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Posts posted by Vedamir

  1. @Vedamir-

    Hi. I must of missed your post earlier. Ya I'm a team of one(the loneliest number:neglected:). Your idea sounds great but how to make it work? Were you thinking some kind of buff system to simulate it? Or were you thinking of some C# editing of the core game code to accomplish this? I'd be more than happy to work with others to do something.


    I'm not so familiar with the abilities of in-game buff editing, so for now I can't tell exactly how it can be done)) I have experience in creating such mod for TES4 Oblivion, where I used many things, including their scripting lang for gameplay logic, internal "magic effects" subsys, animations editing for visualisation of this effects and so on.

    If the C# code is injectable already, it will be great. I am something familiar with C# too :) With some googling I'll be able to develop gamepley logic with it.

    Saying about animations - it is the only way to "emulate" limb loss for now(without editing tonnes of default meshes:) ). It is available to scale (by zero:)) corresponding bones of the character skeleton. In this way effect will "apply" to every mesh (clothing, armor etc), used by the character...


    P.S. I think you missed my posts because they was my first ones on this forum, so they were in moderation queue...

  2. @ Spider

    I see you are creator of this mod. Are you developing it alone, or you have a team working on the mod?


    I have an another hardcore idea for 7Days gameplay. I thought about creating my own mod, but now when I saw your mod -- I think, my gameplay system will be more than suitable here:)

    I am talking about limb loosing for players. Just like zombies are already XD But more complex...

    Amputation necessity conditions may be reached by many ways, like corresponding illnesses (chilblain/hard wound -> gangrene; Z-Virus [hi, Hershel:)] etc) or traumatic (explosion damage; huge damage taken in short period of time; multiple reinjuring broken leg and so on)...

    Thus, limb amputation must do massive influence on gameplay. Limiting movement and/or available actions... There must be some helper items(devices), available for craft and so on.

    The amount of work is something huge, I know:)


    Anyway, details later)

    As I wrote, I feel myself able to create such gameplay system on my own. But for now i am interested in working in team, to do things faster and better)) I am more or less experienced in 3D full cycle workflow (modelling, skinning/riging, animating, UV unwrapping/texturing etc) and have also some experience in scripting/programming.

  3. Limb loss


    Hi there!)


    I have some ideas about such gameplay system for players, as loosing limbs. I thought about my own mod of this kind, but now I see your mod, that is something similar (adding more realism/hardcore and so on). So I'd like to cooperate with your team to integrate this system into your mod. What can dev's of this mod answer about it?:)


    The ways how player can loose limb may differ from infection (gangrene, Z-virus, chilblain etc) to traumatic (multiple leg breaking, explosion damage, heavy damage from zombies in short time etc). It may save to player like skills - throuh deaths - or stay for only one life (last variant is more likely as I think for now). I think this will be decided later))

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