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Posts posted by GRAW2ROBZ

  1. https://gameclips.io/GRAW2ROBZ/380dd6f0-0bf8-4e77-8e57-489ca1356062


    Looked like the start of a MD5 bug if I stuck around any longer. The output boxes in the forge were missing and flickering. So backed out fast. Also been doing that trick by hitting start on 7dtd icon to bring up manage game and apps. Then hit A button on saved data tab of gamer tag. Then only delete console data only. Seems to work. Other then you lose maybe a couple minutes of game time played. But better then a base wipe. So far this happened a couple times. But all is good. Also get the occasional black screen dashboard maybe eachday I play this. Even more frequent with a friend playing.

  2. I had a different idea that didn't work. I have 3 hard drives. I made a entire game file copy to another hard drive. But both still have the same saves checking both even though one I played longer on. So my guess would be the cloud makes both the same saves for time. My only guess would be to save a extra copy to another hard drive. Then unplug that one while playing on another hard drive. That's one trick I didn't try yet. But maybe have to play offline though. Cause most likely the cloud would probably update a MD5 bug error from one hard drive to the other.

  3. If its not the fault of XBOX1 RAM or size of saves. Then maybe its a bad line of code from Iron Galaxy? Since two different systems of XBOX1 and PS4 and different operating systems. My guess some bad line of code slipped through for XBOX1 and once it hits its limit or bad line of code game crashes and deletes where ever you're standing at your base.


    So far doing the going to games and apps and delete only the console save and not the cloud. My game hasn't been wiped yet. No deletions. But I had a black screen that crashed. Had to reload the game. Also getting this weird deal leaving my cabin I built in the desert. Where I hit the invisible wall then after a few seconds I get pulled back like lag or something.


    Besides late draw-ins for bushes. Also had this weird thing happen driving my mini bike through the desert. Like I got stuck hanging like a big tile grid sunk downward. Hopping off the bike fixed it and the grid. But I bet i'm close to have MD5 bug soon. I think i'm at day 58. Also I try not to have to many things crafting at once either. Like smelting iron and what not in the forge while crafting other stuff at the work bench. I got this other server I use to have some friends play on.


    That's at day 240 and we had MD5 bug 3 times. But I guess we were constantly crafting and building stuff besides I dug tons of tunnels all over navezgane. As for other's talking about it being XBOX fault for original XBOX1. Does anyone have to XBOX1X? Give that a try and see if you get MD5 bug yet. I'm sure the RAM for that system is way better then PS4 pro. Or we can hope this game is backward compatible for XBOX2 this Holiday season. My guess its a bad line of code.

  4. Part of what you guys fail to realize is that the grand majority of the money you spent on the console version did not go to The Fun Pimps. It went to TellTale, who ♥♥♥♥ed things up and put the console port into the situation it is in.


    Then on top of that, TFP went and spent the small percentage of money they had made on the console, PLUS some of the development funds for the PC version, just so they could get the rights back so you would have some hope of something in the future.


    And you have the audacity to sit here and blame TFP for something they had little control over. You guys sure have a hard time facing reality. What would you do if TFP just said "♥♥♥♥ it" and shut this entire section of the forum down? Then culled any further discussion on the Console port, and told you to just deal with the fact that TellTale ♥♥♥♥ed you over.


    No, instead they have asserted that though it is not financially feasible to continue working on the ♥♥♥♥ed up version you were given by TellTale, they do intend to continue with a new release after they are actually done making the game.


    You are a wholly ungrateful lot, and this discussion is most definitely over. All you do is parrot the same crap every few posts and ignore the reality of things.


    You make it sound like the Fun Pimps are broke with their 10 million PC copies sales. Going by $25 to $40 each. They should have plenty of money to toss around for a small team to split the money up.

  5. (Disclaimer: The following is just careful guessing and estimating done from what is publicly known)


    Iron Galaxy was definitely only contract worker for the porting, no sales money ever went through them. They simply were paid by TTG to do the port. It is safe to say that IG was totally out of any loop once TTG went bankrupt.


    In my estimation simply finishing the version IG was working on would cost TFP somewhere between .5 and 1 million. And equally important a lot of work and time they can't delegate (especially initially to find and negotiate with a publisher and a developer). Now .5 to 1 mil for a company that has a successfull product but also developed it for 7 years now is not small change. Add all the management work neccessary to enable such a deal (surely hated by any developer) and you have two big reasons why TFP doesn't want to do this


    New sales from a patch that is miles behind the PC version and has already been sold to its target audience for a few years will probably not be that great. It could be with luck. But you also have to take into account that TFP finally got everything cleared with the rights in Summer last year. I would guess it would have taken them from 9 months to over a year altogether before the patch would have arrived on console. And that would be very close to the time the new consoles went on sale. The chances are pretty slim to recoup even half the expenses after that because a lot of console owners will buy one of the new consoles and buy games only for the new one.


