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Refugee (1/15)



  1. You build the cobblestones in your backpack? if you bild them in a workbench and doesnt watch the completion it doesnt count in my experience
  2. you have to be a marksman an have to spend points to learn it
  3. Hello together, since the new Version of the Mod the game uses nearly 5gb ram sitting idle at the serverselection. when started a game it jumos up to 7.3 gig... someone said the same some pages ago but get no answer. is this the new standard or is there a problem with allocating the memory? regards pman
  4. i think he pasted the new link over the old one... and mixed both: try this: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j008pokgwzftcjz/AACVuMfLomPGJN2MrDXZyRopa?dl it omits the wrong part at the end
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