feet away, the player turns around to see an UNANNOUNCED zombie.  Player kills said zombie as music plays intense riffs, next player pauses game, lastly player changes drawers.


    -I believe this to be a good addition to shake up the gameplay!  If you, the player base, agree, please comment!

  2. Thanks crew - that's a big bite to chew on.  I agree, this is a large case that could use better airflow, although I might go watercooling on the 2080.  I adjusted the Max Framerate in the nvidia control panel[l and, while it hasn't dropped significantly, it is low enough that the fan isn't blasting every 2 minutes.


    Thanks again!

  3. 43 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Since you compare 7d2d with Wolfenstein how about posting Wolfensteins TechPowerUp data as well. If that shows less GPU chip power draw, we know the additional heat really comes from the GPU, if not the heat must come from other parts.


    Ask and ye shall receive!image.thumb.png.8c2f095cb8faabf0996577521699f183.png

  4. Yeah, I understand its voxel based and unique gabba gabba hey ;)  I'm not comparing, I'm using other games as a yardstick with which to measure heat.  So those two games which are pretty punishing on the card, they play fine; the GPU temp is fine and the fan doesn't crank up.  Summary, 7dtd is to blame in some way because no other game/app does this.


    The airflow is fine, I've not installed anything in the case, and I blew it out recently.  I've completely uninstalled the driver using a dedicated driver cleaner from nvidia.  The most INTERESTING thing is that it only happens when their is LOD to draw.  If I am inside or digging for treasure and am surrounded by walls or dirt, the card doesn't overheat.  THAT says something, although I'm not sure what... 


    Close Encounters of the Third Kind


    PS: cool avatar


  5. Hey crew -- My computer's graphics card heats up to 85-90c in minutes just standing around in vanilla, resulting in the fan blowing every minute or so.  This is the only game it does it in.  I tested against FO76 and Wolfenstein Youngblood, and neither had the issue with the card overheating and turning the fan on full blast.



    Little help, dev team?  Here's my speccy summary (its an 8GB card, it reports incorrectly):

            Operating System
                Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
                Intel Core i7 9700KF @ 3.60GHz    46 °C
                Coffee Lake 14nm Technology
                32.0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1065MHz (15-15-15-36)
                ASRock Z390 Pro4 (CPUSocket)    34 °C
                GNV34DBE (3440x1440@144Hz)
                WD43UB4530 (3840x2160@30Hz)
                4095MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 (ASUStek Computer Inc)    45 °C
                476GB INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8 (Unknown (SSD))
                931GB Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB (Unknown (SSD))
                931GB TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 USB Device (USB (SATA) )    33 °C
            Optical Drives
                ELBY CLONEDRIVE SCSI CdRom Device
                BEHRINGER USB WDM AUDIO 2.8.40


  6. @bdubya

    Raiders, they are tough.  I've changed the health of each 1-5 and leader, but their shots are pretty brutal.  I was about to ask where to adjust it down, but I think I just figured it out.  I'll come back if I'm wrong.  Don't want to waste your time :)

    Found it.  I was looking per raider not at the meleeBanditCrowbar_b for example.  Thanks for the mod!

  7. bdubyah, this is an amazing amount of work here, commendable to be certain.  Okay enough kissing up ;) (but honestly, your brain must be either a steel trap or oatmeal trying to work with this many moving targets), I went into entityclasses.xml and changed raider/soldier and leader health from 400 and 750 to 200 and 450 respectively.  Now, when I go in, F6 and spawn raiders, they fall an inch to the ground then collapse dead.  Do you know what might be happening?

  8. 17 minutes ago, sloggoth said:

    I have tried launching with a manual install and I've tried using a modlauncher pre-sync'd install.  9/10 times I CTD before getting to the menu.  Then if it does make it, the graphics are corrupted and it has an NRE about the menu E SC is pressed.  Here's the 

    outputlogs.rar 19.8 kB · 0 downloads

    Seems like someone else from our server is in Discord about it.  Don't want two threads.

  9. I have tried launching with a manual install and I've tried using a modlauncher pre-sync'd install.  9/10 times I CTD before getting to the menu.  Then if it does make it, the graphics are corrupted and it has an NRE about the menu E SC is pressed.  Here's the 


  10. I cannot figure out how to make an Advnaced Forge. I have in a prior Navezgane (Blue fang hosted) , but this DFalls-Medium (Logicserver hosted) we cannot get certain things to work. Any idear what may be happening? Also, the health bars are in the wrong place this time around - do we have a bad install on the server maybe?





  11. Hey KhaineGB - I'd like to petition 7daytodie.com to give Darkness Falls its own forum. You know how terrible it is for us to try and navigate 224 pages to find "why can't i get my advance forge perk", and I'm sure you hate having to answer the same question over and over because the community can't help each other easily. If I could make a forum post called "Why cam't I get my advanced forge perk" then you or someone could assist, and bam its there for others.


    Would they do this?

  12. Ok, I'm gonna go witha semi-blunt answer for that... it's not intended to be offensive, but I just want to be up front.


    I have absolutely NO IDEA how long it will take to port DF from A17.4 to A18. Modders get exactly the same amount of info as the general public get. We don't get any early access to builds... STREAMERS get it before we do (which I completely disagree with tbh).


    Now, the rumour is that the XML for A18 is basically the same, so that should make porting all the items/blocks/etc a lot easier. I have no idea if I need to rebuild my unity assets or not, we also don't know if SDX/DMT patches will work etc.


    So I'm gonna use A16-A17 as a very rough example for a time frame. That took me 2 months... working on it 8-12 hours a day. :) I THINK 1 month is probably more likely... but... I have no basis for that estimate.


    Hey, you explained it wonderfully, and it was not at all blunt. Thanks!


    Another question: At dawn, the zombies they poof. Is this the Harmony-mythixdino_ClearZombiesDawn.dll? I searched for any info regarding the Harmony mods but came up short. Is there a page with explanations to assist in, well, modding your mod? I'd like to see the zombies stay till cleaned up.



  13. Heya KhaineGB! Insert ego-stroking comment about how great DF is (it is!) and begin: With A18 coming out in the next few weeks, how does that bode for us DF players? My teammates and I are new to 7d2d and DF, so we haven't seen a release done. Is it a given that you'll tweak it for A18? Or should we get comfy with 17.4 for the foreseeable future? Thanks - sloggoth

  14. Delete the Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll file from the server. We're working on a fix atm.


    Thank you, amigo. Got time for another? Great :D -- LOVE the mod, it's what vanilla should be, but (besides no arrow recovery) I really think the health bars were about the only step in the wrong direction. Is there a way to easily disable them? I see my team getting lazy when they see a 125 health zombie, casually walk up to it and knock it down. They've stopped being afraid; I must re-instill that fear >:^D



  15. NovehicleBM Crash


    [*]Added Myth's Bloodmoon Engine Killer.

    I placed a minibike and ran into:

    InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
    at NovehicleBM.Postfix (bool,VehiclePart) <0x00106>
    at (wrapper dynamic-method) VehiclePart.IsBroken_Patch1 (object) <0x00052>
    at VPEngine.Update (single) <0x0003d>
    at Vehicle.Update (single) <0x00065>
    at EntityVehicle.Update () <0x012bc>
    (Filename:  Line: -1)

    Now when we login we get the error. One member was able to login and move the minibike at 1mph (Blood Moon, hmmm) and then *I* could login again, but we are now seemingly randomly causing the error when we login for everyone else.


    Any help?

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