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Posts posted by chibinya

  1. The Japanese language in the official localization is much improved.
    However, the following two points are not clear to Japanese people,
    Please correct them for the sake of new players.


    Target file: Localization.txt


    Current Contents
    statStabilityGlue,ui_display,Item stat,Horizontal Support,水平架台
    statStabilitySupport,ui_display,Item stat,Horizontal Support,水平架台


    Correction details
    statStabilityGlue,ui_display,Item stat,Horizontal Support,側面耐荷重
    statStabilitySupport,ui_display,Item stat,Horizontal Support,上に積載可能か


    *Only minimum items are listed.


    The literal translation and meaning are different.
    "側面耐荷重" means how much weight can be put on the side surface.

    "上に積載可能か" means whether blocks can be placed on top.


    Please consider and respond to this request.

  2. On 3/13/2022 at 6:18 AM, Sergant1000 said:

    chibinya thank you soooOOO MACH.  Need to update replaser:
    cntCoffin to cntCoffinWildWestRandomHelper

    arrowSlit to woodShapes:arrowSlitHalf
    fountain to to drinkingfountainSingle
    cntGasPump to cntGasPumpRandomLootHelper

    Thanks for the info.
    I have responded with the a21 compliant version.

  3. I updated it to support a21.
    You can convert a19/a20 prefabs for a21.
    I have not checked it too much, but that is based on the previous version, so I don't think it is a problem.
    Download "7DTDPrefab19to21_0.1.0.0.zip" from here.

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