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Posts posted by floorman

  1. Sorry for the trouble. It could actually be downloading and updating correctly, but the version number comparison may not be working very well. I'm looking at improving that process today and tomorrow.


    - - - Updated - - -




    It seems to be struggling at downloading the database. The mods and modlets are stored in a database the mod launcher downloads. It seems as if something is blocking the downloads. Do you have any firewall or anti-virus that may be blocking it?


    Would you mind giving a translation of the following error?


    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Primary Download Site failed: System.Net.WebException: Ausnahmefehler wنhrend einer WebClient-Anforderung. ---> System.IO.IOException: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "C:\Users\Taurec\AppData\Roaming\7D2DModLauncher\ModLauncher\ModLauncher.sqlite" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.


    I'm pretty sure they are not downloading. When I open the mod folder only the ones that show in the modlauncher are there. Is there something I should screen shot for you the see? If so you'll have to walk me through it I'm pretty ignorant on how all this stuff works. Once again all was fine till the modlauncher update.


    Thanks for the help

  2. Khaine I think I found a bug with the survival torches. When holding them they work just fine. But when I place them on the wall they don't give off any light. When I remove them from the wall they turn into regular torches and work as intended.


    Great mod btw. Appreciate all the modders keeping 7dtd fun.

  3. True gpc. Guys if you really need the time go survivor class and build a radio. it is suppose to give you the time.


    if it's really bothering you just go to the console type in Dm for creative mode. Hit the escape key and the time of day is on the right.


    Please stop bugging the modders with these little annoyances . I for one don't want them to get pissed off and stop making mods because people can't appreciate all they do for free.

  4. A player on my server ran into this same problem. The "Kevlar Armor" and the "Iron Armor" have the same issue.


    in the progression.xml file, It looks like they both have a skill_point_cost_multiplier of 0.2 and 0.1667 which is causing them to have a sub 1pt cost at some difficulties making their cost NA and a message stating that the skill is not purchasable.


    The solution looks to be to change this multiplier to "0" to give it the point cost back and allow it to be purchased. Should be an easy fix.


    Thanks Dracos. I'll give it a shot. Fingers crossed haven't tried to edit an xml yet. About time I started :)

  5. Question about the protection class. I am at lvl 100 , armor crafting at lvl 9 I still can't make kevlar armor. It is greyed out in the station.

    I'm pretty sure I have met all the requirements.

    Any guidance would be appreciated.

  6. Hey guys, just started whole new world with latest BBM version and when opening up quests and clicking on the Marksman quest I get a massive scrolling NULL REF error. Only way to stop is to force shutdown and restart game. Any ideas?


    I got the same thing. Only with the marksman quest. I tested all the others out no problem with them.

  7. I keep getting the "Augment Is Out Of Range" error when going near building? Is this the mods doing or is anyone else getting this?


    I get that also. I'm not sure if it's the buildings or the new Zed's.

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