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Posts posted by Milkshakes

  1. There seems to be an issue when trying to lock/unlock/coding a Door with the mod loaded, it just opens the door instead. 

    When removing the mod it works as usual again.

    It's a minor bug for SP but raiders can walk in and shoot your face if doors aren't locked, otherwise works great!

  2. On 12/3/2022 at 5:19 PM, Zoothulu said:

    I really like the storage options. I missed the old fridge and storage from previous versions. I also like a lot of the tings from War of The Walkers, so I decided to install it and play again. But it was missing some storage options I liked so I installed this excellent mod. Unfortunately it broke all the WotW storage. Not ether mods fault I am sure, but would it be possible to make a patch or a WotW compatible version. (also uninstalling the mod does not fix WotW, and I am not sure what caused it, so no idea how to fix it)


    It does recognize the old storage containers, but when I go to open them it just stops the game and doesn't bring up the inventory UI, just blank, until you hit Esc to 'close' the container. When I build new WotW containers it doesn't acknowledge that they are containers at all. 

    I second this, it breaks WotW for some reason.

  3. 6 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

    I'm fairly certain they've said that there won't be any new textures - they are limited to what they have. Or some such.

    I haven't seen that, but confirmation would be nice (mind you, TFP wouldn't have to create any new textures; what I'm proposing is more mods).

    However yes, textures are currently finite and a bit of a black hole that, if addressed, could add significantly more replayability.


    So it'd be nice to get an official response on whether that feature is planned or (if not) how feasible such an expansion would be.

    Though seemingly trivial, that is something I believe is worth investigating.

  4. @faatal Hi Faatal, I have a question regarding the painting system

    'flipping' run-down broken stuff, houses, even neighborhoods is something I rather enjoy as an endgame activity, and yet the current selection of textures is quite scarce

    I'm reasonably proficient at texture making and would love to be able to jump on that boat for myself (and others who may feel as i do)

    so on that note, are there any plans to facilitate the introduction of new textures into the game?

  5. Bug: Robotic Sledge Targeting Priority

    Game Version: A20 - b238

    Platform: PC

    Video Settings: High/Custom

    Game mode: SP

    New Game: Yes

    Validated Files: Yes

    Tested without other Mods: Yes

    EAC: Off

    Bug Description:  After attacking, Robotic Sledges don't quickly disengage combat to re-target nearby entities. -- Furthermore, they visually "track the engaged enemy" well beyond their reach, seemingly fixated on them.

    Steps to reproduce:  Create an obstacle course where Robotic Sledges can force zombies off the path, forcing them to run their way back. (Basically an AFK Base of any sort)

    Actual result:  The first zombie (maybe even the second) will be launched off, afterwards the Sledge will remain engaged with the target until it dies, ignoring new threats.

    Expected result:  Sledge should quickly reset position and discard what's beyond it's reach, dispassionately hitting anything that comes close to them.

    Bonus 'fun' Bug: Using NPCMod on an existing save (you shouldn't, start a new game!) Sledges will consider pre-existing Robotic Drones as hostile and hit them until you grab them and place them down again.

  6. This is awesome!

    Are there any plans to limit NPC movement to say, within a land claim, and give them eating/drinking/sitting interactions when they wander around?


    Even though it doesn't offer great gameplay I'd love to make sort of a 'lively settlement'

  7. I was on my way to sell a few items and after walking in I realized the Trader wasn't actually there. I figured he must have not finished loading in or something, and after ~10 seconds he pops in. Cool.

    Except.. as I'm heading out I noticed 2 Trader Icons coming from the room; One is coming from below the ground.

    Turns out Trader Hugh performed some type of cell division and cloned himself, now there's one living on the underground passage below him.

    This is breaking immersion, can I remove this duplicate entity from the map?

  8. On 3/23/2021 at 7:59 PM, ztensity said:

    I'd love it if you just forwarded your thoughts and/or change requests or changes etc. etc. and I can always consider updating the mod accordingly if it seems immersive.



    I love this mod, it's nice to see it updated and kept relevant which I didn't think would happen.


    Honestly the only one thing I would request for, is a fix for the white textures (specifically the tub) as they are 'glowing' to a certain degree even in complete darkness.


    The problem has always been present and turned me off from using certain items, which you get to live with when the mods abandoned but now there's hope again!


