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Posts posted by prkchpsyring

  1. Hello everyone,


    Coming off a hiatus and am new to the threat levels on POIs. Question, is it three skulls and above that you can expect to have the orange glowing eyed/enraged zombies or do they exist in the lower threat ones too? Asking this after dying to an enraged zombie in a 3 skull POI on my Ironman SP game. 🙃

  2. Hi everyone,


    I’m coming back to 7Days after a hiatus and I was curious if a certain POI is still in the game. It was a construction site of sorts that was basically a garage being built. It had an upstairs area to it as well. I used it as my main base in the last single player game I played and haven’t found one yet.

  3. I'm really confused. I was looking for a good wasteland biome map and used the ZombieSnuggles one that was listed on this thread. Do the directions of the biomes sometimes get flipped around?? I went due east from the forest to get to the wasteland biome and...I hit the tundra...which was supposed to be in the north. 

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