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Con Agni

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Posts posted by Con Agni

  1. Soo i was able to pin out witch is working, and this is the list. The others giving error, at the startup, and some of his skills "slips" under your tree (but seems working as well). Im not an native speaker, if i misundestand something or not good in explaining, sorry.



  2. Hi, i like to ask a thing is there a some way (or work around) to use your mosd and the Age of Oblivion mod? I think to the skill trees to be exact both ar awsome. and thenk you for the advice in forvard!

  3. This tool extracts .assets files from assets bundles (like BlockTextureAtlases) so you can view them with UAE.

    To extract an .assets file, just press File->Open, select the file, press Export and select the output file.

    To import an .assets file, do the same steps as above but press Import.

    7 Days to Die's block textures are stored in these assets bundles so this allows you to edit them.



    Thnx for the reply, and i need to ask another favor, if i did the export, after what need i use, to actualy see the files, and "makes some sense" for a beginner like me. I just can humbly say thnx, for the great community, how they keep us "feed" and help, and still give help to the greens to ;)

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