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Bobby Lee 298

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Posts posted by Bobby Lee 298

  1. 14 hours ago, GoofMcGee said:

    So how is the Thick44 Magnum coming?  Asking for millions of frens.


    Maybe it could Thick people and give them a bleed.  Who knows. 

    Debuff list says "Thicked" bleed damage.


    Ya'll live in imaginationland, I just go there from time to time.




    Im gonna make a mod for that, ill be on nexus sometime today

  2. 3 hours ago, GoofMcGee said:

    So how is the Thick44 Magnum coming?  Asking for millions of frens.


    Maybe it could Thick people and give them a bleed.  Who knows. 

    Debuff list says "Thicked" bleed damage.


    Ya'll live in imaginationland, I just go there from time to time.




    That's most likely not gonna happen.... Maybe 

  3. On 2/23/2023 at 1:36 AM, Aldranon said:

    Finding tier 6 weapons makes more sense as the player would need machinery at the level of late game ECO (survival game) to even have a chance at making one. 

    It does make sense but currently i find T6 stuff way too eazy, and it not much of a survival game imo currently eather, the survival part been dumb down where is just became more of a open world game with zombies in it but you also have to keep food and water on you. weather does nothing bc clothing is kinda OP, food doesnt rot nor attract zombies (anymore), looting is very broken (i play on 50/75% loot for realistic), hunting for food isn't a must or even needed. nothing degrades too tier wise but if they were gonna do that max tier would need to be 50 or so when it degrades it degrades slowly. Skills dont progress on learning (some should honestly like shooting a gun, you dont magically become a pro in 5 seconds) 


    and for making 6t stuff they can have a machine in say a shotgun factory, or a tool shop, non craftable but useable after say restoring power quest

  4. Can we get something new in the forums, i like the chats from the community but the devs are silent. It doesnt bother me that A21 takes time but i feels like there's no hype-train behind it. bandits are pushed so whats the main goal of this alpha? hd textures, dismemberment, perks and such which is cool none the less but there gotta be something bigger.... something game changing that's gonna refresh this alpha from the past? right

  5. 2 hours ago, Gamida said:


    Yeah I knew it was there and still had trouble seeing it. I use to mod it so it was a bit thicker but now am back to using a gui mod for water and food bars on left by stamina and health, like olden days.



    Went in and tried again and this is what I had done.

    Top one normal bottom one made wider (higher) by 7 pixels




    For it to look ok I should have moved it all up a few pixels so the dark under the bars were the same but it was just to see if I remembered where it was.



    I can agree on that but i think it would but be best to redo the hud completely and take a look on how other people make huds for 7Days. The current hud is very lackluster, even the huds for crafting and everything else.

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