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Posts posted by Miguel94

  1. Hello developers.


    You could put these weapons in and the game would be "perfect"


    Important weapons: sword like a katana (no swords in the game), grenade launchers (ammo types like explosive, acid, incendiary and freezing), flamethrowers, Claymore mines (a fancy mine, the others in the game are homemade), minigun (next from M60).

    Majorities are achieved in the later stages of the game and some in very dangerous military complexes.


    Other weapons: RPG-7 rocket launcher (this famous weapon as it is not in the game), barrett M82 precision rifle (with its .50 caliber), missile launchers with guided missiles.


    Important Traps: Flamethrower Turret, Gatling Turret (next to smg Turret), Electrified Fence.

    A modification for the AK-47 and the tactical assault rifle, an explosive but shorter range grenade launcher (Rambo).


    With these weapons and those that come in alpha 20 the game is completed with weapons :)

  2. Hello developers.

    Roland I've always been curious about this firearm thing.


    The desert vulture weapon is inspired by the real life desert eagle, right?


    I have three questions about the tactical assault rifle:


    What model of real weapon is it inspired by, perhaps the M4 assault rifle?

    If it is true it has to have the automatic mode, three modes, semi-automatic, three-shot bursts and automatic. It only has two modes.

    Should use 5.56mm ammo, 7.62mm not.


    And what model is the automatic shotgun?


    I really appreciate it if you answer these questions for me, thanks, greetings.

  3. Hi Roland, I'm Miguel and I'm spanish from Spain.
    I would like some translations of the game to be correctly corrected from Spanish.

    Here the following:


    "Revolver" is "pistola".

    "Metralleta AK-47" is "fusil de asalto AK-47" or "rifle de asalto AK-47".

    "Metralleta M60" is "ametralladora M60".

    Where the configuration options of a new game, the option: "marcar las gotas de aire" could be "suministros aéreos".

    where the map in the game, "se siente como" could be "temperatura ambiental".

    In the skills, where perception, "El penetrador" sounds fatal in spanish. Could be "el acechador".

    Looking for loot in safes, the one called "caja fuerte empotrable" could be "caja fuerte", "empotrable" sounds fatal in spanish.


    Greetings Roland, Madmole and everyone.

  4. Sorry if we sent you the same list, I put it in the wrong forum, this is the correct one and we already took the opportunity to put some more ideas.
    We the fans and folks from some of the 7 Days to Die closed groups want to share a list of ideas and improvements chosen by vote for the game for the Alpha 20 or later Alphas.
    If you are not going to implement some ideas, save the list of ideas for a future Alpha, we all want more content and love from 7 Days to Die.


