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Posts posted by Blindguard

  1. Aye I managed to fix this! I booted up the 16k map and got in, my fiance is trying to join a co-op game but she is stuck on "receiving and loading configs", something that should be almost instantly I'd assume? This is co-op as said and not a dedicated server.

  2. So... It looks great and all, I mainly got this cause I got mad tired at the tiny worlds we get now in alpha 18. I created a 16k map, it completed in about an hour, and I moved the folder to Roaming/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/MyMapWentHere. I started up 7dtd, clicked on "New Game" and selected my generated map there, the game started loading but got stuck at initializing world and then crashed. What's going on? Im also using your generator to get rid of this... Like... pillars spawning all over the map which is new in A18 to me.


    Edit: Nvm! I should've closed the other Nitrogen generating a 24k map for me first haha :p thanks!

  3. I've got a question though, how do you craft gun powder without chemistry table? Cause level 100 takes some time to get to, we got the pestle and mortar and all the ammo perks, can't click "craft" anywhere on the gun powder :/ tried workbench, campfire, metal workstation, lathe.


    Okay, never mind, apparently you deploy the mortar :p I would never have guessed for something that small haha.

  4. Kind of curious how people play.


    I've played up to horde night on warrior in the 40's with out using hardly any guns (do have a blunderbuss for random dog hordes).


    Are you playing with large numbers of hordes?


    Honestly I do wish the regular mobs would get more challenging after each horde stage to keep the game more challenging. I don't run with a huge number of horde night zeds simply because it doesn't increase the danger but I have to spend 2 days fixing all the holes in the ground the exploding mobs create (which gets boring after a while).


    Well, when we played without mods we had the highest difficulty (5), had max zombies set to 80 and 16 zombies per player, we were 4 at the time so each 7th horde spawned around 60 zombies. It was too easy as we easily had guns on the 7th day, if not, the 14th we had at least AKs.


    We've been increasing difficulty constantly and at the moment it is pretty good, using this mod, tenfolded the zombie health (except spiders, dogs, crawlers and such), but tripled/quadrupled headshot damage. I've also buffed the melee weapons by 50% to bring them on par with the bow, cause you are so close and one misstep usually results in being stunned and probably dead. I've also increased their block damage by about 20%, and I've increased the cost of wood spikes from 20 wood up to 150 wood. And I'd say we've been having a challenge so far, the days aren't too scary though, I mean, you get occasional 8 radiated zombie hordes, but they aren't too difficult if using melee unless you get hit, then you die.


    We haven't had the game for too long, we bought it this December I believe for a LAN we had, but we've played it to death since then, I'm around 1.1k hours atm, and as we learned the game we've been asking us why it is easy. Basically for us, the horde nights sucked, you spent 7 days repairing and getting wood spikes, then ran up on your roof and shot at them with whatever you had. So we increased wood spike cost, and after some tweaking we settled at 150 per piece, it feels balanced as we can use them tactically, but too expensive to spam them, unless we want to spend 7 days chainsawing trees.


    Still a bit too easy, why? Cause zombies come to your house, you run up on the roof and start hammering them with whatever you had, while having 1 on the inside repairing the walls, so we increased their block damage and doubled the amount of zombies per player so we can't tunnelvision repair a few couple of blocks.


    Still too easy, so this time I fivefolded their health and doubled HS damage, it was too easy cause as soon as you got a gun you could easily shoot 5 bullets in the center of mass and bring them down, at least to the ground, which makes for easy execution. Also pulled down loot abundance to 70% and respawn days to 100, which makes the minibike a must.


    At this point we also installed this mod, and finally we got a real challenge, only the horde nights which are good. I prefer if the regular days put up a fair challenge, which they do if you enter a house and you see 3 spitting zombies running towards you. However this mod needs a bit tweaking here and there, such as:

    Every fallen soldier drop M4A1 and a few bullets

    Munition boxes drop a lot of grenades, even at 70% abundance we average about 3 grenades per box.

    The sound from the hornet is too loud.

    Spiders (Nothing the mod creator can fix) can't climb properly and just serve as a nuisance more than anything else, needs to be removed from default files.