    Selling out to Microsoft: I'm sure there is a price where TFP would sell their company. But is Microsoft even interested? Microsoft strategically overpayed Minecraft because it wanted influence on generations of young people at an age where influencing them is still easy. They now strategically bought game companies to fill their upcoming console(!!!) with games. Why should they buy a company and then finance a patch on the OLD console?


    Well Microsoft bought Undead Labs midpoint of State of decay 2. Also Microsoft promotes backward compatibility. People still buying old digital copies of 360 games for XBOX1. Yeah half million to one million is a lot of money a tiny indie company. But still heck at $30 for digital 7dtd going price now for XBOX1.


    Sell a half a million is what $15M? Scratch off the Microsoft/Sony cuts off the top. TFP still got a Brinks truck to back up to the bank. TFP need to think their long game. Not get blood in the water this gen and maybe fans gets salty and give the next port a bad name even if its bug free or not for XBOX2/PS5.


    Heck have a sale for $15 with a update and maybe swing for the fences and hope they sell a million copies or more. Million copies at $15 each still $15M then subtract the Microsoft/Sony fees and Iron Galaxy fees. Still money for Fun pimps to go full speed ahead and finish off PC version for gold.


    Then go on to 7DtD2 for next gen and PC. Yeah my idea is a lot of what ifs and a bit of luck for sales. But better then sitting on their hands and only going gold for PC and neglect this gen consoles. Even though this gen consoles probably help flip the bill for some of these PC updates.


    Isn't like TFP are eating Ramen noodle all week for years making this game. What are the sales figures for just PC? A few million copies sold or what? Steam says its $25 or $40 for PC version. After scrolling on the PC Steam page for 7dtd says 10 million copies were sold. So don't go saying TFP are flat broke. Even after Steam gets their cut. Then paying all TFP employees and their studio rent payments if they rent a place or own a building and utilities and what not. Don't tell me 10 million times whatever money they got with full price or sale prices. They could easily have $25M. They cant cough up a half a million or one million? Yeesh.

  6. Isn't Iron Galaxy still collecting money from any sales of digital 7dtd on XBOX1/PS4 yet? They should be still in the loop. TFP should still be passing on any pc data to Iron Galaxy for ports patches/updates. TTG was just the publisher. Not sure they are needed are they? Game is out in the digital console store collecting money. I thought somebody here said PS4 had 7d2d on sale a month or so back.


    I'm sure people are buying it yet. I think it is a shame that TFP actually bought the rights back. TFP only bought it back to maybe consider porting it to XBOX2/PS5 after PC version goes gold. As for SylenThunder "It will still cost millions of dollars. We've had this discussion already." Millions for what? Why not stew up a new deal with Iron Galaxy?


    They probably still collecting money from digital sales yet for consoles. So they probably more less in the loop for royalties. Just have Iron Galaxy collect a percent of the cut of new pending sales after a few patches trinkle out. Yeah i'm sure they want some walking around money to start. But a million to maybe weasel out a old patch they have sitting on a PC ready to be ported and go through certification from XBOX1/PS4? Bit steep for a tiny game to begin with.


    Heck didn't that one guy buy or take the rights over for that game then turned it into PUBG for PC then had that ported to consoles after. I'm sure that game making a haul. Subnautica doing well on consoles. ARK is making a killing. I just bought two other games as in Dawn of Man and Surviving the after math. I'm sure they collecting money.


    Also I seen that tweet about 7dtd had most active player base or something on Steam. So if PC is doing good. What's the hold up other then when they decide the game is gold? TFP should be raking in the cash by now. Yet they go to a auction to buy TTG portion of their rights back to now hold the console version hostage. I don't think its right at all. Yet were suppose to forgive and go ahead and buy 7dtd on next gen consoles once that's ported though.


    Or if 7dtd making a killing on PC. Then TFP should be hiring more people to make a new division for their company to be ready for console ports or updates possibly be their own publisher. Or pass their console rights up for grabs or sell the whole game to EA or somebody or heck even Microsoft. Microsoft bought Minecraft for $2.5 billion. Or have Microsoft buy TFP company. Microsoft always looking for new exclusive first party companies. I'm sure Microsoft could look into the coding and see the MD5 bug pretty quickly within a month or so of owning the rights.


    Microsoft bought that other zombie game State of decay 1 & 2 Undead Labs company. Its exclusive first party game now. They go from hardly any updates to a update minimum of once a month with bigger budget. They adding new clothes and outfits and what not there.

