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Posts posted by DerPopo

  1. It seems like there were some changes to the AnimatorController type between 5.0.1f1 and 5.2.0f3 and neither of both databases seem to have the correct type for 7dtd's Unity version. I'll create a type database for it.

    I will look into adding my tool that generates the type database from a player .exe to the next release (or into a separate zip because it relies on injecting a .dll into the player which might look like a virus to some anti-virus programs).

  2. It doesn't work perfectly for all meshes right now because I was a bit confused about where the UV data begin. If there is such a file that looks almost but not completely correct, you can add it with a text editor, search for a line starting with "f" and add "vt 0 0" once (or twice if it isn't better) before it and do that for all submeshes in that file. Then only the last or the two last UV coordinates will be wrong but the rest should be correct.

    I will look into fixing that soon.

  3. I noticed that the UV channels sometimes have stream set to 1 and offset set to 0. In case of an example mesh (back_wheel from 7dtd's minibike), it detects 40 bytes per vertex (3 position, 3 normal and 4 tangent floats). The remaining 'streamed' 8 bytes (uv coordinates) seem to be at the end of the vertex data buffer.

  4. There is a new type database (classdata_0E) which was created from Unity 5.2.0f3 mainly because the texture formats aren't compatible. For 7dtd, the old type database (classdata_0E.5.0.1f) is required. Just replace classdata_0E with the old one and it should work.

  5. V1.8 has been released! It features a Mesh to .obj and a MovieTexture plugin, compressed bundle support (WebPlayer .unity3d), search and sort functionality, batch asset export, much faster tree views and many smaller additions and fixes.


    Also, I now use the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. I explicitly don't forbid using the tool for commercial mods but most games don't allow that anyway (including 7dtd).

  6. DerPopo I love your program.


    But the "Assets Bundle info" window is a bit difficult to dig throw in its currant setup. Is there a chance you can set it up so we can search by word, type of asset or something like that in your next release. And/or have a split window for easier drag and drop from Assets Bundle to Dir and back.:)


    Thanks! I added that to the issue list.


    Thankyou for the work you have done on this program... it is very useful!


    I used it to figure out which scripts are attached to the tree objects ingame (which makes them able to be chopped down). You can see the research thread here:



    The working apple tree model mod (with the correct script attached making it able to be chopped down) is here:



    The work I did on that apple tree raised an issue regarding "MonoBehaviour Base" files (type 0xFFFFFFE2):

    When I try to "Export Dump" these files (for example "resources.assets" Path ID 65883 in A12.5) your program says "The file format is empty" which is not correct. I used the "Export Raw" button to dump the bytes and figured out what they mean.


    Basically those files contain swapped bytes with the parent Path ID in "resources.assets" and a Path ID to the script file name stored in the "mainData." file. Would be nice if you could "Export Dump" this data in a readable format just like other files.




    It would also be very handy if we could export the meshes to OBJ or FBX format. This would make modding the existing models possible (e.g. export the holding seeds in your hand model and edit it). Perhaps you could add a plugin?




    Finally, it would make things a LOT easier if we could search the list for a certain text string and search for an entry by Path ID.




    Once again, thanks for your work on this program and I look forward to any updates.




    MonoBehaviour assets are game-specific. Only the base which includes the game object PPtr, an m_Enabled bool, the script PPtr and a name field is the same for all (that the file format is shown as empty is a bug in the current release, it will be fixed for the next release).

    To find the complete type information, these have to be extracted from the MonoBehaviour classes in Assembly-CSharp (or other assemblies). I made a tool that does this (which doesn't yet work properly with some classes that use generic fields) and I have to do further testing.


    The mesh extractor also is on the issue list.



    The next release will be able to unpack packed bundles (mostly web player .unity3d files), maybe pack these (the web player doesn't seem to want to use these repacked files, I'm not yet sure why) and there will be some bugfixes (to allow opening bundles with sound banks and with dlls without a crash).

  7. There are plugins for some of the file formats (currently Texture2D, TextAsset and AudioClip). If you want to modify the bundle, export the CAB-<random number> from the BlockTextureAtlases and then you can edit that exported file (and save it). Once you're finished, you can import it back to the BlockTextureAtlases and save it.

  8. V1.7 has been released with a TextAsset plugin fix and a new AudioClip plugin.

    The AudioClip plugin can export Unity 5 AudioClips to uncompressed .wav files using FMOD. Basically it plays the sound to the .wav file in "non-realtime" mode.

    See this post if you want to import sounds.

  9. If you want to add new sounds, you can create FMOD sound banks with the fsbank tool in the bin folder of the FMOD API

    ( http://www.fmod.org/download/ ). Only use one sound file at once. Press the build button and copy the .fsb file to the 7DaysToDie_Data folder.


    You can export a dump of the AudioClip asset and change m_Source to the new file's name, set m_Offset to 0 and m_Size to the size of the new file in bytes you can lookup using the explorer. Then you can import the modified dump and save the .assets file.


    I'm working on an AudioClip extractor but it probably won't work for vorbis files.

  10. V1.6 has been released with some bug fixes, a TextAsset plugin and an asset viewer update.


    I am also looking into adding an AudioClip plugin but I can't find much about the FMOD sound bank format which is used to store the audio data.

    There are tools that can view that file format but they seem to have problems with the sounds inside the file not having a name.

  11. V1.5a has been released with some bug fixes and a plugin API.

    I included a Texture plugin that supports reading and writing the texture data formats RGB24, RGBA32, BGRA32, ARGB32, ARGB4444, RGBA4444, RGB565, DXT1 and DXT5. You can export the data to the lossless file formats .png and .tga and import these.

    Multiple textures in one file (which does not include texture atlases) and making mip maps is not supported.

  12. V1.4 has been released. Modifying .assets files now is possible.


    The next things to do are file format exporter and importer plugins, fixes for the Unity 4 type database and a better way to find out which asset a PPtr field is pointing to.

  13. There is an error that causes a crash but I'm not sure what causes it (it works perfectly on my Windows 8.1 64bit but on Windows 7 it crashes instantly). I will look into this. Unity 5 is not required to run this program.

  14. I have released v1.3. It can show the data of assets in a tree view and now also opens the asset list for .assets files outside a bundle file.

    I am planning to add an export/import button for assets that also allows to read and write type tree dumps.

  15. Here's some eye candy :


    I have made a tree view for assets that uses the type information in asset bundle files. I tested it with multiple Unity 4 and Unity 5 asset bundle files and different asset file formats and it works so far.

    I will add an option to load .assets files to view the asset data of these.

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