    A few items are a bit unclear, we had no idea where to find calipers or welding torch but we assumed cars or traders, it's day 21 today and we have still to find any, we are stuck with the M4s and bow/melee.

    NPCs die way too easy, 1 iron arrow to the had at 20 archery and they are dead, they also have a chance to drop their corresponding weapon, be it a spiked club or a winchester, which is good, but a bit too high chance, and they are too easy to kill.

    Some of the newly generated houses are too OP, there is one wooden lodge with 2 apache chests inside, 2 munition boxes (I believe), and a gun safe, plus a ton of regular boxes. If you want easy game you just need to run here, break the glass with fists and loot it all, the gas barrel at the munition boxes can be shot and you can enter from the outside. Doing this at the beginning of the wipe usually results in 1-2 Taza's stone axe which is really good, and a few grenades from the munition boxes.

    We also found a generated house with a vault, with pre-installed forges and a vault door, we've been using it to day 14 where we started to move out, but we will probably stay here for day 21 as well, it's just too good. It's full concrete all around.


    These are just my points on the "difficulty" part of the mod, but it makes it much harder, I really like this mod.


    Edit: Where do you remove the spider spawns btw? Can't seem to find it inside the gamestages.xml of the server mod.

    ^Literally 5 second after typing this I opened entitygroups and found the entry "zombiespider" inside :p


    However I am curious to know how a gamestage is calculated, is it your current level? Or total level of all players? Or hours passed or something?

  5. Sulfur isn't much of a bottleneck after your harvesting 6+ rotten meat from corpses with a titanium machete after horde night. The dogs and bears give much more.


    I almost to want ask if it can be toned down, haha.


    I also found another typo in the Sunblocker description. "Whenerver it's told." That could be the pronunciation from the book/movie of course, I just can't remember.


    Haha ye, noticed this after the 7th horde night as well, still using regular machete but we got close to 500 sulfur, the bottleneck is still the usual, brass.

  6. Yeah, that's my bad. I forgot to remove them from the spawning group I use cos I'm dumb. :D




    Wasteland doesn't have a probability to spawn in my mod. It straight up spawns at the centre. That's absolutely intended because it's supposed to be an "end game" area. As in, you only go there if you absolutely KNOW you want to go there and accept the danger that comes with it.


    I don't recommend removing it for that reason, but you should be able to comment it out. However the texture is getting replaced in v1.8 to give it more of a "nuclear wasteland" feel. :)


    As for the crawlers, Guppy recommends removing them because it screws up the "wave spawning" of horde nights.


    EDIT: This is what I mean about the wasteland. Screenshot was taken before I started messing around with the UI like a complete n00b.




    Ah good, ye, it's fine if the middle is chaotic, as long as it's not outside of the middle, cause that place is absolute cancer.


    Oh ye, we noticed that we had lag during the first horde night, day 7, we are using the default settings except that we changed horde zombies to 16 per player rather than the default 8 in serversettings, and max amount of zombies to 80, but would the default settings really make a difference?


    I mean, we both got pretty high end PCs, and the server is a dedicated one with 32GB ram and the new i7 coffeelake on it.

  7. I think you're correct on the roughness, at least from when I initially did some experimentation and ended up with an absolute monstrosity of a world. Kinda wish I'd taken some screenshots tbh. :)


    Honestly? Not entirely sure. I think the base is what it starts with, scaled is where you can alter it and FastMountains is the result. But Tin knows way, way, WAY more than me and the rwgmixer is massively based off his work. So if anyone can answer a question about that file full of black magic, it's him! :)


    Hahaha, ye, I messed around tons as well, got a world which was really "flat" but it had spikes/stalagmites coming out of the ground every meter, they were scattered all over the world, saw Tins thread and saved it to bookmarks but haven't had time to read it yet. I've been trying to find the right RWG for our group myself, but when it seems I'm getting close, it's a U turn from there. Had worlds that looked almost perfect, except that the steep mountains were way too thin, like 10-15 blocks, so I increased the power and BAM! I had mountains everywhere, it's strange.

    I still really like your RWG, I find it better than the vanilla RWG, I'm just a sucker for building straight into the mountain and call it Moria.


