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Posts posted by Apamax

  1. I must be missing something: How do you upgrade planted seed with fertilizer? I have little garden for a week or so and now wanted to use some fertilizer to make it grow faster but when ever I use hoe or pitchfork on plant ('seed' stage) it says I em missing fertilizer. Have 19 in my backpack from composter. What em I doing wrong?


    Place it in your hand and click on the plant

  2. Thank you. I do not see an error that would cause it to fail. Can you try to start the game again? Then reupload the log file.


    In the view log screen, you can also pick the game's output lot. Uploading that may help too


    Thanks for your work and especially for your time, it was solved by deleting everything and reinstalling, all ok, again a thousand thanks

  3. Sphereii, hello, sorry for my google english, I do not know what I've played but I get the following error: "No SDX Scripts found" when I run Mod Ravenhearst, and it does not start.

    Warn: "The entry point of the ReleaseSemaphore procedure in the dynamic link library api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll can not be found"

    Thank you very much for your time, greetings.

  4. Sorry for the trouble. Are you running Windows 7, by any chance? If so, this might help resolve the issue: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die&p=792405&viewfull=1#post792405


    I have tried everything mentioned and it did not work either, I have to download it completely directly every time, copy, etc., etc., and thus start it.

    Same thank you very much for so much work, and so much dedication, great greetings.

  5. I wish I could help, but sadly the game isn't that well optimized and sphereii already told me, that there might be a memory leak regarding the UI elements and my mod is the only one with full overhaul for the UI with so many custom textures to it so that it might trigger memory overload at some point if you have low amounts of ram.


    I personally have never experienced a crash because of memory, since I have 32 GB of RAM on my main workstation, then again I also understand, that not everyone can afford such amounts of ram, though 16GB would be minimum RAM, that I would suggest to play this or any other big mod if you are playing single player. If you are playing on a server, that's not hosted on your computer, then 8GB should be enough.


    Subquake, good. I have 16 GB of memory and I have the same problem, it has even reset the pc, the saved game has a reset time (starts on day 1, at 0:00 hours) keeping the base and others. It also changes from SP to MP. Greetings.

  6. Here is my early game feedback, after playing on Jax's server. Keep in mind, my experience with the mod is very limited yet, Im only level 35. I came here from Spider's "True survival" and I like what I see here and I think I'm staying. I'm sorry that most of my suggestions are going to be from the 'True Suvival' mod, well, you can't deny it is one of the best mods out there. And I don't have much experience with other mods anyway. When Spider stepped away form 7dtd, he said people are free to use his code.


    Ravenhearst is very taxing, it uses most of my 16G RAM just to load the game menu, and it uses it all when I load the game. I know that even vanilla game eats all my RAM when I travel a lot, but this mod is just unplayable for me. Solution? I use half size textures in options and the game runs SWEET! I don't even need to shut down chrome. Half-sized textures are ugly, but I love your mod so I made this choice.


    Server commands (teleporting, gimme etc) seems cheating to me, but I'm OK with it since you can't force me use them :)


    Since the mod is very different from vanilla, many things are unclear and you see the same questions popping up on the forums. I heard there are plans for the wiki and that is great, I'm ready to contribute. But some ingame help would be good too. Spider used journal notes, he figured we don't need the vanilla notes because they are basic, so he replaced them with the mod's mechanics descriptions. Also the items descriptions need info what workstations they are crafted in, and other info if they are different from vanilla. Also Spider implemented tutorial quests to educate on the new game mechanics.


    The terrain is too flat. I guess I'm hard to please, because I was bitching about Spider's 'unpassable ugly mountains', but you here made it flat to extreme. I don't understand your reasons for that.


    Love the pictures and posters, though I suspect they are the main reason for the RAM usage. Still love them.


    Airdrops are very rare. I was told they are set to 4 days schedule, but there are so many people on the server, I would suggets increasing the airdrop frequency. The treasure maps, on the contrary, are abundant. While I don't mind that, it gets a bit repeatative to dig them. Xyth (I think) redisigned the airdrop and treasure chests for the Spider's mod, made them 'thematic' and somehow very interesting to hunt for. You can look for the code in True Survival A15 or ask Xyth directly.


    I also recommend implementing the ability to craft helmets with attached flashlight. Because mining helmet is so useful it eliminates the need for any other helmet. Isn't everyone bored to wear the same mining helmet since vanilla? - Edit: I found out you can craft helmets with lights in this mod. Great!


    My only death so far was from a mine I stumbled upon in the dark. I think this 'insta death' mechanic is not that good. Spider (again, sorry :smile-new: ) rebalanced mines so they could never kill a 100% healthy character. Different mines do different damage and the strongest hub-cap mine does 90 damage, so it hurts you bad but doesn't outright kill you.


