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Posts posted by [xTC]Moon

  1. 1 hour ago, riscoloco said:

    Are we there yet?

    Patience is a virtude.  

    Let they work as much as they need/want on it.  Not sure about you, but i rather wait than starting on a not tested version just to have to wipe my save every day with new versions due spam of bugfixes needed. 

    Also, its better for servers as well to have one stable and well tested version out because its always risky to update stuff on a server without breaking stuff. 

    I plan on hosting a couple of servers for South America as soon as CP gets released.  

    CP + UL 
    CP + DF
    CP only ( pure vanilla )
    CP + my personal mod that im working on.

  2. Few questions :


    - if i wanna use this on a client only do i have to install the 2k or 4k pack AND the modlets or can do i have to install only the modlets ?


    - If i wanna use this on a server and on clients. Do i have to install both modlets and 2k or 4k pack on server and clients ?



    What's the diference from installing the 2k/4k pack from the modlets only ?



  3. A17 Stable was released a couple days ago just FYI


    Although it was released, i think i understood what he meant. Even though he was a bit "harsh" on his words lol.


    A17 was released however it is still full of bugs ( most of them are know so fixes should come soon ).


    However even though A17 got a couple of bugs, being released as stable only means that they are not going to make any core changes on A17 so they will mostly fix bugs. And that's a relief for mod makers because core changes usually (most of the time) break mods and you have to update it.

  4. Manually installed by downloading the master zip from github and copying to my game folder.


    Short question : What happen if i enable eac with the mod on? Can i get eac banned or somenthing using it with eac ?

  5. Its more of a 700 meg mod, it takes a while unless you have a big pipe. The launcher has a direct download switch. Try that.


    - - - Updated - - -



    Holy mother of god. 700mb that explains everything and why its taking so long. I will try again and see how it works.


    I've found the manual download so i'll try that as well. I dont know why the manual download downloaded super fast since i got 600mb connection but the launcher takes forever.


    Either way i'll try both. Thanks mate.

  6. Hi guys sorry if this was asked before but the other topic is 341 pages long and this one is already over 43 pages. I tried the search function but couldnt find a proper answer.


    Since i'm having a LOT of issues using the sphereii launcher. Is there a possibility for a manual instalation process ? I've seen it for previous version but i couldnt find the process/files for the 16.4 one. Also the starvation launcher is not working anymore so i assume you guys are using only sphereii launcher.


    Either way, when i click on the launcher to install starvation, it gets stuck there. A friend of mine told me its a 68mb long mod so it should not take that long ( 30 min ). Since the launcher has no "download bar, i cant tell if its downloading or not.

  7. I downloaded in on my server (pingperfect). But when I try to log on it just says. Server still initializing.


    Any ideas?


    You wait till server start initializing.


    First time (especially when you start a new seed ) takes a while to launch. In my case took arround 2 hours to fully load for the first time.

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