    Another question, we really dislike wasteland, it's... disgusting, mines, looks bad, what would happen if I removed the probability for it to spawn, and gave it a 0% chance to spawn?


    Highly recommend removing crawlers from horde nights...


    Why? On my server we've made zombies really strong against attacks, we tenfolded their HP, but also increased HS multiplier by 3-4x, even on the crawlers. It worked fine, we barely survived day 7 but we managed.

  8. It's entirely possible I'm just dumb and don't know how to spell. ;)


    Don't lower the maxspawned. Lower the amount of zombies that the server decides can be spawned as that is what ultimately controls horde nights. You can test this yourself by setting 8 as the max, then 16, 32, etc. I think TFP said 32 gets really, really laggy.


    Not 100% sure on the duration value, but that gamestage file is an edited version of Guppy's Trickle Fox, so if anyone knows... it will definitely be him.


    Will check the bars. That should absolutely be perk-locked, though I may have allowed it for construction and miner. I need to check that.




    Try this.


    <module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
    <property name="sourceModule" value="finalLand"/>
    <property name="scale" value="250"/>


    Increase scale. I find increments of 50 works. Bear in mind this will lower the overall areas of flat land so you may get smaller cities. That's the "quick and dirty" way to do it. :)


    This is the hard way.


    <module name="fastMountainsBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
    <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/>
    <module name="fastMountainsT" type="FastTurbulence">
    <property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsBase"/>
    <property name="power" value="5"/>
    <!-- <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/> -->
    <property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
    <property name="roughness" value="1"/>
    <module name="fastMountainsScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
    <property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsT"/>
    <property name="scale" value="0.3"/>


    Try messing around with frequency and power. That will take a LOT of restarts and world generating though.


    Alright, that sounds nice. I've been changing the roughness as well, thought that meant the frequency of extremes in the slopes. What's the different between Scaled, Base and fastMountains?

  9. MaxAlive just helps fix the "trickle". Num is what determines how many turn up and the server settings ALWAYS take precedent over the gamestage settings. :)


    So if you set it to 32, that's what you'll get no matter what I put in the gamestage file.


    Would you know how to edit the rwgmixer to generate more hills? Really looking forward to building straight into a mountain, last time we did that we had a really bad mountain. We're looking for something like

    however if it was even steeper we'd be really happy, think the canyon on navezgane :p
  10. Alright cool, I put it to 16 this time, we'll see what happens on day 7 :p We just wiped, found a house but regarded it a bit as cheating, it had a vault door down in the basement with concrete and 2 forges, felt like jumping instantly to day 7 progress on the first day.


    We've been trying to find a seed with mountain walls, we'd love to build straight into one and have our base there, but we cant seem to find any nice mountains so far.

  11. I made my own horde gamestages.


    What you could do is go into the gamestage file and set maxzombies to 256 and maxalive to 64. That'll give you a LOT of zombies. :)


    You could also swap out any group that says ZombiesNight with ZombiesFeralNight.


    Most people tend to be around Gamestage 50 on Horde night, and these are the first few gamestages for hordes.


    <gamestage stage="1"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="1" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>
    <gamestage stage="25"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="55" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>
    <gamestage stage="50"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="55" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>
    <gamestage stage="75"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="104" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>
    <gamestage stage="100"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="104" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>


    Ah awesome, won't maxzombies 256 get a bit laggy tho? What happens if I increase horde night zombies in the default server config file to be 64 (max), and max amount of zombies to 80? Will it affect the zombies at all or not?

  12. Ye, kinda my own fault, I spawned it but couldn't find it, ran inside the house and.. there he was!


    Also I've done some changes to the settings, I increased the zombie block damage by tripling their damage (leaving behemoth alone!), tripling their health and tenfolding headshot damage, the hp and damage against zombies is fine. However their damage against the blocks were way to high, there is simply no way to survive day 7. So I'm thinking that maybe we shouldn't do anything to make the horde nights harder? What exactly have you done with the mod, to make the horde nights harder? Cause we had like 3 rad zombies the first night as well.

  13. I figured that was a good compromise since the proper behemoth doesn't work :D


    EDIT: And aside from UI, this is what I've been working on.



