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About naive1000

  • Birthday October 27

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  1. I was hoping for a fix on the save game problems. Until I see they've fixed that I've stopped playing 7dtd.
  2. This is more of a bug than I thought. I noticed that an EOS entry was in the player.xml file and not from the original. Seems that there was an update in version. Now, since I've updated the game, my original game is doing the same thing. Something about the update has a bug that's making the player data think it's a new game and it's lose all player data. Edit: Found the bug in the list of know bugs. Game was created offline. Sorry for the post. Didn't see it in the list when I searched it the first time.
  3. I've been playing SP on a Linux box and I've just moved to a new computer. I've copied the save data as per earlier versions from "${HOME}/.local/share/7DaysToDie/" to the new computer. Problem is, the map is correct but the day, character experience, and books read are all gone and it starts me like I'm in a new game except for time of day (starting quest begins again). Also, all the structures I've created and boxes act like I'm trying to open something owned by another player. Can't tell what's going wrong. Any help would be appreciated. LOG: https://pastebin.com/ztZW2EGV
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