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  1. Hey Pipermac, I've recently started getting into the mod. I'm having troubles completing the first of the cloning missions. I was able to craft both the "Seeds Seeds Seeds" and the "Beginner Cloning" missions just fine. I was able to do the "Seeds Seeds Seeds" mission just fine. I can't make any progress on the "Beginner Cloning" mission. When I go to the Farming Table to craft the Cloning Station the only option I have is "Perk" because the game still thinks I don't have the Cloning perk researched yet. My Farm Life skills tab is completely maxed out. There's the 1 point by default in the "Nothing to see here" Farm life level, 2 points in "Cloning", and 2 points in "Planting and Growing". I also have the Intelligence skill maxed out at level 10. I can't figure out why the game doesn't register that I have cloning researched. For additional information, this save is a completely brand new save that I started after the mod was installed. I do have quite a few other mods. Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks
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