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Survivor (3/15)



  1. That's the way it already works. Eating meat&corn kebabs for a long time you will get poor diet. You need fruits & veggies.
  2. The "Learning to Build with Reinforced Concrete" quest seems to be bugged for me. It's not active on my quest list anymore. It was, when I first created my character, but now it's gone. I put a crowbar in my inventory and mined 1000 ConcreteMix. Both of those quests are greyed out (in the completed quest list). However my current skill unlock status under Reinforced Concrete Building is 1/3. Actually now that I'm typing this out, I remember getting a console error when I mined my 1000th ConcreteMix. I didn't think anything about it at the time. EDIT: Also, Veggie Juice isn't giving Stamina when consumed.
  3. I have spent some time today thinking about the different Class choices in the game. I feel like some of them offer a lot more than others. I realize Spider might not want to make any changes to them, but I thought it would be a fun discussion anyways. Here are my thoughts. Would love to hear other peoples' opinions as well. Classes I think are in a good spot: Doctor, Chef, Chemist, Fitness Instructor, Soldier, and Thief all feel like compelling & rewarding class choices. Classes that could use a tweak: Mechanic: At first glance this class doesn't seem very good, but you will save a TON of skill points by auto-unlocking Auger and Chainsaw. Only change I might make here to make it more enticing is to possibly add Nailgun? Park Ranger: To be fair I haven't tried this in A16. I tried it in A15 and the Spears and Javelins felt really lackluster to me. Maybe some of you can chime in here? Maybe it's those weapons that could use a small buff? Fireman: I want to like this class. I think all the perks for it are pretty good, but the class just doesn't feel as attractive as the tier 1 classes I listed above. Either adding +5% movement speed, or possibly increasing +5% stamina to +10% more would make the class more attractive. Electrician: Similar with Fireman. This is actually a really strong class. But it's not Tier 1 in my book. I think it becomes one of the top choices as a 2nd or 3rd class to pick up with Profession pages since it will save you a ton of skillpoints for unlocks. Not sure it really needs any tweaks, but I couldn't put it with the tier 1s. Classes that could use a buff: Carpenter, Iron Worker, Steel Worker, Mason, and Bouncer seem a bit lackluster to me. Ideas: Combine Carpenter & Mason, call it "Builder": Starting Recipes - All Wood Frames, Brick Frames, and Cobblestone Frames Starting Bonus Stats – 10% Faster Crafting, 10% (up from 5%) faster repair time Starting Bonus Gear- Claw Hammer 300q, Brick Hammer 300q Mason (rework): Starting Recipes - All Concrete Frames & Reinforced Concrete Frames Starting Bonus Stats - 5% More Block Damage, 5% Faster Crafting, 5% Faster Repair Time Starting Bonus Gear - Concrete Sledge 300q, Crowbar 300q Combine Iron Worker & Steel Worker, call it "Metal Worker": Starting Recipes – All Scrap Iron Frames & Steel (Forged) Frames Starting Bonus Stats –5% More Block Damage, 10% (up from 5%) Faster Repair Time Starting Bonus Gear- wrench 300q, Welder Tool 300q Bouncer: I like the theme of this class, but everything it can do other classes can do the same or better, and they have other more attractive perks. Maybe change the Starting Gear from Brick Hammer to a Bat or a nice pair of Brass Knuckles, and up the Stamina Drain from a 5% bonus to 10%. Also maybe 5% extra health because they are used to getting in fights? Unknown: Cop - This class could fit in Tier 1 or Tier 2 depending on how good the Nightstick is. I've never used it. Anyways, these are just ideas. The game is just fine how it is, we don't NEED a class re-balance. But I thought it would be fun to have a discussion
  4. I'm level 65 so I've also put in a lot of hours. And I assure you, it's a bug that occurs randomly. The last time it happened I had been in my base for hours crafting. I wasn't treating any bite wounds or gashes or anything. My only buff was "Healthy Diet." I opened (or closed?) my main "raw materials" container and boom, Severe Wound+Gash. It's fine though, since I can't give instructions on how to reproduce it, I anticipate Spider would have a very difficult time tracking down the problem. Hell, it might even be a problem with the base code (non-mod related). Yeah in past versions I've taken Thief. My understanding is that right now the stealth/detection system is broken (in vanilla, thus also in TS) so I'm not really sure how that is interacting with Zs in TS. Anyways, I've done Thief enough that I'm looking to branch out Yeah it can be difficult. I find it best to eat MREs until I get to Healthy Diet, and then eat regular foods that increase wellness. Once I drop from Healthy to Balanced Diet, I'll eat another MRE or two to get back to Healthy.
  5. How was the damage on it compared to spiked club?
  6. Hmm, now I can't decide which 2 classes I want to pick after the wipe (have 20 profession pages waiting)... what is everyone else thinking? I usually go Fitness Instructor for the run/walk speed, but if you maintain a Healthy Diet, you already run so fast anyways that I'm considering other classes... Has anyone else tried out the Cop's Nightstick? Is the damage any good or is it just good for breaking legs? Soldier's static bonuses seem really good (15% dismemberment chance, 10% faster reload). Does this stack with Cop's 10% dismemberment chance? Can Steel weapons break the Ammo Crates? Or must you get the Lockpick tool from Thief to open them? What does "Doctor Book" do? Chemist gets Oil Shale which could be nice for making Gas to power generators..
  7. Aye, the opening/closing container & get severe wound + gash is definitely a real bug. But I can't tell you how to reproduce it so I have a feeling it'll be really tough to track down. It's happened to me twice, both times in my base, I had no negative conditions or buffs. Open/close a container and then my character makes a sharp sound as if he were heavily injured, and boom, severe wound+gash. I'll cook up a bunch of grain alcohol and give it to anyone this happens to, just let me know!
  8. This has happened to me twice. Both times when opening or closing a container in my base. I think Father said it happened to him too. It must be some sort of bug. I don't think anyone is doing it intentionally to you As far as login issues, maybe the server is being updated?
  9. You obviously either can't read, or you don't understand basic mechanics of this mod. I am not talking about Spiked Club skill, which is a crafting skill. I am talking about Blunt Weapons skill, which applies to all blunt weapons, including the Wooden Club you can craft at level 1. I'll save future replies on this topic for people who have enough basic mod knowledge to weigh in on the issue. Oh, and it was ME who raided your firestation base.
  10. Hey Spider, I'm not sure if you have the ability to identify a specific player and ban them, but the base in the power station at 75n/245w is obviously hacking. I dumped it all on the ground and destroyed all the workstations. (I'm Clay in game) Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/fyEtI
  11. I disagree. I'm all for the grind & difficulty. That's why I play this mod. But everything must be balanced (and most things are balanced quite well). I'm not asking for it to be changed for me. There are lots of other people who play the mod, and I post feedback here to help improve it for everyone. Now if you have something constructive to add?
  12. Just a bit of feedback on Melee skill progression speed. I'm level 61 with 850+ zombie kills. 90%+ of them have been killed with my Spiked Club. My skill in Blunt Weapons is only 15, and 1-5 were grinded by hitting buildings to gain skill. I'd expect it to be 25-40 ish by now. I think the speed could use a little bump
  13. Once you finish the wood quest you can make them on the workbench with Logs
  14. Scrap Iron hatches (and possibly doors) cannot be locked or pin coded.
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