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The Lorax

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Posts posted by The Lorax

  1. -Hands replaced by goo. If your goo runs out Dogs become Seals and will sing Beatles songs to you


    haha keep it up and is anyone having problems with Zs spawning in there base LCb supposed to stop that it was a late/early bug in A15/A16 maybe you have same bug now it started about 4 patches ago


    Bedrolls are supposed to prevent spawning. Though, mileage with that may vary.

  2. I love this mod so far, it's a great change of pace from vanilla. It's really brought me back to enjoying 7 days to die again.


    I notice the 'headshots only removed' file mentioned isn't in the first post as of right now. Is that something I could easily turn off on my own. The only, tiny, downside I have on the mod is I love building traps and right now Zombies just walk over any spikes I lay down with impunity. I'm assuming that's because they're not doing head damage? If I could turn off headshots only this would be absolutely perfect for me.


    Thanks very much for all the hard work.


    headshots only was removed. Thats why there is no longer a patch to remove it. They walk over the traps and should be taking damage, though it might be limited damage depending on the type of trap you are using.

  3. Null error completing quest


    	<quest id="challenge_walkman" name_key="Music Lover" subtitle_key="Fetch a Walkman" description_key="Hello traveler. I recently came across a stash of old cassette tapes but have no way to enjoy them. If you come across any old walkmans out there, send it my way. I'll pay you handsomely!" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure"  	repeatable="true" category_key="challenge" offer_key="Hello traveler. I recently came across a stash of old cassette tapes but have no way to enjoy them. If you come across any old walkmans out there, send it my way. I'll pay you handsomely!" difficulty="easy">
    	<objective type="Fetch" id="questItemWalkman" value="1"/>
    	<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="200"/>
    	<reward type="SkillPoints" value="3"/>
    	<reward type="Exp" value="1000"/>


    Error that occured:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at XUiC_ItemStack.set_ItemStack (.ItemStack value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiC_ItemStack.YOQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiC_ItemStack.HandleStackSwap () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiC_ItemStack.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiC_Backpack.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at A.ME.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    (Filename:  Line: -1)

  4. Does "required file updates" just mean which files are going to change in the automatic update via the launcher, or does it mean we have to update something manually?


    It just means that he didn't change the DLL;s

  5. @JCrook1028 I just tried it, worked for me.


    Sounds like your file was missing a ">" somewhere. Try to recopy it and see if it works?


    Make sure you get all if the code.

  6. Just to reiterate, Its already been stated that ways to help reduce some of the inventory lag are being looked into. Some inventory lag is to be expected, its just a problem with the way the base game handles recipes. Coming up with ways to mitigate it a bit is where we are at as a modding community. I suggested something that might help a little bit with some of the crowded recipes like wood,cloth,etc. Sphereii has released an auto favourite SDX mod. People are trying, Just have patience.

  7. Well, it wasn't too bad to fix/save the vanilla world. I went and copied out the folders I had changes in the xmls then verified thru steam and copied the folders back in. I guess whatever got messed up wasn't in anything I had changed so..all set now. Thx for all the help guys, You Rock!


    Glad everything is working for you.

  8. Ok, hope this is right. First time doing this so............. fingers crossed








    Ravenhearst itself seems to have fixed itself. Logged in today and all worked fine. My vanilla is still borked tho. I assume from opening it from within the launcher. :(


    You can try those instructions to fix your vanilla game.

    This is the guide I made for players on my server.


    !!Requirements before the install of new MOD (resets to vanilla)!!
    1. Right Click on 7days2die in Steam > Properties > Local Files > Delete the following folders (7DaysToDie_Date, Mods, Data).
    2. Select Local Files > Verify Integrity of game files
    3. Wait for all files to verify and download
    4. Right Click on 7days2die in Steam > Show Game Launcher > Tools > Clean Game Data > Select (Game data) > Clean
    5. Select Start Game Tab > Make sure EasyAntiCheat is disabled > Run & Save
    6. Make sure game launches > If error about trader Caitlyn pops up, just close and ignore. Other errors means something went wrong with the above steps

  9. This is the guide I made for players on my server.


    !!Requirements for FIRST install of new MOD!!
    1. Right Click on 7days2die in Steam > Properties > Local Files > Delete the following folders (7DaysToDie_Date, Mods, Data).
    2. Select Local Files > Verify Integrity of game files
    3. Wait for all files to verify and download
    4. Right Click on 7days2die in Steam > Show Game Launcher > Tools > Clean Game Data > Select (Game data) > Clean
    5. Select Start Game Tab > Make sure EasyAntiCheat is disabled > Run & Save
    6. Make sure game launches > If error about trader Caitlyn pops up, just close and ignore. Other errors means something went wrong with the above steps

  10. I downloaded the 21DayVersion-master.zip


    took the 7DaysToDieServer_Data Files on my Server and the other files on my local Client Game.


    Server Starts, My Game Starts.. i connect. Stuck forever on "Initialize World..."


    Nice -.-


    So what i did wrong ?


    Did you copy all the files to the server:

    Data, Mods, 7DaysToDieServer_Data?


    If so, post your server output log which is located in the 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder. pastebin.com is generally best for posting error logs here.

  11. That's really strange. I had the Traps skill working in version 2.04. Then I reinstalled everything as 2.05 came around, updated to 2.06 when that arrived, and haven't gotten to the point where I wanted the trap skill until now, and I get this bug. My girlfriend has the same thing, except she has -195 or something like that.


    We have played a game of vanilla in between our Ravenhearst sessions. When using the vanilla shortcut for 7DTD (not starting with the mod launcher) I got some notification about cleaning up old files. Could that be relevant in this case? I have also, since discovering this bug, reinstalled Ravenhearst completely - but to no avail.