  7. Like I suggested on twitter. TFP should try and get Iron Galaxy back to continue doing the console porting updates for this gen. TTG was the publisher but the game is published on console. So no need for them now. Not sure if TTG's get any royalties yet even though went bankrupt. Still shows all 3 companies at the opening credits.


    Doubt Iron Galaxy works for free. But people here kept saying they were close to dropping a update before TTG stopped all projects. All I want is the MD5 bug fixed for XBOX1. Anything else extra is a bonus. You factor in 7dtd is still in the store yet for XBOX1/PS4. So its still out there for grabs. So TFP still getting some money for consoles yet. I'm sure it could be sparked up for sale if it went on sale. Not sure what the price is now. I don't even remember what I paid for it a few years ago.


    I'm sure you could even add in new content to pay for like new characters or whatever. But if TFP turn their backs for this gen consoles. That wont look good for them for next gen if their aiming for XBOX2/PS5. Bridges burnt then. Yeah TTG was part of the problem. But TFP did get money selling rights to the TTG to port it to consoles. So TFP got money to use to continue working on PC through the hard times.

  8. And that i imagine is part of the reason there wont be dlc. Its not like the game is operational and tfp can simply add new content. They would first need to invest money into fixing and updating the console versions, then do the work to add new items/zeds etc. and then hope people would pay for it. Since the game itself is maybe $20 i coudnt see paying any more than $5 for some dlc which would come nowhere near covering the cost of updating


    I'd buy DLC if they fixed the MD5 bug for XBOX1.

  9. I'm on XBOX1 and started a new game after not playing for quite sometime. The map I didn't completely explore yet. Only on day 24 and no mini bike book yet but got all the parts waiting. But the map has lots of rivers. Also finally found a big town two days ago playing. Also the town is so big its cut into two biomes of winter and green area. Also every building and shop is there I believe. I even built a bridge with wood frames going across a large river. Also plenty of them two wall brick houses that have a stove and sink and toilet. Most of them sinks have wrenches.




    Oh the name of the map I gave it is "Fuzzy". Plenty of rivers is nice for drinking water anywhere you build a base. Only bad part is the book store didn't have the mini bike book. Also seems so far the air drops for supplies all mainly land in the rivers. So I might have to do some swimming later today and hope a mini bike book or sniper rifle is in the crates.

  10. I love this game, and unfortunately I don't have a PC to play it on, I bought it on ps4 a few years ago and together with a friend we spent hundreds of hours playing it ... please update our 7days to die console, put it in dlcs forms, to regain profits, the console community would pay only to see new things on the console. we stopped at alpha 14 or 15, the last update was the lights that can be turned on and off. please update our 7days, it covers the price by dlc!


    Consider your self lucky. Us XBOX1 users have the MD5 bug that wipes out our bases and tons of hours down the drain. I just started playing again. But its like I hate to build to much or gather to much. Eventually game will run out of memory or whatever happens. I still got a old server save of like 300 days and 3 MD5 bug wipes on it. I still kept it. That map I got tunnels from each corner of the map and criss crossing back and forth going to major buildings as outposts. Besides built plenty of bases and trenches and spikes and mine fields and what not.

  11. The inability to copy saves is a limitation forced my Microsoft. You are able to do this on the Playstation. Playstation doesn't have the MD5 bug like MS does though. And again, that's due to MS's choices on the file system. Why they would use a bastardized version of an out-dated file system is beyond me.


    Still the TTG's should of had both options of auto save and manual saves. Besides neither overwriting unless we wanted them to. So that would of gave us a copy right away. Maybe not a exact copy. But seconds apart when you click manual save. Still just then go by the time stamp. Then keep a eye on it when MD5 occurs. Then erase that save all together then. Dawn of man on XBOX1 has auto save and manual save which is nice.

  12. I believe the md5 error occurs when the game is loading the world and finds a corrupt block so it resets the area surrounding said block.

    Therefore you're fine until you try loading again, just make sure you go straight to the game file screen and delete the local save before restarting and you should be fine, although i have heard it can still occur i've not had any problems in the past year or so,.......


    So deleting the local XBOX save works? Then booting up the game loads off of LIVE servers then. Might try that. Another fix but would need a patch is Galaxy/TFP patch in a option to copy a save. Since the option so far is load or delete the saves. Or add in manual save besides the auto save. Need a better way to have a copy of a file. Other wise copying all 6.5GB of 7d2d to another hard drive would get old doing that daily. Not sure how fast I can transfer a game to another hard drive. Should be kinda quick since its in the system. Its not a download. How does the game get a corrupt block? Digging?

