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Posts posted by Hyperbolt

  1. Navezgane is generally a really good map with its terrain and poi placements, but last time i played it i noticed the older towns have yet to get the face lift to be up to date with the cities in RWG.


    Diersville and the desert town(forgot the name) last time i checked still has the pre-alpha 20 city layout.

    When stepping into these towns it feels like youre being teleported to older alphas 😅


    So my question is: are the older navezgane towns going to get a rework for the upcoming update? 

    (i know the newer towns such as pershinton and the new wasteland town are more up to date, so these are excluded from my concerns) 

  2. It mostly sounds like youve had really bad luck, or you arent doing much looting/trading?   In the 10-ish playtroughs ive done in experimental so far, ive almost always found enough workstation books to unlock the forge before day 7!  And no, i did not put any points in advanced engineering. 

    I play on 100% loot, 40 min days. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

    Absolutely and I 100% agree with the attempt to provide that for players. However, as Viktoriusiii mentioned, there is currently an imbalance that favors one method (the trader) over the others. There should always be some calculated decision to make depending on your current circumstances. There is no more mental stimulation. Got a problem? The trader is your one-stop solution shop.
    An alternative to artificial hindrances might be modding. I wouldn't want to remove the traders entirely, though. Again, the problem isn't the existence of traders.

    Another balancing matter, that is! 

    Fewer items for sale, or more days between restock?  Or as meganoth stated: increase inflation!


    I think in my next playtrough, im gonna first start to not put any points in BB or DA, and then try to behave like the older days, when, for me the trader was a rare and exiting thing that you took a whole day traveling to... Wow, i got nostalgia feels... When going to a trader was a day-long adventure! xD

  4. Sadly, i have no alternative to not put up any artificial hindrances... You can try to set up base very far away from any trader(artificial hindrance), or never put points in BB or daring adventurer(artific. Hind.),  having fewer or no traders on the map with custom generation(art.hin).... Yeah im out of options regarding traders. 


    I agree that there is an abundance of basebuilding materials in PoIs, but im guessing its there for those who do not like to spend days mining, but still want to be able to make a base? 

    (i like mining, but i am not all players opinion xD) 


    Its probably impossible to cater to all type of players in one game, so the fun pimps tries to make a compromise, so its up to us how we deal with it. 


  5. 11 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

    So you would join a settlement and be a miner for them... and still think the game is survival and has "it"?
    Welp, I have nothing left to argue against the trader. On top of that, my arguments are pointless because clearly people enjoy this direction the game has gone. I am just someone who does see that the game has lost "it" and I've presented what I believe to be the root cause. There likely are several factors playing together, but if I had to pin it on the most impactful thing, this would be it. People can agree or disagree with my assessment, but in doing so, they should at least present something more qualifying.

    I was just thinking about this over the last days!  I also think the game has lost some of the gritty survival-immersion because of the traders. However, i am in no position to complain, im part of the problem too... I enjoy going on quests, and trading a ton of goods with them. 

    But keep in mind, the trader is a totally optional thing, we technically never havecto visit them, or take any quests from them, so the solution on this "problem" would simply be to not get tempted by the extra rewards from doing quests. 


    Ive thought about this alot, and theb compared to how i played pre-alpha 17.  When i entered a city, i would go to the nearest houses and start loot what i can grab. 

    Now with quests, you go to a specific building in the city to loot that, because it benefits you more...

    Sure, there are still end-of-dungeon loot rooms, many resource blocks(cement, cobble, stone and wood), and an overall higher amount of loot in the game nowadays, which is a bit hard to ignore. 

    But the trader, once again, is a game element that can be completely ignored if one can control their temptations! 


    Im also not a fan that quests refills houses with loot over and over... Yes, its a VERY good when playing on a public server, this way you will always have some place to loot! 

    However in singleplayer, or with a few friends, my idea of a survival-feeling is that a city has limited stuff, so when everything is looted, youre kinda forced to either migrate elsewhere, or travel far away to loot more. 

  6. In multiplayer, im the one doing the building, trading and mining, so in that case it would make sense to have light armor only. 

    Otherwise... Heavy armor might feel more tempting after getting a vehicle. 


    My main weapon is mostly just a steel pickaxe after ive found/crafted it.  I save inventory space by using a tool as a weapon, haha!


  7. I dont suffer too much from afflictions, so that extra resistance isnt a dealsealer for me, hahah! 

    I usually max out sex rex, and i resort to almost only melee, exept during bloodmoon. 


    I dunno, a 30% movement penalty i  early game before mods and levels in HA seems like it would get noticed xD

    But oh well, i suppose i can give it a shot! Thanks! 

  8. I havent played zomboid that much, but i do remember it being alot more difficult to get around and survive for an extended period! 