    If it's our player profiles being bugged, it should only affect Ravenhearst right, since that's the only mod with a Traps skill?


    Heres feedback from when I ran into the issue in another mod.



    In my case, starting a new world with new player profiles fixed the issue.

  12. Does nobody else have the weird thing with the traps skill? Says it cost 5 points on the left side, but right below the buy button it says -345, and it won't let you buy it?


    Thats generally a game bug, and I could be mistaken, but I dont think theres a fix other then deleting the character and starting again. Someone else might have more info.

  13. *Looks at the credits list in the op...*


    Yeh I've no doubts that Jax will credit where credit is due, especially if he knows credit IS due, but geesh, have some tact and pride on how you approach it.


    To be fair, I think part of this is a language barrier situation.

  14. Thanks for adding the direct download.


    Just a question: It uses more ressources than the vanilla game, right? Else something else is wrong on my side.


    Yes, it uses more resources.

  15. Yes, I'm looking over the API, and have updated it to a newer version, and checking to see if I can improve it. I'm not sure why some get throttled and others don't.


    I'm syncing the 7 Day Horde Streamer Edition right now, and the progress indicator is moving during the Refreshing Mods for 7 days. It's a dummy progress meter though, just shows you that its doing something.


    Actually, now i'm getting throttled... was downloading at 80Mbps now I'm capped at like 5-8Mbps.


    I downloaded several versions of Ravenhearst with the launcher fine, then i decided to try Starvation as a test and it throttled me. If I had to guess, maybe it has to do with bandwidth with github within a certain time frame? I can see some people triggering it by downloading the same mod several times if they were having difficulty getting it to work.


    EDIT: I see the progress bar now, not sure how I missed that.


    EDIT3: No longer throttled....

  16. @sphereii Loftus is sorted. Oddly his github connection was throttled. No other connection was. Downloaded the mod manually and copied it over into the launchers location then "Test Mod Sync" got him sorted from there.


    I found something that I think is confusing. When you initially choose the mod you want and click "Install Mod" It creates the location for the files and makes a copy of the vanilla game. You can see it doing stuff with the status bar in the bottom left corner. When that finishes you would assume that your good to go. The problem is, the Mod itself isn't downloaded or installed at that point. For that to happen, you have to click "Play Mod" for a small mod that wouldn't be an issue as it would happen so fast you would hardly notice. For a mod of this size, it just sits there with no indication anything is happening. You can check your Network traffic however and see that its downloading the mod in the background.

  17. Hi I am trying to play 2.05 but the game hangs on "Creating Player" with an error of NullReferenceException from the console.


    Can anyone help?


    Here is what the output.log file repeats over and over:


    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at EntityPlayerLocal.XIQ (Single , Vector3i ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EntityPlayerLocal.isHeadUnderwater (Single shift) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EntityPlayerLocal.isHeadUnderwater () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Entity.checkIsUnderwater () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EntityPlayerLocal.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    (Filename: Line: -1)


    Oh, and trying the seed "Ravenhearst2.05".


    I have no idea if this is the case or not, but maybe the RWG doesn't support "." in the "2.05" Do you still get the error if you don't use "."

  18. So I'm waiting for PingPerfect to install this mod on their servers. the 21 days horde dedicated version, and unfortunately they can't seem to get it up and installed. It's been approximately 24 hours since I set up the initial server stuff. Any suggestions to recommend to them to get it up and going?


    Give them this link to the direct download



    Tell them to copy the contents into the games root folder and overwrite the existing files.


    If they can't figure that out, request a refund and switch hosts.

  19. I am sorry you are having these issues. Perhaps if you provide more information what the issues are we can help. We have helped dozens of other players who could not get the install done properly get into the game and we would love to help you as well.


    The files themselves are fine as there are a large number of players who are not having any issues including our community on our server. We would love a chance to help you and your friends enjoy the mod.


    This may help? I downloaded the files and one of them got corrupted in the Download process. The error was found by 7zip extractor. I Re-downloaded and it was fine. I cant see how this would really be an issue with the mod per say, since compression happens on githubs side. It was one of the unity assets IIRC.


    - - - Updated - - -


    I can play it and its a good mod. ( I've played plenty of mods too so congrats on all the hard work) But my friends cant seem to get the mod to download/install. They are all trying the 7 day horde file. I've got them to delete their folders and try again, point the launcher to a new place and try again nothing seems to work. The mod just wont complete. Either it wont download or it hangs on the clone process. Can you let me know of any strategies they could try to make sure the file downlaods and the clone doesnt hang ? thanks.


    Depends on the server provider. Basically, they have to allow you to modify/add DLL files. Some hosts don't let you do that through FTP. The only one I know of that allows you to modify DLL files is bluefang, though I am 100% sure there are others.


    TLDR; If your host allows you to modify/add DLL files, you can copy the files over yourself.

  20. Hosting Provider requirements :) They want a single zip to download and install.

    It would still be a single zip. The server would just end up with the client dlls as well. Though there's no reason they should cause any issues. At 6MB i would think its hardly an issue to toss them in. Especially once you consider the full size of the mod is 1.23GB.

  21. @Jaxteller


    I noticed you had added the sever DLL files in with the main version. Why maintain the server only version? If you are looking to cut back to amount of git repos you are maintaining, this seems like one you could get rid of without causing any issues? especially considering the size of the server and client dll folders is only like 6MB each.


    Edit: Also, just at a glance, you could do the same for the streamer version. This would remove 2 git repos for you.

  22. Anyone had issues with the Horde Beacons? We placed it and no zombies spawned.


    From the last update

    -Removed Zombie Horde Beacon recipe for Now Due to overuse for XP spamming and possible chunk errors

  23. @Canadus,


    You want the single player version. Also, depending on your view of nudist zombies, there's a streamer version you can download that cleans that up a bit.

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