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  1. Version: 110 Release: 2017-08-26 Not sure how to give you more version information than that. It is running on Ubuntu 16.04.2. engine/fixes/scripts all reported I had the latest version. Running updateengine a 2nd time showed a different (lower) ID than I had installed, so at first I just let it be. Eventually I gave it the force option and whatever it did then allowed me to connect again from the game without the mismatched version error. It was working fine prior to A16-3. I installed it clean with A16-1.
  2. Interesting.. For a week I tried and was told I had a version mismatch, with no updates being reported available by the script. I did a force update and now it allows me to connect.
  3. Gotcha, even that would be great then. Exactly. That would give the most flexibility, but even loading an optional csv file to define basic markers would also do the job. I know the original standalone version of the map loaded player markers that way.
  4. Alloc, with the way it's been progressing I assume it will eventually get there but still want to ask, do you have plans of adding either a timer based tile reload or even possibly smarter (auto) reload of only changed tiles in the map? I usually play with it up on a 2nd monitor and it's just a bit of a pain to keep having to switch out of the game to load up newly explored areas. I would also love to see an optional included file, such that custom markers can be added, that would not conflict with svn updates. Thanks for the hard work on all this!
  5. Any chance of stopping time when no players are connected with this? Also I grabbed the source and attempted to get myself setup with it.. everything works except when I go to deobfuscate it complains that there is no patchers.xml.. I've searched high and low and can't seem to find any reference to what to put in there.. Thanks!
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