    Regarding purpose in 7 days i dont have many tips, the key is to survive... And maybe in the future the game might contain a story with bandits and stuff? 


    There might be no permadeath setting atm, but when i play singleplayer i always delete my world if i die(thats how you do permadeath atm!) 

    I play with a bit higher difficulty, so in the playtroughs i done in A20  i havent lived past day 35-40 or so (40 min days).  Im trying to live to day 100, so thats my current "purpose" when playing alone. 

    When playing with friends, imostly act as a supporting character, trying to help my friends get things going, so my purpose there is to help my friends survive, i guess 😅


  9. Do you play mostly single or multiplayer?  Playing with others is usually more fun in my opinion! 


    So you like all game-elements, but something is not resonating wirh you still? 

    Hmm... Is it feeling repetative?  Have you tried with many different variations of game settings? 

    Do you feel a lack of "purpose" in the game as it is atm? 


    Im just throwing out suggestions to possible causes to your lost interest xD   I can relate that its annoying when one is not enjoying a thing as much as one "should"..! 


  10. In almost all games i play im usually the tank in my team, but in 7 days, things look different... 

    Im the kind of player that uses cloth armor almost my entire playthroughs. 

    To me, mobility and stamina is more important than extra armor. 


    Id like to see other people opinions regarding choice of armor, and their reasoning behind it!

    Survivors, assemble! 


  11. I have a vague memory of a developer telling in one of their streams that you could craft coffee brewers, is that correct or did i missheard it?  I cant find it anywhere, or in any shape selector, am i blind? 



    a guy who wants to be able to craft every piece of decorative blocks and furniture

  12. 2 hours ago, BarryTGash said:

    If you create an empty map it can also be challenging :D



    I tried that out once, i created a custom map on kinggen, i lived was a small island about half a square kilometer, with no pois at all!  It was an interessting concept, but it quickly became abit boring, as you spend the days mostly chopping wood and stone, and constantly searching for spawned zombies that might drop a loot bag... 😅

  13. The food items used to have unique textures some alphas back.  You would see cans, pies, potatoes etc in your hand, which was nice! I remember you holding an egg in a wide open hand, that looked very funny(in a good way, in my opinion xD). 


    I dont know why they removed that and went with 1 single texture for all food items... Saving of memory space? No idea! 

  14. I wouldnt have played this game as much as i have if it wouldnt been for the bloodmoon horde! As others have stated, in many other survivalgames, you build a shelter and then a reliable food supply, then youre set! There is no big background threat thats gonna wreck your base...

    This is why i enjoy 7 days so much, it gives that threat that makes you go out to get more stuff to help your survival! 


    But if one does not like BM, you can turn it off, or have it farther apart and smaller hordes, there is plenty of customization for that. 

  15. Its an interessting thought, but i think the building-mechanics are already somewhat gated, since we need the respective material to upgrade our base. Rushing that skill wont make us steel-bases faster 😅


    However then again, many things are gated behind certain materials needing to be found... 

    But you CAN do just about everything if you find all schematics, you will only be less efficent at them. 

    So if we translate that to your suggested skill: there must still be a way to build and upgrade our base without said skill. This could either be achieved trough schematics, or make it more expensive to upgrade without the skill?


    In any case, for me personally i dont feel a need for such skill, but if it would have existed, i suppose i would deal with it without too many complains. 

  16. 12 hours ago, Selevan said:

    I never understood the process of removing 50% of the game features within the last 3 updates (so about 40 months, lol) as well, but oh well.

    Im just sad that they removed the crafting-recipe to the refrigirator! One of the first things me and my friends checks when we look for a house to live in, is wether it has a working refrigirator or not xD


    That aside, many of the "removed" features has either been reworked or simplified, and we also got a ton of new features instead! So maybe 10% is removed completely, but 30% new things have been added :)

  17. Is it only me, but wouldnt it sometimes be handy to be able to make a smaller map, like a 2x2 km map?  I have on multiple occasions wanted to make a map with myself being stuck on an island, or contained in only 1 big city surrounded with radzones. 


    Ive tried nitrogen alot, but other sizes than 4, 8 and 16 km didnt want to work for me. (so maybe my problem could have been solved with just a bit more digging in files?) 


    I know many people seems to aim for larger maps, but sometimes a small map is nice to have access to, for a short-term challenge playtrough! 

  18. The only thing that kinda triggers some sort of OCD in me regarding the skilltrees are that you have maxed out everything at around level 276 or so, meaning the last points up to 300 becomes meaningless 😅   I would rather have too many skills and unable to max everything in a playtrough, than having to few skills and leaving some points to waste! 


    So either add more perks to spend points on, or maybe you could get spicy and make some perks have 6-7 levels instead 5 as max! x) 

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