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Posts posted by thornnnn

  1. server rebooted while i was on my motorcycle loaded with my ammo for horde night.. now i spent the entire day before horde looking for my mc.. which i did not find.. now hoow many times have i lost my vehical in this game.. few times i find it.. few times i dont..  but now i gotta go in steam and highly not recommend this game.. cus y ou guys just dont know how to set the vehical location to your drop (and respawn) location.. it is just beyond your capability or your concern  for your customers.. frankly i cant think of a bettter way to spit in our faces.. how long this bug been here?   you just dont give a damn.. you make me want to swear at you.   i give the pips a zero .. big fat 0  for giving a crap about their customers.  a great game.. with bad people holding the IP..

  2. IF I GET  disconnected while occupying my vehical  when i rejoin game the vehical is GONE.. i might find it i might not find it..  but it is NOT where yo8u disconnected.. it's probably at the last vheical manager save location.   and this is happening to me on local dedicated server (the same computer i'm playing the game on.. with loopback to connect.. so it is not the isp.. it is not the router its the frigging game... if you disconnect while riding a vehical you will have a misplaced vehical.. you may find it.. (not where you dropped) or you many not find it.. and only god know where it is.. one time my gyro was on a roof.. and onlyt another player with another gyro saw it..   it is frustrating.. PIMPS ON DISCONNECT either load the vehcal in the inventory.. or return it to bedroll.. or locate it where the person dropped.  their spawn point on drop.  one of the biggest SUCK things about this game.. surely you can fix it right?

  3. LAST 2 SERVERS i was on  blue stone ax only had 2 sockets for modifiers.  for years it was 3 for blue.. 4 for only pink/purple .. 2 for green yellow and 1 for tan and orange.  so is this just server mods coincidence  or is the game changed  anyone know what's going on here please?

  4. when selecting a server  a toggle to put the server in yoru favorite list.. so toggle the star.. its in your favorite list.. untoggle it  it is no longer in your favorite list.  instead of having to root thru your hard drive edit files to remove favorites that turned out to be lemons..  not one server in my favorite list.. is a favorite.. and there is no in game way to fix that.. that's nuts pimps.. Please consider making  your game user friendly!

  5. quite  few hours in.. and there is no desert biome..   so no vehicals  once i shred all the cars.  come on devs.. what kind of **** is this.   at least let us make gas from alcohol.  You finally gave me something to HATE about 7d2d.  With a PASSION!

    you need to code in that every start is within view of a desert.. cus the game is broken without a desert.. and we can just quit and reroll if no desert.  every other biome we cn do without.. but not the desert.

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