    If you could look into that, it would really improve the immersion part 😃





  9. I used to think the reload was causing the bottleneck, so yeah maybe.


    It'd be great if you could look at it, I could make a bunch of aggressiveness/firing-mode presets and put them here for anyone that would care about that sort of thing like I do.

  10. 23 minutes ago, xyth said:

    Each human weapontype requires a matching walktype.  You cannot use any other walktypes on ranged characters, but you can on melee.

    However using Walktype 7 (as proof of concept) made made the rest of the code for Burst firing-mode work for my ranged character, as shown in the video.


    I'd be interested in fixing the existing ones for pistol and rifle to allow similar functionality, those aren't playing nice with the rest of the configs.



  11. So Xyth I've tried literally every setting to isolate possible culprits, I can safely say now that the ONLY thing preventing different fire modes is WalkType animations, not sure what changed from A18 to A19 but there's the answer.


    I'd fix it but I have no idea how to do that, since it's gotta be in the Assembly-Csharp file.



  12. On 10/9/2020 at 9:35 AM, xyth said:

    the ranged attack distance is supposed to be based on the maxrange setting on the weapon.  They are supposed to try to maintain some percentage of that maxrange, i forget the value but its around 50% of the max range.

    That's what I thought, but NPCs keep running straight into Melee Range to shoot me/z's, not sure why.

    I was able to mitigate that by adding:

    <property name="AITask-2" value="RunawayFromEntity" data="class=EntityZombie,EntityEnemyAnimal;safeDistance=5"/>


    On 10/9/2020 at 9:35 AM, xyth said:

    Im not sure what your saying that there is no condition for melee.

    (Assuming any type/form of ApproachAndAttack is commented off)



    When I was experimenting with the default Task "RangedAttackTarget", I learned if you go too close the NPC will resort to melee anyway.


    While with "RangedAttackTargetSDX, Mods" the NPC will not.



    This wasn't important, simply an observation.

  13. On 6/25/2020 at 1:25 PM, derecs said:

    Prefablist for War of the Walkers

    Where to get?

    You mean prefablist for Nitrogen "as is"... or just standalone prefabs?

    If it's the latter, keep in mind it utilities assets from the mod itself, you'd have to go around striking all of those to get it to work standalone then make a prefablist, not terribly difficult but time consuming.

  14. On 10/4/2020 at 8:04 PM, xyth said:

    You just have to play around with it.  I had the humans burst firing in A18, but something in A19 seemed to stop that and I never got back to it as most folks complain they fire too much already.  If you find a way to make them fire faster let me know what that xml is and I can add that change to the pack.

    Tried everything I could think of (except making ammo a projectile, which I suspect would "work" but then it's not really hitscan) and wasn't able to get the job done thru XML.


    I figured if I can make them fire quickly then give them a cooldown, then it's the same no?


    But at best, there's almost like a forced 1.5s CD in between each shot, and strangely enough this is limited by animation. Rifle being the "buggiest" while idle, zombie and even crawling they fire nonstop every half second, maybe there's something there? a place to start.



    Unrelated to that, on my quest to make the ranged NPCs a touch smarter, I found removing approachandattack entirely while adding a dose of painresist, runwhenhurt and runawayfroment works fairly well and maybe should be included on the base template.


    As it is (at least for me, might have a mod messing somethings up) 90% of the time they run uncomfortably close up to something, can't fire/miss, and end up using melee.


    I'm also not sure what's wrong with RangedAttackTargetSDX but the baked in one seems a bit more.. complete?
    I have no knowledge of C# (or anything really, I'm out of my depth here lol) so if Sphere happens to read this and finds it interesting enough, there's no condition for melee in the SDX version.


    EG: As I pointed above I gave NPCs some tools to keep distance, but when cornered they DO melee under the vanilla rangedattacktarget, never otherwise.



  15. Is there a way to make an NPC auto fire or burst fire? Playing around with attackperiod and weapon delay I managed to increase the rate by quite a bit, but it's still a bunch of awkward one-taps and if you go too low the npc gets confused and doesn't shoot at all.

  16. This is likely the solution.

    I tried again now just to be sure, doesn't work.


    NPC is patrolling his route, but still had it's option for dismissal overridden by (Patrol your route) none of the other options can alter this either.

  17. Xyth I'm running into an issue where the displayed dialogue options are limited, and if I order an NPC to learn a patrol route the option to "Dismiss" goes away, is there a workaround this?

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