  13. Just wait until the spawn location change for no reason and you have spawns in the nice safe base you made lol


    Zombie spawns? Yeah I use to get those on my old game save. Didn't matter though. All my bases I build off the ground. Play the role of Robinhood. As for my idea to make a copy of the game saves. Guess only way to do that is make a entire copy of the whole game and copy all, then move it to another hard drive. Not sure how it will work though with two 7d2d games on two drives goes. Does the XBOX1 then ask which one you want? Or I pick exactly which thumb nail one I want? Some one else had a idea of a work around about the MD5 bug. They said go into manage game file then delete the XBOX version but keep the LIVE version. So when booting up it would load the LIVE version back to console. I never tried that. But figured MD5 happens so fast no time to back out of game at all.


    My only other idea for a work around would be Galaxy/TFP patch in a manual save option that creates its own save spot. But also have the auto save as well yet which wont overwrite each other. Better to have more then one way to save it. Then if you get MD5 bug just delete that save. Then go back to a old save. Then make a new save after loading that save so have two saves for that map.

  14. TFP simply dont care though as they are only a pc company. Whatever money and interest came from the console base has never been acknowledged. So yes in short TFP see no problem telling us to simply rebuy either on PC or on next gen console because its just more money in their pockets. We are a throw away market for them that's all we ever were


    Yeah good chance this gen console version is dead. What a shame. TFP shouldn't of sold their rights to have it ported to consoles then if their not strong enough to play on. Besides TFP did take the money from TTG. Not sure what kinda sales XBOX1/PS4 made through the years. I just started playing this game again. Its a blast. But back of my mind is when will the MD5 bug creep its ugly head into the game and dashboard the game and wipe out most of my builds. So I been not going to crazy building to much.


    I also have 3 hard drives. I'll check later to see where this is installed at. If its internal I might move it to external. See if that does anything. Also maybe start making copies of game saves to another drive in case MD5 comes back. I bet there's a bad line of code somewhere that Galaxy let slip up in a patch. I said that years ago here saying the MD5 is nothing more then some weird memory dump. Still blood in the water for TFP. Yeah they sold their rights to TTG. But still. TFP took the money and maybe got some sales money off of each game to support the PC version. Well isn't the PC version making any money or what?


    Yet TFP bought the auctioned console versions rights back. Shame their saying PC only dev's yet bought console rights back. I would of loved to seen Microsoft buy this. Heck they bought Minecraft for a lot back in the day. Yet this game is still on XBOX1 and PS4 store yet. Somebody must be making some kinda money yet.


    Still be a shame this gen gets shafted but oh buy 7D2D Fall/Holiday season for XBOX2/PS5 launch systems. Or next year. I probably wont buy XBOX2 on launch day anyway. Usually 6 months or so are boring games any way. Heck Battlefield wont have a next gen game till late 2021 or early 2022 either. Kinda bummed about that. Heck I even exclusively played 7D2D on XBOX1 yesterday since I finished chapter 5 for BF5 and finished last weeks Tides of war unlocks early.


    Cracking beers and killing zombies was a blast last night. Still wished we got that last update from Galaxy. Not sure what content it had. I would of been tickled pink if it only fixed the MD5 bug for XBOX1. Then yeah, i'd buy a sequel next gen for 7D2D2 or whatever next gen. Also doubt my lap top can play the PC version. So why bother handing out more money when I bought it from TTG? Its a real tear in my beer to say the least.


    I even had some luck yesterday finding two wrenches. I didn't build a work bench or chem lab or forge yet. Seems when you got to many things built and thing operating the MD5 bug says hello. I even turn my camp fires off. But I did make a bunch of torches and candles placed at all the run down broken buildings around the neighborhood. I suppose that's a no no. Seems weird coming back after not playing it since early last year. That server I had like over 250 or 300 days on it and gotten the MD5 bug three times.


    First day back I goofed up. Couldn't remember how the camp fire worked. I was thinking how on the game ARK you placed the food in the fire. On here you keep it on you then do the recipe. Figured it out second stop back at the campfire.

  15. I know updates have to have the patch and has to go through certification from XBOX/PS4. But come on. I own plenty of other tiny indie games that drops patches weekly and monthly. Even worse case be cool if the whole PC port would just come to consoles and overwrites our old buggy MD5 game. It be a shame if The Fun Pimps decide not to give us a patch for MD5. But say well XBOX2/PS5 will have the full new gold PC ported version of 7 days to die. That be a slap in the face for this gen console owners. Tiny indie company or not. I seen plenty of my games get updated. Heck Star Dew Valley and Farm together. Just two tiny games that come to mind. I bought plenty of early access games as well that come out buggy but also at a lower price to more less be a beta tester. Did that for ARK and PUBG and many other games like Subnautica and what not.

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