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Posts posted by PeterB

  1. Unbelievable, someone is spending an insane amount of his spare time doing this mod, overhaul all for free and people start complaining!

    Please show appreciation for the work since it is all done voluntarily. You cannot demand anything! Rather give polite constructive feedback which could help fixing any issues in the future if War3zUk decides, feels like it or has time for it, you get the point, to continue working on the mod or overhaul. 


  2. Hi Slaan, how is it going? Curious how somebody can be of any help. It‘s a mammoth project. What about setting up a server, I dont mind donating monthly fee, where people get assigned tasks for helping you out?

  3. Hi xyth,


    Regarding the new wandering traders, looks ok this time. Sometimes a tiny bit sliding while walking. Dont know why it was so much last time. Weapons sometimes missing while aiming on knees.

    Nice Avatars. Do you buy it or create yourself? I am new to character creation, but surely give it a try. Thanks again for your efforts.

  4. Thanks. Time is certainly a constraint for most of us modders. I am looking forward to seeing you mod released!



    Pushed the Theater Screens Modlet for you POI builders. Enjoy.


    Thanks a lot xyth.

    That movie theatre screen looks great. Many options with a custom music player and movie screens. Now I can make a decent strip club or bar while stripper zombies moving or even dancing in a cage. I could also mod the louche "Titty Twister". Dancing animations added to a female stripper zombie is the final touch. I have already some ideas. Great. Trader NPC will serve as a barkeeper. Npc could sit somewhere and offer some jobs while other Npc could sell you some drugs(buffs). Need to play with it a bit.

    Some feedback regarding wandering traders. I have tried them now. They look very cool.

    Only problem, they are just sliding now and then and also sliding while walking. But it is not always the case. Maybe you are aware of it, as it is a work in progress.

  5. Xyth, You are an inspiration.

    Thanks for your efferts. Cannot say enough how much I appreciate yours and others work of course on this game.

    Right now I am more on the prefab side and map world creation. I am using Photoshop for altering rwgmixer pregenerated maps in raw format. I have changed the Rwgmixer to my needs. Dont want to place all prefabs myself. I am working on a Game of Thrones like world with a huge ice wall. But not medieval. Working on prefabs and the map since a few weeks. Quite obsessed with it. Finally we have the tools bringing in our own characters. The sky is the limit. The only constraint for me is time.

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