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Posts posted by ghettochild2600

  1. Installed on my dedicated server (B290) and I was unable to join "connection timed out" turned EAC off too.


    Edit: Looked like it could of been a permissions issue.


    "chown user:user Assembly-CSharp.dll"

    "chmod 775 Assembly-CSharp.dll"


    Also installed on client.


    Still didn't work :/

  2. Could you please do one for screamers also or an option where they only come out at night. Also to not jump or climb ladders at all. I removed the ability for them to climb ladders aready and removed jumping gaps, but it's not very realistic seeing a zombie jump on another and over a wall...

  3. The settings I use are for maximum density as thats the level I develop/test at.


    You can open the biomes.xml in the config directory for any of the biome packs and reduce the spawn frequency.


    <decoration type="block" blockname="HDHQ_AlpineWinter1Prefab" prob ="0.2" rotatemax="3"/>


    Reduce that prob to something lower.

    For instance I have dead trees set to prob ="0.004" but you could reduce it further by either changing the 4 or adding another 0 in front.


    Simply changing the prob to 0.1 will halve the frequency etc.


    Feel free to tailor the biome(s) to your tastes.


    I'll let this release settle, make sure no more issues arise, then I'll begin work on bringing the baseline biome pack up to redux levels.


    Awesome! I've been flying around and checking all the biomes. Looking for any inconsistencies. So far everything looks good except this one tree I found that looks out of place.




    1770 N, 970 E


    Might only be happening for me though. Not sure.

  4. Thanks for the quick responses! I should of paid more attention when I copy/pasted the modlets. At first I tried putting the entire "hdhqmodlets-master" folder into the Mods folder and that didn't work. So I took all the files out of there and put them in instead. Didn't realize there was both a "baseline" and "redux" version. I personally prefer the redux. Thanks for taking my post from earlier into consideration about not liking the baseline trees!


    Is there an easy way to reduce tree spawns by 25% or 50% less?. I like having a full lush forest, but it can feel a little overwhelming at times with so many trees. Maybe they could be a performance variant or something like that.


    Thank again!

  5. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I don't think it's working properly for me. I keep getting WRN xml patch errors.










    I moved all the main files into the 7 Days To Die folder and said yes to overwrite.

    I moved all the modlets from the hdhqmodlets-master into the Mods folder.

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