    I noticed the behemots pathing is a bit choppy, at least when I'm on the ground, and I cant seem to spawn hornet soldier/Worker, but the queen works fine :p Anything you're aware of?

    Tbh, I'm just trying to help at this point, because this mod is badass, and you are really active which is great.


    Ye, that menu looks nice, feels immersive, and this mod really makes the horde nights harder, damn, I put myself to level 40 last night and changed to day 21, I got rekt.


    Edit: ♥♥♥♥ me, my heart.

  14. Okay, huge info dump incoming for you. :) I'll include all 3 spikes just in-case you missed one.




    <recipe name="scrapIronLogSpike4" count="1"> <!-- trap -->
    <ingredient name="scrapIron" count="40"/>
    <recipe name="trapSpikesNew" count="1"> <!-- trap -->
    <ingredient name="wood" count="20"/>
    <recipe name="woodLogSpike1" count="1"> <!-- trap -->
    <ingredient name="wood" count="15"/>


    Loot.xml - This changes the minibike storage back to 32 slot.


    <!-- minibike storage -->
    <lootcontainer id="62" count="0" size="4,8" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">


    Windows.xml under windowCompass. Delete this to remove the day (you may only need to delete the label part)


    <sprite pos="200,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8">
    <label depth="6" width="300" height="30" pos="0,24" text="{daytitle}: {day|always}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/>


    That should do it. :)


    Damn, thanks a lot for the help! Apparently steam servers decided to die on me, but I tested it offline and it works flawlessly! I also took the liberty to increase headshot multiplier inside items.xml as well as increase zombie hp in the entityclasses files, thats when I noticed that the behemoth has been cut off, is it possible to just delete the comment marks and make it active?

  15. Okay, ignore the 1.6 rwgmixer file. That's not going to be used anymore.


    Hardcore mode I need to update, but the game STARTS you at 0,0 for spawn point and removes the day from under the compass. So the only way to know what day it is would be via vending machine or trader, AND you start in the wasteland.


    I need to re-patch that file for clients and servers. :)


    Regarding the spikes, that would be in recipes.xml for how much they cost to craft, so easy to change and you only need to do it server-side if you want to do that. :)


    EDIT: You can remove the day manually if you like. I can tell you the bit of code that controls that. Again, would only have to be a server-side modification.


    Not showing a day would be awesome, the timer is already gone which I love, and ye, I found it in the recipes.xml, set cost to 150 each :p

    How would I go about to hide the day?

  16. Completely agreed with you on the spikes.


    And I'm actually working on some "block breaker" zombies for 1.8. :) I could just increase the base block damage across the board, but I didn't want to do that and unbalance everything.


    That's awesome! Well, the games main issue atm is the learning curve, when I first got to the game, there were 4 of us, all complete noobs, with a lot of experience from Rust and DayZ, but 7dtd is really unique with the horde concept. We got absolutely shredded at the start, however as soon as we got into the game, found out that the minibike existed and how to actually upgrade blocks, craft spikes and guns, it was way too easy. The zombies just ran into spikes and die, and if we decide to not use any spikes (Which sucks, I hate limiting myself), we just stand on the wall and spray down on the zombies which seem to come from only one direction.


    Once you know the game, it's all too easy, even on the max difficulty, we had one difficult horde night, thats when we had like 15-20 birds flying around and poking at us. We had to dedicate 2 guys with hunting rifles to take them down. I'm thinking of using this mod, putting zombie horde count to 64, max zombie spawn to 80, block durability to 25%. But I would love to increase the cost of the wood spikes, and I think that should be possible inside one of the XML files if I'm not mistaken? Also increase headshot multiplier, esp for melee weapons, cause it's a bit silly when a zombie take 50 bows in the chest, or 20 in the head, also, the melee is really weak in comparison.


    By the way, what's the deal with the hardcore mode.zip and 1.6 rwgmixer.zip inside the BBM45-master.zip? What are they for?

  17. The EAC version is no longer updated because the mod uses SDX, so I didn't see the point in maintaining a code base for expanded storage and one without when they're both going to have patched DLL's anyways.