    While I was struggling starting out, very soon the game became much too easy. I one-shot normal zeds with my 200 quality wooden bow and stone arrows (archery skill 50). I didn't even buy the Robin Hood perks. So I don't see much reason for more advanced bows, crossbows and arrows. But I know zeds gonna have their health increased after day 126, also there are night terrors soon. Also I tried to spawn the night terrors in creative, they seem much too tough. I just don't understand the logic, normal zeds are too easy, while night terrors are unkillable. But don't forget my experience is very limited in this mod so I'm not ready to give balancing advice. Btw, I'm using a crosshair overlay because we don't have crosshair when aiming down the sights.


    I would suggest increasing usefulness for the basic vanilla campfire, add some more recipes while increasing cost for the advanced campfire. I think the starting campfire is very limited and gets outdated almost instantly. Also the cooking skill seems redundant, maybe get rid of it because we have 'advanced cooking'.


    Haven't unlocked the wind mill powerstation, only seen it on screen shots, but I dream to build one some day.


    Since there is going to be a wipe for the incoming 3.0 patch (after the New Year?), I'm not gonna start my big building project until then, and I have a request to add 3 blocks to the game (3M cobblestone arch). Blocks ID are 1118, 1119, 1120.


    And if you are not mad at me yet, some more Spider's mechanics I liked: cooking and farming quests for "True Survival" A16, his medicine system (different kinds of wounds and treatment for them), his poisoning system (but please not so punishing lol). And for some reason I loved the way we assemble engines in True Survival. I know engines are craftable here too, but maybe you can have a look the way he did it?


    Best wishes for this mod! Love the server and community, I hope to stay here for a long time and have great plans.


    Hello, I agree on almost everything, and I join the suggestions.

    Congratulations for all the work, Jax, you're really getting to something very good, regards.

  7. So in the description of screwdriver, it says can be made or repaired in 'Metal Working Bench'... who makes this bench or is the description incorrect and the screwdriver mold and screwdriver are made in a different location?


    Please help!!



    Think I located the answer on the post before this one.... Thanks @Naxter60 and Slicksister for the answer !!


    Now that I have the mold, I can't find where to put the steel, plastic, and mold together in order to craft the screwdriver!!


    It is made in the furnace that melts steel, it is the advanced forge

  8. Update:


    *Save game safe


    -Fixed NRE on Farm Tractors


    Spider, hello, after this update something happens with the battery of the minibike, it is downloaded immediately.

    This never happened before. Is it something done on purpose? Cheers.

  9. Spider, hello. There is some problem with the carrots. I got some in the loot (after 40 days), I made the seeds, and planted them. There was no representation, they were as clear, but they were there. Once they were grown they were hardly seen, as the scale is very small. Greetings.

  10. So I would like to try this mod but my question is this. Can I have it installed and still be able to play my vanilla saved game? In other words are the files and saves stored separately so they do not overwrite each other? My wife and I play a multiplayer game on hosted by me, but I do not think she is ready to try this one yet.


    Be gentle because I'm a complete beginner with installing a mod like this. :smile-new:


    As long as you save the game with a different name you will have no problem, and install from the Mod Launcher cloning the game and you will have the possibility to play the two, or more variants at the same time.

  11. @Apamax-

    You unlock Grain Alcohol by leveling your Cooking Skill. You can see what you unlock in cooking by flipping through the Cooking Skill Level Details. Here is the Cooking Skill Tree Gate Path the "unlock_level" is the level in Cooking Skill you need-

    Make sure you stay in the campfire and Food Prep Table when cooking to get your Cooking XP. Also Chef and Bouncer learn Grain Alcohol from the start


    I really appreciate the response (from an unconditional TS fan), thank you.

  12. Spider, hello, I'm sorry if you already answered, but I'm going crazy looking like I could unlock the making of alcohol? I know it's done in the still, but I do not find how. Greetings and thanks.

  13. Missing icons:

    < Hayfor >

    < Concrete support >

    < Ratonastick >

    < Shovelheadmold >

    < Goreblock1bonesprefab >

    < Bikeabox >


    Opening my own storesack I fractured one leg and wound...

  14. Aye, the opening/closing container & get severe wound + gash is definitely a real bug. But I can't tell you how to reproduce it so I have a feeling it'll be really tough to track down.


    It's happened to me twice, both times in my base, I had no negative conditions or buffs. Open/close a container and then my character makes a sharp sound as if he were heavily injured, and boom, severe wound+gash.


    I'll cook up a bunch of grain alcohol and give it to anyone this happens to, just let me know!


    To me also the same thing happened

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