    - Swamp biome, Tundra biome.
    - The return of the Plains biome. Less green perhaps.
    - Helicopter vehicle: the next upgrade to the gyrocopter and final vehicle, it's cool to take off and land vertically. Two passengers maybe?
    - 10 Vehicles in total in the game? That would be great, three marine vehicles such as a raft, a sailboat and a motor boat. From air vehicles the helicopter and a land vehicle can be another model of car or a quad for the mountains :)
    - More graphical improvements of a burning entity, firearms firing, explosions...
    - The player can become nervous in the presence of a zombie and causes the reload animation to speed up, can be slow or very fast. It can be removed with skills or simply remove clumsiness.
    - More animations for each action, drinking with said soda, injections, lock picks...
    - "Real" weight in vehicles.
    - The concrete mixer has its animation continues while it is working.
    - House blinds with real physics to the wind and the collision of entities.
    - More elements and objects in 3d, pipes, plants, crops...
    - Back to the scent system. But they are zombies and do not feel anything, but and their mutations what.
    - "Read" in the books and "use" in the diagrams. It is wiser to read in a book.
    - In each block painted by the player, show what material it really is. Red on the steel, mmm.
    - Adhesive material for the walls to place the turrets in a more realistic way.
    - In your game, when you open the map, a correct translation from spanish Spain "parece a temperatura". It can be a valid: "temperatura ambiental".
    - The degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit in game options.
    - In the options, a new option to indicate until what time the blood moon ends on the day of the horde. Minimum limit at 22:00 and maximum limit at dawn.
    - Option to choose a game in creative mode.
    - In creative mode, a filter option to choose the quality level of objects, weapons... Always everything at level 6 or maybe at level 2 to experiment, mmm :)
    - In each different house that has its unique paintings, more personality in each house.
    - When a zombie is beheaded, its moans are cut off.
    - Deadly poison when the snake bites you, although easy antidote to prepare, but what if you don't know, deaaddd.
    - "Bestiary" of enemies and NPCs. When you kill an enemy or see a merchant, it is logged. Shows weight, height, description of origin, etc.
    - New achievements. An achievement that you discover the entire Navezgane map, kill all types of zombies, complete a mission in no time...
    - A game intro showing the beginning of the zombie apocalypse with the fighting of the people and the police and the army against the first zombies (example, the intro of the old game R3 Nemesis), and then, several years later, the end of the world with the protagonist.
    - The story may be that a virus transforms people and animals into normal zombies (there are no wild or irradiated ones), then governments launch nuclear missiles in the most important cities of the world (explanation of the Destroyed City biome and the Highly radioactive Zone biome) , after several years the savages appear and those irradiated because of radioactivity. Normal zombies just because of radiation better not, first a pandemic and then radiation.
    - Option to put various HUD layouts of hunger, thirst, health, stamina, experience bar.
    - New zombies like the "Jugdment zombi" that is immune to normal bullets. Riot police zombie. Swamp zombie that is badly decomposed by the swamp waters...
    - More lootable vehicles on the roads like police car, SWAT vans, motorcycles, trucks...
    - More decorative and lootable elements in cities and roads such as traffic lights, traffic signs, highway, road tunnels...
    - An airport with planes and helicopters destroyed to loot.
    - More points of interest and more varieties of houses.
    - Physical objects such as the shopping cart.
    - Fishing system, a merchant who will send you missions to bring food to him or his people. Fish consumption and related recipes, prices and missions. Several models of fishing rods with their baits, how about a zombie eye or just worms haha.
    - Improved agriculture: sunlight, UV bulbs, fertilizers, irrigation systems, watering can, cultivation plots for indoor systems and with the hoe for outdoor in the land...
    - Livestock: cages for small and large animals, animal plots, advanced skills for husbandry...
    - Domestication, a horse to ride (hey Rick), or a wolf to keep you company and carry some of the loot. Man's best friend is missing in this apocalypse and a "vehicle" that smiles at you :)
    - More animals: Bats at night and caves, zombie crows in the forest, cows, horses, return of the pig, various models of fish.
    - Rivers, waterfalls, plateaus, caves.
    - More elements of nature like flowers and more plants.
    - Crafting system for cables. Copper ore to make cable and electronic devices.
    - Platinum nuggets to sell. The value is between the gold nugget and the diamond.
    - 5.56mm ammunition for the Tactical Assault Rifle, is based on the M4 Assault Rifle.
    - More weapons.
    - Titanium and tungsten mineral. In some mods of the game, the tools, weapons and more, with these materials work wonderfully.
    - With the skills, the gold, silver, platinum and diamond mines are more common.
    - Modifications and paint for vehicles.
    - Zip line.
    - More food and sweets.
    - More variety of missions.
    - Thermal vision goggles. To see irradiated animals and zombies in the dark, normal zombies are dead without radiation and do not emit heat.
    - Steel spike traps.
    - Shields to protect you and you can only carry a pistol, club or small arms, you defend yourself but at the same time you attack a little more awkward. Wood, Iron, Steel and Riot Shield (cannot be crafted).
    - More realistic system of supply and demand from merchants.
    - New tool: sickle, to cut crops and more fiber blocks to finish earlier.
    - We have found out that they are going to eliminate the blunderbuss, do not do it, no, we are very fond of it.
    - Very distant islands and distant seas with unique content. There may be related advanced missions.
    - More tools for painting, an example the roller for heights, heights that fear.
    - The rest of zombies, animals, zombie animals and traders with old model bring it in the HD version.
    - Physical in the hair of all zombies. Zombie with a helmet or cap, for example, a miner can drop his helmet due to a fall, blow, shot or explosion.
    - Improved AI and search for zombies paths.
    - More diseases.
    - More skills for the new changes and game with more duration.
    - HD graphics enhancement in the entire modeling of your character.
    - Improved zombie and ambient sound. Although you can exaggerate to be more scary.
    - Drone. And if i am not an animal lover and I prefer a machine pet hehe.
    - Steam Workshop please, and steam cloud.
    - Improved multiplayer and much more optimization.
    - More styles of icons to indicate on the map.
    - More designs for painting.


    And there are many more ideas, but all of these are the most chosen by all users.

    We all think 7 Days to Die still has a long way to go, but a single quality game is better than many short-lived games.

    Some of the ideas on the Alpha 20 changelist are not on this list, because we know it brings them in the next A20.

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