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  1. Thanks for the help. Also, does anyone know if any of the backpad mods work with this? I tried one and it broke the game. Had to reinstall the mod.
  2. Hi Everyone, So I've been using the War of The Walkers mod for a bit now, I'm on Day 15 of a random gen world but I can't figure out how to do wheat farming? I have already maxed out the farming skill but I can't seem to plant wheat at all? I also can't seem to use wheat in any recipes? Any ideas anyone?
  3. This looks like an awesome mod. I've played 213 hours now, mostly in vanilla SP and it's getting a bit boring now, although co-op will always be amazing. I've tried Valmod but this looks even better! Going to download it and start a new random gen world. Keep up the fantastic work!
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