    Regarding the tools, I haven't "fixed" them, but I'm inclined to agree with you. Being unable to scrap might be better than no sound, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks about that. :)


    I can tell you which XML part to edit for the minibike storage later if you want. Backpack can't be tweaked because it's patched in the DLL, so decreasing the size might cause issues.


    Alright, nah it's not a huge deal really, just makes returning base less of a hassle, I'm more interested in having sounds for the items :p The only issues I noticed when I tried the mod was the sound for tools, sound for auto shotgun (Which I think is beyond your power to fix, 7dtd dev team gotta fix their stuff), and the horde night being empty.


    But Imma try the horde night now by spawning in tons of zombies and leveling up extremely fast, and then forward to a horde night, it should work, right? Just to test it out.


    Edit: Forgot that I kinda asked the same question earlier, and you said a guy on the discord told you day 28 was insane, that's EXACTLY what we are looking for. We want the base game to be as difficult as it is now, but the horde nights to be way, way harder. Normally without mods, we have a breeze until day 7, try to survive day 7 which isn't really hard, just use wooden spikes which kills everything, then you've got AKs by day 14 without ease.


    This sounds exactly what we want, really hard horde nights, I want to feel the panic to get inside the house towards the horde night, spending 7 days prior to the night to just stock up on food, meds and ammo, and then barely survive after a horde night. We've put block durability as low as 10% when playing without mods, but the spikes are too OP, and the zombies need to destroy the houses faster.

  18. By "Alpha 16.4 Download (Version 1.6.2, EAC Friendly, works for servers, no longer updated)" no longer updated. Do you mean that you have abandoned the mod, or just the EAC friendly part of it?

    We play on a private server with EAC turned off, but increased minibike storage to 45 slots feels a bit too much, we're in it for the challenge if you know what I mean. We gave true survival a shot but it... was a bit strange, first we had to downgrade to 16.2, second the menu lagged as hell when you searched for something, and a lot of other stuff.


    I know that I commented on the sounds earlier this week on your mod and I'm wondering if you've managed to find a fix? In my opinion, I'd rather have the sounds working flawless and not being able to salvage the tools, rather than being able to salvage them but have ♥♥♥♥ed up sounds. So much easier to just throw the titanium items away and create new ones, its just the things that strike, like tools and weapons, that need a working sound anyways.


    Would it be possible to get a version of this mod somehow? Or maybe be able to edit it myself?

  19. Fixed my issue.

    However I need to downgrade my dedicated server to 16.2 now in order to play this with my friends, I'm renting a server but I got access to FTP and all the files, any suggestions how to change the version?

  20. Titanium sound is a known issue I've been trying to track down for a LONG time. Basically it claims there's no sound file for material_titanium (even though i've defined some and set metal as the parent) and the only way around it is to set the titanium tools as material=metal... but then you can't scrap them. It's bloody annoying. :)


    Auto shotgun has been a known issue for a long time, as stated on the first page. MIGHT be fixable, need to talk to some folks with more experience than me!


    Horde goes by your gamestage. Gamestage is level + days survived and also modified by difficulty. So if you just set it to day 7 without levelling up or anything, you're going to have a tiny horde. Sadly, that's pretty much the way the game works. I mean, I could set it to an insane amount of zombies...


    Hub city uses the rules from A15. Which means you MIGHT get one. Not you WILL get one. Also, it sometimes spawns approx 200-300 away from 0,0 in any direction. :)

    Figured as much in regard to the sound :/ that's a shame. I wasn't aware of the horde though, would it prove difficult if I just spawned myself an ak and powerleveled to 20-30, then set the day to the 7th?

  21. uninstall all mods, then verify files going through 7 days to die game properties local files hit the verify files button let it run, then do it again, then see if game is vanilla by doing a test a world, once you find its working in vanilla again reinstall only jz mod true survival make sure you are on 16.2 if just true survival not sure about jz version although i think it is current. then it should work.


    Aye, I've done this like.. 4-5 times now I believe. Its still a pitchblack screen.

    https://pastebin.com/meyrP2gX pulled from the error log. Something's missing, I'm doing manual install.


    Edit: Real strange issue, I installed it through the launcher in a separate folder and it works without any issues. I moved all the folders from the working mod folder to the original one, and I get the same issue. Black screens. Although both of the installations got the same files.

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