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Posts posted by H3llGhost

  1. With latest versions, in current_output.log, now receiving:


    2014.08.27 10:47:58: [b]Error in Allocs telnetListenThread: Too many open files[/b]
    2014.08.27 10:47:58: Stack Trace:   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Accept () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    2014.08.27 10:47:59: at System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    2014.08.27 10:47:59: at AllocsNetTelnetServer.telnetListenThread () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    This has apparently been manifesting earlier as daemon crashes but without error messages (or lost) and now failing to start (on Debian, latest).


    # 7dtd.sh status one
    Instance: one
    Status: Running
    Open ports:
       25000 (udp)
       25001 (udp)
       25002 (udp)
       27036 (udp)
       37720 (tcp)
       8081 (tcp)
    /usr/local/lib/7dtd/[b]common.sh: line 186:  5231 Killed[/b]                  nc $TEL_PORT 0<&3
    Game info:
       Server name:    One
       Max players:    64
       World:          Random Gen
    Network info:
       Port:           25000
       Public:         true
       Control Panel:  off
       Telnet:         Port 8081, Pass


    Fix, insert/raise http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/85458 in /etc/security/limits.conf from default of 4096 with:

    sdtd       hard     nofile     16384
    sdtd       soft     nofile      8192


    Note: Relogin required!


    Diagnostics: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-procfs-file-descriptors.html


    I had again some issues with max open files running

    ulimit -n <number>

    fixed it for me.

    During the startup there are about 36k open files and when the server is running 45k.

  2. Hello nolram,


    Yes you can display information like online players and similar on your website. Just parse the file players.xml.


    Your extended statistics like killed zombies and players are possible but not implemented in the scripts of Alloc.

    Killed animals aren't possible without doing some weird stuff.

  3. Maybe they should just hire you to make the dedicated linux builds :D seems like the entire area gets ignored or they don't have enough developers to work on more areas of the game.


    Finally there is no much difference between the Windows and Linux dedicated server. Just the binary is different, which is delievered by Unity.

    I think there are issues with the dependencies.

  4. Well, I redid the entire installation following your guide verbatim with the only exception being I did not add 7dtd.sh to the default run level. I did not run into any errors compiling the start-stop daemon this time. The test instance I created starts with the only reported error being shown when I ran `7dtd.sh instances list` the first time.


    Instance name        | Running  | Players | Port
    (UNKNOWN) [] 8081 (sunproxyadmin) : Connection refused
    TestInstance         |      yes |    8/25000 |     0


    Despite that error, I can connect via telnet just fine.


    Unfortunately, I am still unable to connect as port 25000 is still closed for some reason, even though the server is up and I can run commands on it via telnet. I'm not entirely sure what's up with that but I suspect it may be something specific to my system (yes, I checked my firewall).


    EDIT: Or not. I changed the ports around and 7dtd still won't open the game port. I switched the telent port and the game port for testing and telnet runs just fine on port 25000 while 7dtd will not open port 8081. Not sure what to make of this.


    You can look with netstat -l if there is anything else already running on the specific ports.

    Do you have a firewall like iptables blocking incoming traffic?

  5. Regarding Q2: I think this only happens when the Telnet thread crashed so shutdown does not work. Can't do anything about it as that's a bug in the game itself.


    It is an issue with the telnet thread, the kill uses normally the shutdown command. The "work-around" is to use the shutdown via console as player.

    It should be fixed on server side, when the kill signal is send to save the day too. But at the moment remember the day and set it manually or shutdown the server when you are connected to the server via console and killing all monitor-log.sh after it.

  6. I only have the following ports:

    - in: 25000-25002/UDP

    - out: 20,21,80,443/TCP

    - (and DNS, NTP but that shouldn't matter ;) )

    I think it uses HTTP for the server list so port 80 should be enough.


    You don't need the outgoing http(s) ports. I didn't found usage of 20 and 21.

    You have to allow the outgoing source query engine ports around 25000 to list your server. I can deliever exact ports in the next days.

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